New Moon 20 degrees, 43 minutes in Scorpio, 13.11.2023, 7:27 pm AEST
Welcome precious readers. Thank you for your subscription. Greetings new subscribers. I treasure you with a grateful heart for choosing to read these articles. I write what I am experiencing in this moment and I am often deeply activated. I hope that my release aids your liberation. I do my best to send these articles in enough time for you to work with them. I sometimes run out of time. I apologise for that. I hope that you can be patient with me, as I am learning to be with myself.
Happy Birthday Scorpio. May your day feel deeply passionate doing what you love.
Ladies and gents, we have a New Moon in the sign of Scorpio. At any New Moon the Sun and Moon create an exact conjunction. What this means in astrology is that the Sun and Moon share the same zodiacal sign and they reside in the identical number of degrees and minutes. This tightest togetherness creates the foreground to plant new intentions being established at the exact time of the New Moon. This time we have the Sun and Moon in the sign of Scorpio. What could this mean?
The sign of Scorpio essentially loves feeling empowered through their own transformation. The sign of Scorpio adores digging deep into its own psychology looking to transform from a chrysalis into a butterfly. Mother Nature shows us that whilst residing in the chrysalis form it truly is the most important time of waiting. The not yet formed butterfly has time to deeply grow and develop into it’s new self through this fundamental inner work. Without this there’s no transformation. Once the chrysalis is ready to transform into the beautiful butterfly, the change is completely effortless.
The sign of Scorpio is ruled by planet Pluto. I love and honour Pluto for showing me to be patient, as it is only when you’re ready that the transformation will happen. You see that without planet Pluto we would not have the ability to deeply transform. Creating that total timeless transformation and renewal.
We all have planet Pluto and the sign of Scorpio in our natal charts. Can you find 20 degrees of Scorpio in your chart? What area of life does it reside in? what has your soul chosen to transform through your own Scorpio package?
Where do you have planet Pluto? What house number is Pluto in? As that can show you personally where your soul has chosen to perform the deep psychological work. Essentially where we have planet Pluto is where any individual has the potential to deeply transform into deep clarity and peace. Possibly then, reap the benefits inherent in the opposite house. Pluto transformation can be related to extreme control, underhand behaviour, power in relationships, sex and joint money. This could be the extreme bully.
We can only heal our deep trauma practicing LOVE using Taurus patience. We cannot rush important deep work.
The Scorpio is known to keep secrets. The Scorpio is deeply intuitive and emotional. The evolved soul sign of Scorpio will not wish to harm their loved ones, as it knows deep extreme pain first hand. The Scorpio may not be able to voice their own trauma, as this could be very deeply suppressed from the initial experience of others dysfunctional behaviour towards them. Their loved ones may not have believed them. They may have been violently punished by others for their own perceived projected lying. When in fact the child is telling the truth. The trauma of a Scorpio is often heavy and could involve for some, as being tortured. These are all just far-out and honestly hard to take truths, that can easily be rejected, as dishonesty. Consequently, the victim of extreme
Scorpio abuse has to supress these experiences for their own survival. This Scorpio may self-destruct emotionally and spiritually, as mistakenly believing that they are at fault, they may feel deserving of experiencing abuse. when actually the abused person deserves to be believed for having the courage and to speak out. It is my experience that we are not believed or supported when we are speaking from our pain body. Once the pain is gone then the abused person is no longer energetically dumping their stuff onto others.
Consequently, as an adult, before awareness of truth the buried Scorpio may not be aware of their early deeply supressed troubled life experiences. They may attract disbelief from others, as a mirror for their own healing. Also, these individuals could become deeply vulnerable to abuse from perpetrators of harsh violation and exploitation. This way could of learning to unearth the deeply buried truth. At first this may feel so shocking and untrue, as sadly the deep abuse is often experienced from our trusted family members.
