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Writer's pictureZiva Zavadil

New Super Moon in Pisces 2023

New Super Moon 1 degree and 21 minutes in Pisces, 20.2.2023, 5:05 pm, AEST

Welcome dear readers. I thank you for reading these articles, I appreciate it very much. I hope you are well. I care about each and every one of you. Just a reminder that I write these articles from my experience. I hope they serve you.

Happy Birthday Pisces. May your day be filled with wonder and joy doing what you love.

Ladies and gents, we have a New Super Moon in Pisces. At any New Moon, the Sun and Moon create what is called in astrology an exact conjunction. What this means is that these two planetary bodies reside in the same zodiacal sign, as well as having the same number of degrees and minutes. It is this exact closeness that gives the power to the Sun and Moon at a New Moon. Astrologically speaking, any New Moon creates the tightest bond possible, to use the blended power to release what is no longer needed and the opportunity to set new intentions.

These objectives are closely related to where 1 degree of Pisces resides in your natal chart. The meaning of a Super Moon is that these energies are intensified. Simply, at the time of the Super Moon, the Sun and Moon orbit closer to the Earth. This happens for a cosmic reason, to assist awakening of the individuals that have decided to wake-up at this time. We have the New Super Moon in Pisces. What could this mean?

At the highest level the Pisces connects to the frequencies of The God/Goddess. It is pure Love and Light.

Pisces is the most sensitive sign of the zodiac. It is designed this way, intentionally. The Pisces can read others frequencies quite easily allowing them to see truth. The only time the Pisces cannot truly read an energy is when the Pisces is deluded by the dishonesty of the attacker. It takes courage to know that you can see right through the person and then to call them out for their dishonesty. This may be more powerful when performed soul to soul, it need not be done practically with the person. It’s important to know that at any time bliss is available when one chooses to focus and remain in this place of divine love. Love truly heals all, no matter what. Love transmutes all darkness in an instant. We just need to see it. I guess that remains the challenge for the Pisces.

As at the lower level the Pisces can be on the receiving end of psychic attacks and not even know about it. The lower-level Pisces may not be able to engage in the practicalities of life. The Pisces may need to live in delusion and illusion, in order to protect the self from pain until it is ready to see the situation clearly from a higher perspective with LOVE for ALL. Seeing through the illusion with compassion and LOVE seems to surpass any requirement for forgiveness. Just simply saying, ‘I see you and I am love’ can be enough, as it cuts through the lies that we tell ourselves. Repeating that above statement over and over can become the Pisces saving grace mantra. As that effortlessly can raise the frequency of oneself.

The Pisces needs to keep it simple, as any over-complication may confuse the highly sensitive energy.

At any time, the Pisces can use movies, as a practical and useful tool to assist one to feel alive that cannot come through the body to be expressed with feeling in daily living. The movies can assist the Pisces to connect deeply with the movie that is being watched, possibly releasing tension through tears and laughter. Through movies the Pisces can feel alive, as if truly taking part in that movie as if it’s real life. The movies can be lifesaving for a deeply wounded Pisces having the joyous opportunity of living through and merging with others living life on the screen.

This Pisces requires for the movies to bring forth an emotional response within the body to feel good afterwards. This practice makes the Pisces happy. It feels like such a gift to be able to live through the screen and feel good when that is not available in real life. That is a healthy escape to the movies when it uplifts the soul.

At this New Moon, we have planet Saturn conjunct the Moon and Sun. Saturn can aid the Pisces a person with a sense of grounding and stability through providing the practical connection of concrete structure. Saturn rules anything hard that we see around ourselves such as difficult as boundaries. Planet Saturn can be a wonderful assistance to our creating structure and grounding when one may have felt out of control and fearful.

Just to be aware that we may mistake this 3D structure to be the true reality and discount the Pisces knowing of what is truly real. We need to finely tune our antennas to sense the higher frequencies of Pisces. Be discerning how much light one can allow at any given time, as on the physical level too much of luminous light administered too soon, could be harmful in the way that the person can physically feel, as if energetically burned.

The sign of Pisces is ruled by Neptune. Planet Neptune rules the oceans. Interestingly, when the Pisces opens to an emotional trigger, it can feel so overwhelmed that it may not feel that it can survive the emotion. The more that the Pisces can surrender the emotion and take rest, the better that it is likely to feel. Then one can step into that much sought-after clarity that comes through effortlessly and energises the physical body and being.

The warning signs that life is getting out of control for the Pisces are gambling, over-consumption of alcohol, smoking cigarettes, taking drugs of any kind, feelings of self-doubt, mental and emotional suffering and thoughts of suicide. In regards to anything: We could ask ourselves: What possible fear, do I need to feel if I cannot have that cigarette or what ever it is that I am wanting to stop feeling or avoid thinking about? I did this with my biggest addiction of all, smoking. We need to be ready to feel the pain that is underneath the addiction. Take a deep look into what emotions we are experiencing possibly related to our emotional patterns and attachments arising from earlier in our lives and past lives.

The sign of Pisces rules the feet. We could visually look at our feet and notice, if we see any neglect or issues with our feet, like fungus or bent or discoloured toenails? Then ask what is the cause of this? Where do these issues come from? Our feet will show us the level of disconnection or connection that we have to God or Source Energy and Ourselves. Once we realise what is happening, we can change our way of life in small increments being gentle and kind to oneself. A relaxing way of doing this may be by dipping the feet into water with your choice of aromatherapy oils.

Also, we can further ask: Do I feel grounded and anchored on Mother Earth through my feet? If not, then, what practice could best assist me? Would it feel good to have my feet on the soft grass or in the sand with the waves rolling over my feet.

Before asking these questions, the suggestion is to use your breath to raise your frequency. You may feel giddy doing so at first. This strengthens our relationship to our own faith connecting to the Highest Truth available to us ALL.

Pisces is a mutable sign. What this means is that it can easily adapt to any situation. This is great! Just be mindful about adapting dysfunctionally, as Pisces can be impressionable when not seeing through false illusion. Use the above connection to SOURCE energy, to ascertain truth from dishonesty however this appears and feels for you.

Those individuals that have the four mutable signs of Pisces/Virgo, Gemini/Sagittarius, ranging from 0 to 4 degrees in their natal charts will feel this New Moon in Pisces more so than others. Also, those individuals that have the late degree of the previous sign to Pisces, which is Aquarius (28 or 29). Will feel this New Supper Moon in Pisces more so than others.

Again, I invite you all to print your birth chart and physically mark into the house where this New Moon in Pisces sits for you, as this way it will enable you to see the area of life that it is being affected personally, for you.

Additionally, you can see if it is making any aspects to any planets, points or angles in your chart especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven in your birth chart.

Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. If any of you feel called to learn more about astrology or to have a face to face or an online astrology reading with me then please book through my website:

It is an honour to serve you.

Additionally, if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings, then please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it. Thank you.

Travel well precious Souls.

Love Always


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