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Writer's pictureZiva Zavadil

New Moon in Taurus, 23 April 2020

New Moon 3 degrees and 24 minutes in Taurus on 23.04.2020 at 12:25 pm AEST

Welcome precious subscribers. Thank you for reading these Moon Musings. I hope that you receive value from them.

Happy Birthday Sensual and Beautiful Taurus. May your special day be filled with an abundance of love doing what your heart desires. This could be as simple, as tasting new food that is divine to your senses or spending time in nature or in your own beautiful garden.

Ladies and Gents, we have a New Moon in Taurus. At any New Moon the Sun and Moon are sitting side by side in what is called in astrology a conjunction. A conjunction in our birth charts or up in the heavens between the transiting planets ranges anywhere between zero to an eight degree of separation. At every New Moon this conjunction is exact, meaning that the Sun and Moon share exactly the same amount of degrees and minutes plus they are in the same zodiacal sign.

This time the Sun and Moon are both in the sign of Taurus.

This tight, exact togetherness at a New Moon is what provides a powerful fertile soil ready to sow new ideas into our psyche and consciousness. This is because New Moons are all about creating new beginnings through setting new intentions.

Also, it is a perfect time to tune into our senses and pay attention to those more subtle and quiet messages that we all have within. It is these communications that come directly from our soul through our heartfelt intuition. We are fully supported, as this Taurean energy would be inviting us all to slow down and re-evaluate what is important to each individual, as well as the collective.

Many of us around the globe are spending more time at home. This could be the perfect environment for deeper self-reflection and introspection to invite a wider love into our hearts, as this opening allows a personal connection to coming home to ourselves.

Essentially, the Taurus energy is designed towards self-sufficiency through a consistent application of building self-respect, self-value and self-love and building our connection to our inherent gifts and talents enabling them to flourish. Taurus can become the master builder and construct whatever it sets its mind to.

The sign of Taurus rules the planet Venus and this cosmic body fundamentally rules love. Also, Venus/Taurus rules the throat chakra that responds beautifully to sound. We can sing no matter what our voices sound like and we can also chant the universal sound of OM. The invitation is to do it long enough until the sound clears any dense energy that it may initially activate. When we practice this regularly it helps to unblock our throat and allow us to voice our truth with love.

Transiting planet Uranus in the sign of Taurus is closely conjunct this New Moon. What could this mean? Uranus is best known for being the illuminator and bringer of higher consciousness and he often does this through light-bulb moments. Also, Uranus’s energy is electrical and for those individuals that are still unconscious these illuminations can come through sudden shocks. At best Uranus brings the new awareness through unexpected surprises.

Uranus in the sign of Taurus could be ‘shaking up’ our physical senses to become more conscious and ultimately care for Mother Earth and self with more conscious love. It is a perfect time to use nature especially trees to calm Uranus’s at times chaotic energy. Simply hug the tree gently connecting to nature with the breath and emptying your thoughts. You may like to place your third eye upon it, wait until your mind and being settles. Open to any messages that may be downloaded to your intuitive mind.

At this New Moon we can all build that self-sustenance that Taurus is famous for. We do not need to be a Taurus Sun sign. All of us have Taurus energy to differing degrees within.

Taurus loves to use its senses to feed oneself through smelling the fragrance of flowers and herbs or the taste of chocolate, looking at the beautiful colour of a sunrise or the sparkling stars at night, tasting fresh fruit & vegetables picked from the garden just to name a few. Remember to be gently mindful of over indulgence with food, fine wine or sex. Be mindful of laziness or stubbornness to hinder that consistent movement forward toward inner peace.

Some dysfunctional Taurus keywords: Unworthy, undeserving, lazy, poverty consciousness, mean, unable to value self and others, as well as its resources, insecure, boring, stagnant, stubborn and loveless.

Some functional Taurus keywords: consistent, loving, stable, secure, sensual, creative, generous, warm, trusting, reliable, useful, worthy, prosperous, self-sufficient and self-respect.

Taurus is a fixed sign and this means that essentially, they enjoy the stability of remaining stuck in their comfort zone. However, when they find something that they love that determination towards success is activated and they become determined in their resolve to become prosperous.

For those Taurus individuals that have made a choice towards their improvement in wellbeing, they need to apply themselves holistically and allow all of their bodies to evolve. This includes the spiritual, emotional and mental body, as well as the physical. This is primarily due to the fact that Taurus can value the physical and material environment above the other bodies and this way possibly hinder its full potential.

Taurus is an earth element and this energy likes to feel grounded, stable and connected to what they can touch and feel with their own physical senses. Although essential, opening into deep emotions for Taurus may not only be very scary for them, it can feel totally unsafe and foolish to do so.

Therefore, those individuals that have a strong Taurus fixed energy in them, as well as the rest of the fixed signs can avoid emotions altogether until some tragedy happens in their lives that triggers their heart and soul so deeply that they are forced to go within and feel.

If they allow this sensitivity, then this deep healing can be transformational, as we’re always working with the two polarities of Taurus and Scorpio. Scorpio likes to bury its emotional hurts very deeply into their psyche never expecting them or desiring them to re-surface. However, this is exactly what is needed for the Taurus and Scorpio polarity. To bring everything into the light of consciousness, to be truly felt allowing transformation from the darkness.

The people that have the fixed signs of Taurus/Scorpio, Leo/Aquarius in their birthcharts ranging from 0 to 6 degrees will feel this New Moon in Taurus more than others. If you can please print your birthcharts and physically place this New Moon in Taurus onto your birth chart, then it will help you to see if it is positioned on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birthchart and/or if it makes any significant aspects.

It is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.

I hope that this serves you.

Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency and Venus the goddess of love rules Taurus. Therefore, we really do have enormous support from the heavens to open our hearts and grow in self-love.

Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit my website: , if you know someone who would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it

Additionally, at this time I am available for written reports, phone and Skype consultations for anyone that resonates with my style of teaching. I would love to hear from you. Thank you.

Travel well. I do love you all.


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