New Super Moon 1 degree, 32 minutes in Aquarius, 22.01.2023, 6:53 am AEST
Welcome precious readers, I value your subscription. Also, a warm hello to new subscribers that have decided to join to read these writings that are hopefully developing a higher consciousness for us all. Thank you. I hope you’re well. I honour and love you.
Happy Birthday Aquarius. May you do something zany, weird and wonderful on your special day that makes your heart sing with joy and love.
Ladies and gents, we have New Super Moon in Aquarius. Any New Moon the Sun and Moon join forces forming an exact conjunction. What this means is that these two cosmic bodies share the same zodiacal sign and the same number of degrees and minutes. They do so in order for people who wish to prepare new goals to plant seeds to manifest their intentions. This time we have them both in the sign of Aquarius. What could this mean?
Firstly, this New Moon energy will most likely be throwing a big punch of expansive light. For two reasons; being a Super Moon, meaning that it is positioned closely to the Earth. Doing so to magnify the power of Aquarius. The sign of Aquarius is the thinker that dares to go outside the limited dots and bring forth a brand new usually ingenious project that can shock others to their core. The Aquarius is an inventor that is concerned about other individuals and their future.
The Aquarius puts humanity first and loves learning and interacting with friends and other like-minded individuals. Also, the Aquarius needs space and freedom to enable becoming their own unique individuals. The Aquarius does this in the most unconventional manner. Aquarius needs to pull away from the group before he can master his plan to enlighten the collective energising the whole world from that highly vibrational standpoint.
This is the most exciting forward-thinking New Moon of the year! The term ‘forward thinker’ describes the sign of Aquarius beautifully. To add to this excitement at this New Super Moon is planet Pluto residing in 28 degrees of Capricorn. Don’t be fooled by Pluto being in the sign of Capricorn. This is still a very close conjunction to this New Moon that is sitting at 1 degree Aquarius. There is only 3 degrees difference between Pluto and this New Moon.
Pluto is a powerful planet. Guiding us all to take a deep responsibility for self and set boundaries that feel good. Planet Pluto is likely to take Aquarius into a deeper and steadier realm of reality. Less chaotic and powerfully transformative helping ground the over active electrical energy of Aquarius.
The sign of Aquarius rules our electrical wiring therefore, our nervous system, and our mental health. The Aquarius energy, if it’s been rejected as a child, may feel as an adult, that one may not be able to handle any separation from their loved ones. Any kind of separation may feel like their body will short circuit.
Or this can manifest as Aquarius separates itself too much from others. Therefore, feeling separated when underneath needing support from others. They may feel rejected when they reach out to friends. That action may stop the already separated Aquarius to further separate from self. This Aquarius may choose to surrender to a higher power, in order to stop any further separation.
Aquarius is a mind sign that is also fixed. Therefore, it can be stubborn to change. Planet Uranus rules Aquarius. The Aquarius may require a sudden shock from Uranus first before it can move forward up the evolutionary scale. It may resist movement until it is shocked into change. You may be pleased to know that the soul wins over the personality every time.
We have entered the Aquarius Age that is filled with this ‘group consciousness’ mindset. When Pluto moves into the sign of Aquarius on the 23rd of March this year; wonderful, innovative and deeply transformational creations in technology are likely to occur.
Also, planet Pluto moving into the sign of Aquarius is likely to deepen the feelings of the unfocussed mind of sometimes feeling one’s thoughts are scattered by Uranus electrical energy. This may allow the slow smouldering, transformation of thoughts whilst extracting deep truth. This may aid the sign of Aquarius to profoundly change one’s trajectory on its evolutionary journey whilst in this human body. This looks to me to be an exciting time of feel-good changes.
We can also rejoice in the fact that planet Uranus is in the sign of Taurus that rules our values, nature and our senses among other things. We can use Mother Nature to heal deeply and quickly. When hugging a large old tree our nervous electrical system is likely to settle, if we give it enough time. Just keep hugging those trees and surrendering what no longer serves you to the Earth. Be willing to change. The more time that we spend outdoors the more centred and grounded we can feel. This way we can then do our brilliant work of Aquarius creativity and manifestation with a clear mind.
The individuals that have the fixed signs of Aquarius/Leo and Taurus/Scorpio in their birth charts ranging anywhere from 0 to 4 degrees in their natal chart will feel this New Moon in Aquarius more than others.
As well as the individuals that have the sign of Aquarius at 28 or 29 degrees of Capricorn which is the previous sign to the sign of Aquarius will feel this New Super Moon in Aquarius more deeply, at this time.
Remember when we plant new intentions at a Super Moon it lasts much longer and feels more powerful. We will transform what we are ready to change on a fundamental level. It’s time to rejoice and celebrate this New Moon and its activation. It is impossible to feel what we are not ready to transform. No matter what it is. Enjoy your true feelings and embrace all change that occurs and love yourself deeply for manifesting the new.
Feel free to print your birth charts and physically place this New Super Moon, into the house in which Aquarius and late degrees of Capricorn resides in. This may then assist you to see if the New Moon sits on any points or angles in your chart.
This could be the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven (M.C.) or Lower Heaven (I.C.) in your birth chart and/or if it makes any significant aspects. We can miss things when we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.
I hope that this serves you.
Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. We need to learn to feed ourselves this precious love juice, then that vibration pulsing out from our whole body will ripple out to others.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit my website: www.transformational-astrology.comif you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musing’s please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.
Also, I am available for one-on-one astrology readings, either through FaceTime or face-to-face. I am also available for other services displayed on my website. I look forward to hearing from you.
Travel well.
Love & Blessings