New Moon 01 degrees, 37 minutes, in Sagittarius, 24.11.2022, 8:57am AEST
Welcome dearest. I hope that you are well. Thank you for your subscription.
Happy Birthday truth seeking Sagittarius. I hope that you have the best day on your special day doing what you love.
Ladies and gents, we have a New Moon in Sagittarius. At any New Moon the Sun and Moon astrologically speaking share an exact conjunction. What this means is that they share the exact number of degrees and minutes whilst residing in the same zodiacal sign. This perfect closeness is designed cosmically to aid humanities growth in strength and power.
You see the Sun and Moon represent the masculine and feminine energies. At a New Moon these two forces are combined and blended to then plant new intentions at the time of the New Moon. Their joining is cosmically designed to aid any individual to own and to balance their own masculine and feminine within. This co-presence addresses all individuals beyond their own human gender identification to which we are all born.
We all have different amounts of masculine and feminine energies within our nature regardless of being either female or male. Some females have more male within them therefore, they generally attract a feminine male to them to help balance each person’s energetic makeup.
Equally, some females are more feminine and attract a masculine man unconsciously to them to help balance their individual makeup. Any New Moon allows that opportunity to arrive at a symmetrical blending of the two qualities within the house that the sign of the Moon and Sun reside in. This changes according to the new zodiacal sign at each New Moon cycle. This time we have the Sun and Moon in the sign of Sagittarius.
What could this mean?
Sagittarius is the eternal explorer and adventurer always seeking for one’s own truth and purpose and always looking to understand the ‘bigger picture’ of life.
This is a beautiful characteristic. Planet Jupiter rules this sign of Sagittarius.
Planet Jupiter will exaggerate anything that we think about, as this planet will believe that one may want to understand more and more about that topic. This energy works with the sign of Gemini, as Mercury rules the intellect and the mind. Also, the sign of Sagittarius can lie and believe its own untruths, thinking that they are true.
At times the sign of Sagittarius can ‘go over the top’ especially when expressing its own truth. Also, can become a righteous preacher of wisdom and morals unable to practice their own words of understanding. Sagittarius and Jupiter love all kinds of philosophy and religion and so can become trapped in their own dogma. They need to expand, in order to remain healthy. Otherwise, our hips can play-up and become sore when sitting or walking. Yoga stretches can be excellent, as they aid to unlock trapped energy within our hips and aids our whole body. Half pigeon (asana) pose is the one to practice, if you chose.
Planet Venus and Mercury are both in the sign of Sagittarius and are conjunct this New Moon in Sagittarius. What could this mean? Planet Mercury rules the intellect and Gemini is now encouraged to access her intuitive mind of Sagittarius. The intuition is ruled by the right brain and the intellect and ruled by the left brain. Can you notice the balance within the left and right hemisphere of the brain?
Thanks to planet Venus conjunct planet Mercury, we can access our intuition lovingly with peace and grace. Whenever we receive a thought, we can question it for its validity and truth. If it does not feel good then it is a lie and if it feels good then it is truth.
The sign of Sagittarius and planet Jupiter belong to the mutable family. This energy is flexible and adaptable, in fact it needs to move beyond what currently exists for each, in order to grow and remain healthy. We could apply this ability to be adaptable to our current situation, if we choose to.
The mutable signs are Sagittarius, Gemini and Virgo, Pisces. The people that have these mutable signs in their birth charts ranging from 0 to 5 degrees will feel this New Moon in Sagittarius more so than others.
You may print your birth charts and physically place this New Moon in Sagittarius, into the house, as it will assist you to see what area of life your Sagittarius resides in and possibly this way you may more easily see, if it is making any significant aspects to any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your natal chart.
We can miss things, if we just look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.
Remembering, that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency, no matter what. Be kind to yourself and others.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings.
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Travel well dear ones.
With love always,