The Scorpio can experience underhand behaviour from others. This could be as simple as not being loved but being told that you are. As a result of experiencing the dark game played by the perpetrator, any individual may become confused and unable to recognise true love, when it is authentic. We know that love heals all trauma. When we experience severe abuse, as little babies and then in childhood, we tend to re-create that pattern in adulthood, as we may unconsciously feel deserving of experiencing that dysfunctional pattern. Those individuals that chose to deeply work on themselves have also chosen to work with and recognise the deep triggers as adults. Celebrate the pain as much as you can as only through our own acknowledgment and acceptance of the deep trauma can we begin to truly transform one moment at a time. The result is freedom to be oneself with integrity and complete honesty in all situations always treating oneself and others with respect.
The Scorpio has extensive determination and persistence. The Scorpio when focused on self-healing consciously will not give-up until they are free from the trauma. They can become like a dog that is searching for their buried bone relentless and determined in finding it. The determination that one day we are able to access our deep truth and be able to release the trauma completely. Truth truly sets us free from pain, no matter what the experience of it is. We need to be patient with ourselves.
The strong Scorpio can take poison to end their life. This extreme form of self-destruction will not work if the soul has chosen liberation from living in hell. This person may feel extreme anger for staying alive and they may resist life. This way recreating that pattern of hell until one day this Scorpio will have felt enough of their emotional and sometimes physical pain and they completely and utterly let go, unexpectedly inviting the heavens to open up in gratitude.
The Scorpio could be living in hell from experiencing extensive abuse and from the inability of voicing exactly what they feel in a loving and safe environment. Their experience of being on the receiving end of constant abuse can begin to feel normal. We can get used to feeling intensity and secretly, we may feel envious of others that die from any causes. This could be simply because they see these individuals that die, as being saved and released from their extreme human pain, as they enter eternal bliss of God. Being released from their body they are being carried for the first time in the embrace of true LOVE. These individuals may possibly be assigned to assist themselves and others that seek them out enabling effortless transformation whilst alive and in the body. Whilst remaining firmly grounded on Mother Earth. This is the only way that I know how to manifest LOVE and bliss in every cell in our bodies and consciousness. The more pain that we experience, the sweeter the reward that we can reap through our acceptance and surrender.
This New Moon is very closely conjunct planet Mars. It is the Sun, Moon and Mars all in the sign of Scorpio.
Individuals that have a strong Scorpio in their chart are likely to be experiencing many letting goes and countless rebirths. Having planet Mars conjunct this New Moon could go two ways. Mars may want war and revenge on the experienced extreme abuse. Or planet Mars may want to take loving assertive action for all of the extreme control and abuse and this way take their power back! When we take right action, we will feel good and this way we practice new liberating leadership skills. This way we can plant new seeds of good for ourselves and for others. We have to be ready for Rightful Action.
The unconscious Scorpio could have deeply embedded resentment towards their perpetrators. They may unconsciously create bowel and sexual issues or possibly Cancer.
The sign of Scorpio is a fixed sign. I love the fixed signs for their resilience, patience and determination. As well as their ability to transform completely from a state of dismay into true bliss. If they are being stubborn then I suggest to hug their resistance. Tell yourself that you accept whatever you are feeling, as that emotion needs your validation, no matter what it is. Also, to remind self that anything that is forced into change will not work. The more we let go of trying the likely we are to transform into feeling good effortlessly.
The individuals that have the fixed signs of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius in their natal charts ranging from 17 to 24 degrees will feel this New Moon in Scorpio more so than others.
It can be helpful to print your charts and physically place this New Moon in Scorpio. Then you may more easily see which house placement your own Scorpio is positioned and the area of life it directly activates for you.
Also, you may be able to see if your Scorpio or the rest of your fixed signs sit on any points or angles. Especially the Ascendant, Descendant or M.C. or I.C. or if the New Moon is activating any significant aspects.
It is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.
I hope that this serves you.
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Thank you, humbly from my deep heart.
Love always