New Moon in Scorpio, 4 degrees and 25 minutes, 1. 38 pm, 28.10.2019 AEST
I would love to offer a warm welcome to my wonderful readers and to welcome the new subscribers. Thank you for jumping on board! What makes it so precious writing these articles is that I grow with you. My heart feels full and filled with gratitude for this opportunity.
I would like to offer a Happy Birthday to the beautiful individuals that have their Sun in the sign of Scorpio. It is only through the energy of Scorpio that we can experience transformation. May your birthday be spent doing something that is deeply fulfilling to you and that makes you truly happy. Your strength and depth of sensitivity are so appreciated. I love you and I honour you.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a New Moon in Scorpio. Any New Moon is demonstrated by an exact conjunction between the Sun and Moon. In astrology a conjunction describes any two planetary bodies whether they are in a persons birth chart or up in the heavens that are closely sitting together creating a (0 to 8) degree separation. When there are three or more planets conjunct, then that is called a stellium.
At a New Moon we have the masculine energy of the Sun conjunct the feminine energy of the Moon. Therefore, we have the masculine and feminine energies blended. This blended power is always different at each New Moon to assist humans to set new intentions and create new beginnings, in the signs that the New Moon sits in. This is done by intentionally planting new thoughts and ideas, into a new and fertile soil.
Also, it makes it a great time to put out prayers in a ritual type manner, if that is what you are feeling called to do. You could literally dig up your garden or the beach or forest and plant information written on pieces of paper and neatly cover them with either the soil or sand. This could be any offering of your choosing.
Whilst performing the ritual, please do your best to remain connected to your heart and your reasons for doing this ceremony, in a manner that puts you in the energy of receiving and gratitude, by focusing your mind on the intention that you are making. This time we have the Sun and Moon both in the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio allows infinite depths of love and heartfelt healing to occur.
The planet Mercury and Venus are both in the sign of Scorpio and although, they are not conjunct the New Moon, they are still supporting the transformational energy of Scorpio. What is making a close opposition to this New Moon is the planet Uranus in Taurus.
What could this mean?
Simply put, Uranus is the illuminator usually through shock, surprise or ‘light bulb’ moments that leave the individual forever transformed. It’s important to note that Uranus’s energy is electric and over stimulation can create chaos in the mind. Therefore, meditate on remaining grounded and balanced before you begin your ceremony.
Although, Uranus may not be so happy in Taurus, I see this time as a precious opportunity for transforming anything to do with Mother Nature, the Earth and how we use our physical senses into a much higher vibration. Uranus is opening us up to experiencing, seeing and appreciating beauty within and without in totally new ways to what we have known to be true in the past.
You may already know that trees speak from the earth and animals such as birds sing to us from the sky and whales connect with us from the ocean, when we quietly listen to them & intuit the messages from Mother Earth and Father Sky.
Also, this New Moon in Scorpio is helping to create balance between the Scorpio and Taurus energies and characteristics. It is my experience that in astrology and in life all of us are working with polarities in order to create balance. Such as, light/dark, hot/cold and love/fear just to name a few. Scorpio and Taurus are one of these polarities.
Any of these differences are there to help us recognise what we want and do not want. We learn through the contrast and only through this distinction can we recognise that something feels good to us and something does not. In another words, if there was no contrast, then we would not recognise one experience from the other. Ultimately, there would be no gauge towards spiritual growth. Many of us swing from one to the other until we learn our own personal centre. I am also learning through this contrast.
A dysfunctional Taurus can be mean, stingy, loveless, unworthy, lazy undeserving and stubborn. A functional Taurus is warm, grounding, earthy, stable, consistent, loving and secure. Its element is earth.
A dysfunctional Scorpio can be very intense, as its energy runs very deep. Scorpio element is water. Scorpio has an intense desire to investigate deeply into our psyche, in order to regenerate new awakenings of love for self. Taurus and Scorpio are fixed energies and the beauty about these energies is longevity. Growing things over a long period of time due to their staying power, determination and consistency.
Scorpio is the most powerful and intense sign of the zodiac. This is not said to scare you but rather to help empower you. Scorpio’s energy and power can be used both for good or evil. It represents the underworld, deepest darkness (including all of the darkest behaviour), revenge, envy, jealousy and death. We all have these energies within us to differing degrees; no wonder people generally avoid going in and meeting their inner-darkness.
In the functional, Scorpio represents birth, re-birth, transformation, empowerment, balanced power, emotional mastery, being your own psychological detective and strength just to name a few. The planet Pluto rules Scorpio and they both represent death of the old and regeneration of the new.
Essentially, Scorpio is helping us to connect deeply to the dialogue that our Soul is speaking. Scorpio rules our bowels; constipation shows up when we are holding on to something tightly unwilling to let go. I now know and experience Scorpio as the biggest gift to humanity for those that are willing to surrender the ego and allow rebirth. When we allow this kind of renewal we stop fearing our physical death, as we realise that our bodies are just on loan for this one precious lifetime and our Soul lives forever. We learn to value our physical body (Taurus).
Please note that at this New Moon in Scorpio, having the additional planets of Mercury and Venus also in Scorpio makes it a wonderful time for deep self-reflection and psychological work. Therefore, we have full support to go as deep as we are willing to go.
This New Moon can represent a new deep emotional representation of you.
The invitation is to look for any emotions that you may have stuffed down and repressed. Plant those new seeds of intention so that we can end up with a plentiful harvest and release at the Full Moon.
Those individuals that have the four fixed qualities of Scorpio/Taurus, Aquarius/Leo, ranging from 1 to 7 degrees in their birthcharts will feel this New Moon in Scorpio more so than others. Again, I invite you all to print your birthchart and physically jot down the house where this Full Moon sits for you, as this way it will enable you to see the area of life that it is being affected personally, for you. Additionally, you can see if it is making any aspects to any planets, points or angles in your chart especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven in your birthchart.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. If any of you feel called to have a face to face or Skype astrology reading with me then please book through this website: It would be an honour to serve you. Additionally, if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings, then please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.
Thank you.
Please remember that Love heals ALL, as it vibrates on the highest frequency and it is freely available to all of us. How great is this?
Travel well precious Souls.
Love Always