New Super Moon 01 degrees and 32 minutes in Capricorn, 23.12.2022, 8:16pm AEST
Welcome precious readers. I value, honour and celebrate you. I hope that you can see yourself, as you truly are a light emanating out from the heart.
Happy Birthday Capricorn. May your day be spent doing what feels easy and what you love.
Ladies and gents, we have a New Super Moon in Capricorn. Super Moons are bigger, brighter and more luminous than other Moons, as they are positioned much closer to the Earth. How could this be interpreted? My interpretation is that they feel to the earth, so that we can simply take notice and be more aware of the closeness of the Moon. We are moving into powerful transformational times.
The more that we use the cosmos to aid our own connection and spiritual growth, the more we grow as authentic spiritual beings connected to our true nature. We have free will, to ask for help and to take action. We need to ask for help when we feel that we need it. The spiritual beings cannot interfere although they are there eagerly awaiting to assist us at any given notice, no matter what it is that we are feeling or experiencing. To interfere is against spiritual laws.
You may choose to be that individual that takes the action. As it may serve you to know that the spiritual planetary bodies shine their light equally on each individual. However, it depends on each person just how much they allow themselves to open to all the help that is available. All the cosmos is filled with is LOVE, unconditional love that has no urgency or judgment.
If we know that we have fears or blockages, we can ask the spiritual bodies to remove them. We can use our breath to move the fear or blockage. They are removed instantly like magic when they are genuinely surrendered.
Any New Moon signifies a letting go of the old patterns and stuck energy. Then, this allows a planting of new intentions and ideas that serve our ‘highest good’ creating new patterns in their place. This is a powerful time. New intentions can be written on a piece of paper and planted into the ground whilst surrendering to a higher power.
At a Super Moon the above process of intention is intensified. This time we are working with the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is structured, controlled, hardworking, committed, disciplined, success driven, and setting boundaries oriented. The shadow is that it can also be fearful, limited, rigid, too controlling and dictatorial due to being cut-off from all feeling. This can occur, if the strong Capricorn suffered Cancer (Moon) fear through trauma, in early childhood.
The unlocking of emotions transpires only when one is ready to feel them and not before. The cosmos strives for our growth not our demise. That is why any emotional trigger or activation truly means a celebration, as we are ready to feel and release whatever we are experiencing.
The element of Capricorn is earth, which can greatly assist one’s suppression of emotion. The feeling of enjoying things to be structured and organised in a concrete manner. We can self-enquire and ask; if we are cut-off from our emotions?
The invitation is to ground ourselves in a healthy manner talking to nature and building something that we love, step by step. Capricorn is ruled by planet Saturn and this planet rules Timing and Karma. Saturn loves to work hard doing things with love. This can be challenging when an individual feels that they are cut-off from feeling.
Then, one can experience sore shoulders if they are taking on too much responsibility. Or dry skin when feeling burdened by restriction and limitation of life. The sign of Capricorn and Saturn rule our bones and teeth. See if you have any issues with these areas of the body and possibly examine where you may be restricting yourself or others. Knee pain usually signifies fear of the 3D structure.
This could be karmic and needing to be addressed, if memories of past incarnations come forward in the mind. We will receive an answer, of how to heal this memory, if we ask ourselves. This is another opportunity to call on higher powers to assist.
Also, the suggestion is to do something practical that we enjoy. It’s a good time to tune into Mother Nature being outside in the fresh air walking in nature, listening to the sounds, being with trees, flowers and the animals. The Earth is always transmitting messages to any individual that is willing to listen to its calling.
Capricorn quality is cardinal and this means that it needs to take initiative to create what it loves. It needs to take action, in order to move forward up the ladder of growth and evolution.
Those people that have the four Cardinal signs of Capricorn/Cancer or Aries/Libra, anywhere from 0 to 4 degrees in their birth chart will be affected by this Super New Moon in Capricorn, more than others.
This Super New Moon in Capricorn is squaring, meaning hard aspecting very closely by degree of Jupiter in the sign of Aries. Jupiter craves expansion and Aries new beginnings that create excitement within. Take a brave pill and action in your intentions assertively with love following a cause that you truly believe. That is the highest expression at this New Moon.
If you can please print your birth chart and physically place this Super New Moon in Capricorn, then it could assist you to see if it aspects any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and M.C. or I.C. in your chart and/or if it makes any significant aspects.
As always, it is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign (Capricorn) and the degrees (01) of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts, checking which house this is in and what this may mean for each person I hope that this serves you.
Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit my website: if you know someone that would like to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings, please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it. I also teach astrology to intimate groups of people so that they can learn about the signs and their meanings of the whole birth chart.
I am available for one-on-one astrology readings and other services available on my website.
Travel well.
I love you dearly.