New Moon 14 degrees, 11 minutes in Taurus, 5th of May, 8.45 am AEST
Greetings beautiful people. Welcome new and old! It feels special to have this continuous opportunity for growth and magic through writing these Moon Musings. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your subscription.
Happy Birthday Taurus! Although, I love the Aries energy dearly: How delicious is it to move into this beautiful sign of Taurus that in its most functional expression feels grounded, sees beauty in everything and everyone, is generous, warm, trusting, sensual, prosperous, worthy and self-sustaining, just to name a few. Whatever you choose to do for your special day, I invite you to allow full enjoyment and pleasure of the experience. This may, involve tasting beautiful food and/or spending time in nature or in your own beautiful garden. Happy Birthday Taurus!
Ladies and gentlemen, as mentioned above, we have a New Moon in Taurus. As you may know, at a New Moon, the Moon and Sun are very tightly holding hands, sharing an exact conjunction. This time, they are both 14 degrees and 11 minutes. The beautiful planet Venus rules the sign Taurus. New Moons signify time for planting new seeds into this fertile soil. Focusing on our new energy of Taurus, choose your own seeds of intention that feel good inside your own body.
Taurus rules our senses and anything that is sensual. Your taste, your touch, seeing beauty, as mentioned above describes the Taurean energy. Growing into the ability of seeing beauty in things and people that are not necessarily pleasing to the eye at first glance is a functional characteristic to develop. You see, when we look more deeply and without prejudice we can look at the ugliest person and truly see the most beautiful being that we have ever laid eyes on and mean it. From my experience, it is easy to see beauty in what we already perceive as beautiful.
However, to open our eyes so wide that we can see beauty in everything and everyone allows our consciousness to expand beyond human conditioning. If we can expand our awareness this wide then nothing in our reality can ever be ugly whether that is a person, situation or place that we are looking at and/or experiencing. I seem to be spending extra time on this; maybe I feel that we all need this reminder and understanding because if we look at life through the Infinite or Venus’s lenses everything is beautiful! This elevates our own vibration and energetically we become Light Workers. Seeing beauty awakens Love.
Interestingly, Taurus rules love and money, indicating that these two energies are one and the same. Therefore, if we love one and deny the other than we are really denying both so I invite you to fall in love with love and money and life will love you back. They say that the two biggest relationship issues are related to money and sex. Interestingly, these two things are fully connected to the Taurus/Scorpio polarity. At this New Moon in Taurus it gives us all an opportunity to reboot these areas of life.
I would like to go into a deeper explanation of the senses. Collectively we are being awakened through our senses. The planet Uranus is in the sign of Taurus for the next seven years. We are being groomed together to awaken into our multi-sensory selves. This is due to Uranus being the planet that aids illumination and enlightenment and the sign of Taurus, as we have learned, rules the senses. Therefore, for the next seven years there will be that focus on using our body in new and revolutionary ways.
Further, what is being awakened at this New Moon in Taurus is our voice, our ability to voice what we are feeling with love and without making anyone wrong.
Taurus rules the throat and thyroid.
We could be asking ourselves:
How healthy is my thyroid?
Is my throat sore or scratchy?
The answer to these questions will indicate how healthily we speak up. We could also ask:
What is my heart longing to say?
How can I voice myself lovingly?
What words would be perfect for me in this situation?
Tune into your sense of intuition, tune into your gut sense: What is it communicating? Take the first thought that comes as the first impulse, without any analysis, as our mind truly makes a ‘shitty’ master and a wonderful servant, as it was designed to be and beautifully said by Albert Einstein.
The Taurus energy invites you to develop trust, trust in that first instinct.
Also, as mentioned earlier, this is a great time to start a garden or spend more time in nature or start something that involves cooking wonderfully tasting food. Choose something that makes you feel good and cosy. It is also a perfect time to set intentions involving self-care, taking care of the physical body. Grow in self-value, self-respect and self-worth.
Please keep in mind that in astrology, we are always working with the two polarities and in this case we have the opposite energies of Taurus and Scorpio. I will go into more detail of Scorpio in the next edition. I have purposefully, kept this New Moon in Taurus gentle and loving, as we will have enough intensity at the upcoming Full Moon in Scorpio. Having said that, if you are feeling called to plant new seeds of intention at this New Moon that are related to the sign of Scorpio, then please do so.
A dysfunctional Taurus can show up as mean, stingy, stubborn, indulgent in sex or food, lazy, insecure, poverty consciousness or self-esteem, self-value and self-worth issues. These are very real with the Taurus energy. Please be kind to yourself, as you examine these within more closely.
Taurus rules the element of Earth and its energy is stable with a common sense for physical survival. Its quality is fixed (Taurus/Scorpio, Leo/Aquarius). Therefore, it does not enjoy being moved out of its comfort zone towards change, in fact it likes to hold on tightly. We all have this energy within all of us to differing degrees. Please check out the houses that you have these fixed energies in and take yourself off the hook for possibly not moving, as fast as you would like to in these areas of life. Please remember for these fixed energies, slow and steady wins the race. Also, this fixed energy can be channelled functionally as determination and persistence.
I believe that Taurus needs its stillness. The invitation is to find a few moments in your day to become gently quiet. Stop. Be still, listen to your body and learn to wait patiently. The senses can come into alignment when not charging ahead like the bull.
We need both movement and stillness, taking a few moments to become still can be priceless when agitated.
It is time to acknowledge and be thankful for the existing value that we have in our lives. Give appreciation to our beautiful planet that we have the privilege to live on, Mother Nature (Gaia) and nature’s beauty as well as our access to clean water, healthy food and an abundance of sunshine. Especially, where we live on the Gold Coast. I know through my own experience, when I remind myself and allow these simple pleasures, I am instantly reconnected to truth. A truth that at times can be taken for granted; it reconnects us to what feels good in our hearts.
I invite you to see where your Taurus and Venus are in your birthchart, as this will indicate the area of life it underlies. Also, look to the opposite Scorpio and see where your Pluto sits, as that will indicate the area of life chosen by your Soul ready for transformation, so that you can then shine in the opposite house of where Pluto sits.
The people that have the fixed signs of Taurus/Scorpio, Leo/Aquarius in their birthcharts ranging from 12 to 16 degrees will feel this New Moon more than others. If you can please print your birthcharts and physically place this New Moon then it will help you see if it sits on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birthchart and/or if it makes any significant aspects. It is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.
I hope that this serves you.
Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit this website:, if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.
Additionally, for those interested, I will be commencing teaching Beginner’s Transformational Astrology, starting on the 19th of May 2019, for more information please message me through my website.
Travel well. I do love you all.