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Writer's pictureZiva Zavadil

Solar Eclipse New Moon ARIES April 2023

Solar Eclipse New Moon 29 degrees, 49 minutes in Aries, 20.4.2023, 2:12pm AEST

Welcome precious readers. Thank you for your subscription. I value it very much.

Happy Birthday Taurus. May your day be filled with so much self-nurturing that your senses calm and settle upon allowing to effortlessly receive sensual love.

Ladies and Gents, we have a New Moon in Aries that is a Solar Eclipse. At a Solar Eclipse the Moon blocks the Sun light, as it passes between the Earth and Sun. Sometimes this happens partially, and other times it occurs fully. This time it is transpiring fully, as we have a Total Solar Eclipse. My personal reasoning for understanding this Solar Eclipse is to create a new way of ‘being’ for ourselves, as we connect deeply within our mind and body, through feeling a more potent and lasting Moon Cycle into the months ahead.

Eclipses last up to 6 months.

Most likely due to the fact that Eclipses conjunct the Nodes (North and South). The Nodes in our birth chart look like headphones, upside down for South and right side up for North. The Nodes play a significant role in our evolutionary growth both personally and globally. This Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries is conjunct the North Node in the next sign of Taurus. The sign of Taurus always sits opposite the sign of Scorpio. This time it is within the Nodal Axis.

Simply, this Solar Eclipse is asking for peace, LOVE and stability. First needing to validate and invite the opposite Scorpio and feel into the deep areas of the subconscious to release fear by facing the hidden buried thoughts that can be painful to feel.This tends to not be easy. The Scorpio can be so extremely abused that consequently one needs to keep it a big and deep secret not just from others but from themselves. Simply, to protect one-self from self-destruction.

This protection is there until each individual is ready to acknowledge and heal the deeply felt trauma. This occurs one-by-one, as is the only way that it possibly can happen for each person at the exact time that they know is right for them. The desire to spring into action and contact an experienced psychologist or a healer may help one to face the healing process gently and completely.

The sign of Taurus will have unconscious Scorpio within to differing degrees. The Taurus can behave so calmly in everyday life and at the same time ignite extreme emotion and inappropriate behaviour in others. Making others look like the guilty counterparts. The Taurus usually remains calm, which helps them look innocent. Unconscious Taurus can go to extreme lengths and learn the art of playing with the darkness in the most profound way of hiding their secrets that is often abusive behaviour towards family or friends that occurs in private away from public scrutiny.

This often includes underhand behaviour. The victims of crime may be completely oblivious to the underhand behaviour and may not even recognise that they are being abused. In the extreme situations we may be completely conditioned to trust abuse and view it as love. Also, we may be unable to separate the self from the reality of what is happening to oneself enough to recognise the truth of the feelings of fear within the mind and body. This is a protective method of survival.

Reality can be cruel and powerful to have to face especially when experienced at the hand of our most trusted relationships. This Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries could be that final step of letting go of the Aries and Scorpio violence and abuse. Ways of healing this trauma may be to write down what has happened and hand it to a trusted friend.

Then enabling one to seek a professional healer, preferably one that has experienced and healed those similar situations and may help to peel the painful trauma away layer by layer, gently and compassionately allowing time to heal and enable self- love to be felt for oneself.

We could vow to never allow anything that does not feel healthy and good for our body, mind and spirit, to harm us ever again. These are not easy steps. First, we need to see the truth of our experience. Any individual needs to be ready to see the deep truth that we have possibly denied and deeply suppressed.

At this New Moon, we have the Sun and Moon in the last degree (29) of Aries. It is usually, more potent when we have the New Moon in the last degree of the zodiac. We could interpret this as being ready to finalise the Aries energy, as mentioned above on the whole in a healthy manner. Last month we started the Aries New Moon at 0 degrees. These feel to me to be very significant times that assist our potential for complete transformation. The planets are supporting the profound changes that we can call for now. The planets are always there in support of us, as we are always grateful to them. It is becoming more profound, as the collective is connecting with the astrological planets and asteroids at these cosmically chosen times.

Now, a month later we usually experience the New Moon in the following zodiac sign of Taurus that comes after Aries. The Sun transitions in to the zodiacal sign of Taurus the following day after this New Moon (29) Aries. We could possibly ask ourselves: Where do we need to fire action in a fast manner that excites our soul?

You see the sign of Aries can be impatient due to a very instinctive stereotypical impulsive action taking. Whereas the sign of Taurus loves being patient.

Possibly due to the second New Moon in Aries, we as a collective need more fire to get things done. Further, finalise and consciously let-go of the Aries aggression and frustration. The sign of Aries is a wonderful energy for feeling alive, as well as energised action taking.

Aries element is fire and the ruling planet is Mars. This Planet is known for its red colour and that it aligns with war. We could choose to kill anything that resides within ourselves that no longer serves our highest good. As a result, we are likely to feel good. Consequently, feeling the change of planet Mars of initiative, aliveness, vigour, confidence and assertiveness in a loving manner.

When we do not move Aries energy healthily out of our bodies, we could feel frustrated, experience headaches or migraines due to the possible suppression of our fire. Fire cannot sustain being contained. We could also experience injuries to the head or an angry outburst of any kind. Aries needs to be expressed through vigorous exercise and sweating. We calm the fire within when we allow it to shift healthily. A punching bag with some gloves can work wonders or exercise that does not harm the self or any other person.

The sign of Aries loves to start new things. It may have a non-existent finish. A wounded Aries could just go onto the next new venture that excites the person therefore, never finishing what it has started. We need to treat this wounded Aries with kindness, patience and LOVE.

This way we may cultivate the healthiest version of the sign of Aries. We could globally be signifying at this New Moon in Aries that we are reflecting on what we have achieved at the previous New Moon in Aries, which occurred last month. Say thank you, as this has most likely prepared us for the work ahead. Then make solid and lasting plans due to the profound affect of the Solar Eclipse.

Now we could be ready to plant new seeds of Aries intention.

Considering the Aries energy. What makes you feel energetically alive, that motivates you towards taking healthy action?

Aries is a Cardinal sign. Cardinal energies truly respond well when they trigger the next phase of motion. They love feeling energised and alive and they do so, when they act on their impulses in response to all life situations.

Aries rules the head. Migraines are an Aries theme, as well as all types of infections. Anything that is red and sore situated in the body and head.

The invitation is to print a copy of your natal chart and physically position where this Solar Eclipse New Moon 29 in Aries is placed, and in which house it occurs, as this will help you see what area of life Aries activates for you. Also, this may assist you to see if it sits on any points or angles. Especially, the Ascendant or Descendant. Equally, the M.C. or the I.C. in your birth chart or if it makes any significant aspects to existing natal planets.

The individuals that have 26 degrees to 29 degrees in the sign of Aries. Or in the cardinal signs of either Libra, Capricorn/Cancer in their birth charts will feel this New Moon’s energy more than other people.

This will also affect the following sign in the next zodiac sequence, the sign of Taurus. This will be in the early degrees of Taurus from 0 to 4 degrees.

Thank you for reading these Moon Musings and please remember that Love is the highest vibration of all. When the body feels uneasy focus on pouring love light into the body through the crown chakra and be delighted with how much love you will feel for yourself and others.

If any of you feel called to have a personal astrology reading with me then please visit my website: or if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings feel free to forward my contact on to them.

I have all of you in my little pocket of my heart, hoping that you all remain well and happy…focusing on gratitude for all that nature provides in support of our wellbeing.

Travel well.



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