New Moon 23 degrees and 03 minutes in Pisces, 13.03.2021 at 8:21 pm AEST
Welcome new and old subscribers. I really appreciate you taking the time to read these articles. I hope that you get value from them. I do enjoy writing them very much. I hope that you are all well and moving through your challenges with help from spirit (Pisces).
Happy Birthday Pisces. May your day be filled with serenity and tranquillity doing what you love.
Ladies and Gentlemen: We have a New Moon in Pisces. At any New Moon, we have the Sun and Moon in an exact conjunction, meaning that they sit side-by-side in blended power, as they share the same zodiacal sign, the same amount of degrees and minutes. This time they are in the sign of Pisces.
What could this mean? Pisces is an emotional element, ruled by the planet Neptune that rules all of the largest bodies of water including our oceans. At this New Moon we have the opportunity to plant new seeds of intention that feel good using any of the Pisces themes that speak to ourselves personally.
The Pisces can be emotional. This is due to the understanding that in astrology the Pisces is known for being the final reservoir for all of the other zodiacal signs and their emotions. It could be helpful to stand back and see the sign of Pisces from that objective perspective.
This way we can possibly see that the Pisces is refining her sensitivities developing psychic abilities through the Pisces receptive and sensitive connection to others.
The Pisces can only achieve this by connecting to her emotional self in a consciously healing manner. Maybe, then the Pisces can learn to view self with a new found compassion for herself and for others. To recognise the sensitivities as a gift.
The sign of Pisces is learning to cultivate faith in a higher power so that she can surrender any hyper-sensitivities to God/Divine Intelligence. This can give the Pisces a whole new level of grounding perspective, safety and clarity in this practical life (Virgo). Each sign is working with its opposite sign, in order to create balance within. The sign of Pisces is working with the sign of Virgo.
Also, the Pisces may benefit from imagining that there is a perfect blank canvas ready to create beautiful artistry, by using beautiful tints and shades. This way of creativity, you may be inspired to possibly invite spirit to move the paint brush dipped in those favourite colours and move the strokes across the canvas. This can help ignite the Pisces energy to come through from within.
We can use the above analogy both metaphorically or literally. It is up to you! Imagination is a Pisces functional keyword. That exercise can be very healing.
We all have Pisces within each individual to differing degrees and we do not need to be a Pisces Sun. let’s all ignite our own inspirational Pisces.
We have help from other planets that are in the sign of Pisces assisting this New Moon with embedding the above and below themes. There is a stellium (three or more planets side-by-side) with Neptune and Venus all in the sign of Pisces. Four planets all together.
We have an opportunity to express the highest qualities of the sign of Pisces. Some of these are compassion and forgiveness for self and for others. Choose to see yourself clearly and forgive yourself with a serene and surrendering heart. This can be completed whilst enjoying time for self in quiet solitude. This is not isolation, as the sign of Pisces can be known for.
Pisces need a healthy dose of spending time alone in deep reflection and just being with self. This is necessary for the Pisces to re-charge their batteries, then feel happy to spend time with others again. It is when solitude turns to isolation that the Pisces can become lonely.
This can happen for anyone with a dominant Pisces in their chart. The sign of Pisces has close memories of being in the spirit world. This makes her want to escape and live in a world of clouds and illusion, by escaping into the etheric world and by isolating from being in the present moment.
It can be helpful for any Pisces that desires to grow healthily to come down into the practical reality and be in her body. This will enable living and embodying heaven with earth.
The Pisces due to escapism tendencies can turn to drugs of all kinds, and create personal suffering for self and for others. As mentioned above, learning to surrender personal sorrow to the Divine is a Pisces lesson and theme.
Pisces belongs to the mutable sign’s family, which is changeable, flexible and adaptable. These energies need to consciously redesign anything that does not work for them. Pisces may adapt in unhealthy ways due to self-deceiving and illusive energy. Action of grounding and learning to balance the spiritual with the practical are all helpful ways towards health on all levels.
Those individuals that have the four mutable signs of Pisces/Virgo, Gemini/Sagittarius, ranging from 20 to 26 degrees in their natal charts will feel this New Moon in Pisces more so than others.
Again, I invite you all to print your birth chart and physically mark into the house where this New Moon in Pisces sits for you, as this way it will enable you to see the area of life that it is being affected personally, for you.
Additionally, you can see if it is making any aspects to any planets, points or angles in your chart especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven in your birth chart.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. If any of you feel called to have a face to face or Skype astrology reading with me then please book through this website:
It is an honour to serve you.
Additionally, if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings, then please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it. Thank you.
It is a wonderful reminder especially at these times to know that Love heals ALL, as it vibrates on the highest frequency and it is freely available to all of us.
Travel well precious Souls.
Love Always