New Moon 23 degrees and 18 minutes in Scorpio, 15.11.2020, 3:07 pm AEST
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Happy Birthday Sweet Scorpio! I hope that your special day is filled with sunshine and roses, you deserve it.
Ladies and Gents, we have a New Moon in Scorpio. At any New Moon the Sun and Moon share the same sign, as well as the same amount of degrees and minutes. This is called an exact conjunction in astrology. The Sun and Moon come together in this tight togetherness at the New Moon cycle to assist both unconscious and conscious individuals to move beyond their comfort zone.
Those aware individuals can set new intentions related to the energy of the sign. This can greatly assist creating a firm union and harmony between the feminine (Moon) and masculine (Sun) energies in that unified power and plant the intentions from there. What a powerful force having them both in the sign of Scorpio. We can plant the most life-changing seeds of intention for this New Moon. Scorpio is a water element and governs our deeply suppressed waters.
The sign of Scorpio is also a fixed sign and this energy requires conscious use of determination and persistence, as this energy will not want to budge from its comfort zone.
The sign of Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto. This planet rules the deepest transformation through owning, accepting and releasing our own deep darkness. This relates to the energy of jealousy, hatred, envy, revenge, control, manipulation, power abuse, underground behaviours, money, death and poisons just to name a few to paint a picture of Scorpio, as I know it.
Many people see this behaviour out in the world however, very few choose to acknowledge the mirror principle ‘that what we see in others or out there, is in us otherwise we would not have the eyes to see it’.
To my experience, this mirror image contains within it the best way ‘how to’ heal our own Scorpio energy that is within through enquiring deeply and honestly possibly asking: How do I play this game of Scorpio that I see in others out in the world that triggers my behaviour and how can I let it go? Scorpio is the truth extractor and this energy loves to dig deep into its own subconscious.
This deep psychology will assist the ‘Phoenix to Rise from the Ashes’ of the old. This requires a conscious ‘death of our ego’. This requires a letting go. Being mindful that this process takes time and individuals with a strong Scorpio may experience many mini deaths of the old throughout their lifetime. This practice gets easier and incredibly deeply rewarding and empowering.
Scorpio energy rules our deepest passions and also our deepest truths, vulnerabilities and sacred intimacies. The Scorpio energy helps us to tap into our own power and ultimately feel empowered. As mentioned above, we need to let go of old comfortable holds that pull us back in chains. It takes tremendous courage to allow the unknown and deeply scary depths of Scorpio. The experience is equally liberating.
It is important to acknowledge that going into these depths is not designed for our detriment, it is intended, for our deepest freedom and a necessary process for anyone seeking transformation and enlightenment. It is only through allowing ourselves to dive deeply within that we get to reap the benefits of knowing ourselves extracted from the deepest levels of our own subconscious psyche. This cultivates an unshakable inner strength.
‘Thy Will be done not my will be done’ is a simple yet powerful Scorpio mantra.
Scorpio holds deep internalised emotion that is usually scared of its own darkness. This New Moon does not have any complicated aspects to it therefore, this will make it easier to work with our own Scorpio energy at this New Moon cycle. I see this as a blessing. We can all regenerate with ease and grace in the area of life shown by the house that our own Scorpio falls in our natal chart. Feel deeply with the intent to transform any darkness to the light.
We have the Goddess of marriage, fidelity and equality Juno conjuncts (sits closely to) this New Moon. Together with the Sun, they form three cosmic bodies all in the sign of Scorpio. We can use their blended power and extract real truths from deep within about our emotionality, security, ego, personality, loyalty and our relating styles with the people in our immediate circles. Plant the seeds of joyful change and let go of obstacles that do not serve us, as we are meant to feel good living in this human body. We need to take responsibility for everything that we attract to us without pointing our finger of blame towards others and ourselves.
If we take the road less travelled and learn to let go and allow the Scorpio love in, then we have the potential to tap into a deeply hidden treasure chest of love that is profoundly passionate (Scorpio) in a calm and stable (Taurus) manner.
Juno is a Goddess and she embodies a very similar energy to Libra, Venus and Taurus. However, Juno does it in a more self-assured and vocal manner that is uncompromising, standing up for her rights and sovereignty. Juno stands proudly in her feminine power equal to a man.
The energy of Taurus is the polarity of Scorpio. We need to consciously use the feminine and intuitive power so that we can bring the masculine and feminine energies back to their equilibrium where they belong. This will create the peace within ourselves. Once we have achieved our serenity within, the external environment matches that in kind.
When we hold on too much to the dysfunctional energies of Scorpio, we are likely to develop bowel issues and constipation. Also, we could contract sexual diseases or cancers especially bowel cancers from holding onto deep resentment and fear.
The individuals that have the fixed signs of Scorpio/Taurus, Leo/Aquarius in their natal charts ranging from 20 to 26 degrees will feel this New Moon in Scorpio more than others. It would be helpful to print your charts and physically place this New Moon, then you will be able to see which house placement your own Scorpio is positioned and the area of life it directly illuminates for you. Also, you will be able to see if your Scorpio or the rest of your fixed signs sit on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birth chart and/or if it makes any significant aspects.
It is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.
I hope that this serves you.
Please remember that Love really does heal all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency.
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Travel well. I do love you all.