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Writer's pictureZiva Zavadil

New Moon in Taurus, May 2023

New Moon 28 degrees, 25 minutes in Taurus, 20.5.2023, 1:53am AEST

Welcome precious readers. I value you very much. I hope you enjoy these writings. Please know that I am here for any loving feedback that you may have, in order for me to improve this service. I hope that you are well and happy.

Happy Birthday Taurus. May your day be sensual and loving doing what makes you happy.

Ladies and Gents, we have a New Moon in the sign of Taurus. At any New Moon the Sun and Moon share what is called in astrology an exact conjunction. What this means is that these two cosmic bodies share the same number of degrees and minutes and also reside in the same zodiacal sign. This super close conjunction serves as an important planetary service. To first let go of what is no longer needed for our evolutionary growth just before the New Moon. Then on the New Moon plant new seeds of intention onto the cleanest slate, possible.

This time the Sun and Moon reside in the sign of Taurus. What could this mean? Taurus is calm, grounded and slow. Wherever, we have Taurus in our chart, our soul will be asking ourselves to slow down. For those individuals that like to move their body fast, it may be time to slow down to be able to literally stop and smell the roses. As during the silence and stillness, we may access what we love doing whilst using our senses to do so. This could be very difficult to achieve at first. However, we can choose to use our determination to finish what we began, as accessing this could lead to uncovering our LOVE. Finding what we love doing will serve us and it will be for our highest good. The sign of Taurus rules our physical senses and our sense of touch.

The sign of Taurus also rules our values. Some individuals may not even know what our values are, as we may have an under-developed self-worth that sadly, could not grow into developing our own values, as they possibly were shut down over and over whilst being a small child. This continuous shutdown of our voice could lead to serious issues later in life. Hugging a large tree in Mother Nature is one remedy to heal this Taurus wound. Not to under-estimate the power of nature.

Planet Venus rules the sign of Taurus. This planet rules LOVE, relationships and money as well as equality and the justice system.

The sign of Taurus can become possessive with belongings as well as people. To posses’ another person is unlikely to feel good for the individual on the receiving end. This behaviour usually keeps that particular individual from living their own life values that feels good to them and their own personal freedom. This individual may feel trapped and unable to move forward, no matter how hard they work at it.

I invite you to see which house your Taurus resides in your natal chart, as this will indicate the area of life it underlies. Taurus rules our throat and our natural instinct to voice our fundamental needs. Equally, our ability or inability to voice our truth with our loved ones. We may be blocked in our throat and we may cough and choke at those times when we are feeling activated to speak-up for ourselves.

At this time, we could shut our voice down further. The very first suppression may have occurred very early in life. At the tender time when we first noticed our own separation from our birth mother and noticed through our own senses and touch that we have a separate body. This may be exciting for some that live in a calm and secure environment. Or alternatively, we may feel unsafe in our body and begin possessing traits by holding onto life in a more dysfunctional manner.

For an extremely unconscious Taurus, there could be within them a dormant unhealed Scorpio with all of its darkness and evil. This individual could overtime become a master of disguise. Simply, due to their instinctual ability to remain calm and loving to others in their close circle of friends and family.

There are a few planets in the sign of Taurus. Planet Jupiter has just entered the sign of Taurus. This planet expands anything that we focus on. We could choose to expand our value of self by taking care of our body, possibly by walking each day in nature, which then enables us to feel good in our body, instead of over-indulging in food and expanding our waistline.

Planet Uranus rules the sign of Aquarius, which resides within the fixed signs. Please know that whatever we are ready to uncover that might be deeply suppressed within our psyche, can be released suddenly and quickly. Simply, as planet Uranus currently residing in the sign of Taurus, which rules shocks and sudden movements, as well as electricity. We may have been holding onto something very tightly that possibly is ready to let go with ease and grace.

The sign of Taurus is fixed. All this means is that the individuals that have a strong Taurus will need to take their time before they are ready to move up the evolutionary ladder of change. At times the sign of Taurus may resist change in an unhealthy manner. This Taurus can resist change and may become stubborn like The Bull that this sign represents. You may be aware by now that the sign of Taurus does not like to be change and at times will not budge until they can sense that there is benefit for them to release the old and consequently, move forward in a healthy direction.

Remedy for a resistant Taurus, may be to first find what you love doing and then practice patience whilst applying determination in practically acquiring their new skill embedding it instead of mindless resistance to change.

The people that have the fixed signs of Taurus/Scorpio and Leo/Aquarius in their natal charts ranging from 24 to 29 degrees will feel this New Moon in Taurus more so than others.

Also, the individuals that have degrees in the early sign of Gemini, which directly follows the sign of Taurus will feel this New Moon in Taurus more so than others.

There is a suggestion to print your birth chart and physically place this New Moon into the house and into the sign of Taurus. Then this may assist you to see if the New Moon is making any significant aspects to other angles or planets.

Or if this Taurus New Moon is creating any significant conjunctions in your natal charts. Meaning to the major Angles in your chart. As that will create a stronger activation for you personally.

It is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.

I hope that this serves you.

Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings.

Feel free to visit my website: www.transformational-astrology.comif you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon articles, please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.

Travel well sweet.



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