New Moon 21 degrees, 58 minutes in Virgo, 15.09.2023, 11:39am AEST
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Happy Birthday Virgo. May your day be practical doing what you love driven by service to self that can create bliss. It’s a wonderful time to call on Mother Theresa for practical suggestions on your individual loving and gentle progress
Ladies and gents, we have a New Moon in the sign of Virgo. At any New Moon the Sun and Moon overlap due to their exact conjunction. This time we have the Moon and Sun in the sign of Virgo. It is time to plant new intentions in the area of life signified by the house in your natal chart where you have 21 degrees, 58 minutes of Virgo.
The Virgo sign represents grounding, methodical order and attention to detail. Also, Virgo rules our holistic health meaning it thrives on and strives to balance with the opposite sign of Pisces and itself.
Planet Mercury co-rules the sign of Virgo as well as planet Chiron. Mercury rules our mind and Virgo loves to analyse our thoughts, in order to determine fact from fiction. Great guidance is if our thoughts make us feel good, then we are living in truth. Fiction tends to show itself as pain. That is the healthy sign of Virgo by one discerning well. Planet Chiron rules our holistic health and the ability to heal. Virgo loves being in service similar to Mother Theresa. It’s the self-less giving that deeply fulfills us through being useful to others, as well as ourselves.
Also, the sign of Virgo loves being efficient especially when cleaning and creating order. The sign of Virgo will and can let go of external judgments when it is willing to take a look at how it judges self. Everything in life comes back to self. To be willing to see the impurities within the Virgo that is seen externally out in the world or in others. The balance is always within.
The sign of Virgo governs the element of earth. Too much earth can make us feel sluggish. Possible remedy may be spending time barefoot in nature and be willing to feel (Pisces).
Too little earth may feel ungrounded, unsupported by life, and needs to create stability that it loves and trusts. This way the Virgo can build a solid healthy routine, which the Virgo loves and also thrives on.
Remember what feels good will be serving our highest good. It is a perfect time at this New Moon to possibly re-evaluate what doesn’t serve our highest good. Write down our thoughts in Virgo lists.
Planet Neptune in the sign of Pisces is opposing, meaning that it is sitting directly opposite this New Moon in Virgo. What could this mean?
We may notice our body (Virgo) become tired or sluggish (Pisces). We could ask: What truth are we hiding from others or ourselves? Our body (Virgo) responds immediately at the slightest point of non-alignment. If we’re discerning (Virgo) enough and sensitive (Pisces) to our bodily cues, then we can come back to alignment through our self-awareness.
This depends on our level of consciousness. We may waft into illusionary fog and pain, if we are unable to see ourselves or others without judgment.
When we have a strong Pisces, we can live in fantasy, most likely until we are ready to embrace the truth of our life.
The sign of Virgo can over-analyse and unconsciously create digestive issues. We can discern how our ‘tummy’ feels in response to the thoughts we feed it. This New Moon is part of a Grand Trine, which is an easy aspect to planet Pluto and Uranus. So we may be able to release unhealthy thoughts more easily than when there are hard aspects. also, allow Mother Nature to heal, Uranus in Taurus.
Also, the sign of Virgo is mutable so what that usually means is that it loves to change, in order to remain healthy and happy. Healthy thoughts create wellness.
Those individuals that have the four mutable qualities of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, and Sagittarius, ranging from 18 to 25 degrees in their birth charts will feel this New Moon in Virgo more so than others.
I invite you to print your birth chart and physically place where 21 degrees of Virgo is placed for you. This will show you the area in the house in your birth chart that this New Moon is activating for you. Additionally, you can see if it is making any aspects to any planets, points or angles in your chart especially the Ascendant or the Descendant and the M.C. or I.C. in your birth chart.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. If any of you feel called to have a face to face or online astrology readings with me, then please book through my website: Also, if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings, then please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.
It is always an honour and a privilege to serve you.
Thank you.