New Moon 5 degrees and 20 minutes in Libra, 29.09.2019 at 4:28 am AEST
I offer warm greetings to all the beautiful subscribers. Now, it gives me heartfelt pleasure ‘Wishing A Happy Birthday’ to our peaceful, LOVE driven and harmonious Libran’s. Libra has so many wonderful qualities. For example: your inner drive towards equality between our female/male genders is very much sought after at this time of life. I salute you with so much love and gratitude.
Ladies and Gentleman, we have a New Moon in Libra. A New Moon brings with it opportunities to plant fresh new ideas into a fertile soil. These intentions grow and manifest at the Full Moon cycle. The stronger our intent at the New Moon, the bigger the harvest at the Full Moon. As many of you may agree, we tend to reap what we sow.
We can all choose to plant new seeds of intention for world peace and harmony and for manifesting LOVE between our nations, which is a blessing for us all.
At a New Moon, the Sun and Moon share the same sign, degree and minutes. The Sun is masculine and is a fire element. The Moon is feminine and is a water element. The Sun and Moon may as well be sitting on top of each other. It is this combined energy, that makes it so powerful to set new intentions, at any New Moon. The Sun and Moon in the sign of Libra, have the ability, to raise our own Libran vibration towards balance, that are within us all.
Please know that if we choose to, we have the means available to achieve anything that we set our minds to, as after all, LOVE heals all. Further, this masculine and feminine that I am referring to is within each of us regardless of our gender. This is what is being represented by the Sun (masculine) and Moon (feminine) at any New Moon.
At this New Moon, we have additional support by having Venus (ruler of Libra) and Mercury both in the sign of Libra. Venus and Mercury are not close enough to form a conjunction with the Moon and Sun, yet they are solidly sitting in the sign of Libra. Hence, the Sun and Moon are involved in a ‘bond type’ action, if you like for bringing in the energy of Libra, which is being accentuated at this New Moon.
In astrology a conjunction means that there are three or more planetary bodies either in our birth charts or up in the heavens sitting side-by-side, up to an eight degree orb between them. This creates that blended power of the planets and signs involved.
Libra rules relationships and LOVE.
Fundamentally, these LOVE relationships are ones that we are having with ourselves. Whether, we are aware of this or not. I invite those individuals that are not happy with their existing relationship with themselves to create a new one. We are powerful beings and we are not limited in any way here.
We can choose to plant new loving seeds that are related to the relationship theme.
In order to create what we desire, it helps to examine our values first.
You could start by asking: what is important to me? Write down your answers and then give to you whatever it is that is important for you.
Then observe how that makes you feel.
I find that taking action giving myself what is important to me, instantly I feel better. Also, I am aware of my own psychological games. Thus, I know that I can resist wanting to help myself. Essentially, it’s only in the action that we take is what brings us that peace, LOVE and harmony within.
If you are feeling unbalanced then I invite you, to consciously, bring yourself back to your centre and your equilibrium. I invite you to bring this peace into all of your one-on-one relationships of all kinds, especially the one that you have with yourself. You deserve it and you are worthy even if you believe otherwise.
Imagine that a New Moon is a blank canvas. What new aspects of you do you desire to fill up this empty space?
As you know now, Libra provides us with a mutual understanding of seeing both sides with LOVE and equality. The spirit of cooperation in its higher end is the gift that Libra brings us. If we just take a few moments to reflect on the above words and apply these Libra functional virtues. Just think how much better will our immediate environment be?
Also, the sign of Libra is a cardinal quality. The other three are Aries and Cancer/Capricorn. These cardinal signs symbolise the energies of assertiveness and initiative. They require taking action in order to stay healthy and energised in mind and body. It is vital for these cardinal energies to take the initiative and to act on any impulses that you may receive to do something.
We have an interesting opposition being made by Chiron to this New Moon. In astrology an opposition means that there are at least two planets that are sitting exactly or almost exactly opposite each other, usually up to an eight-degree orb. These planets are in opposing signs that are completely different in their characteristics, elements and qualities.
This time we have Chiron in Aries (assisting the cardinal energy) opposing our Sun and Moon duo in Libra. Oppositions are there to help us find balance. Therefore, this is very fitting at this new Moon in Libra. We all have Chiron in our birth charts and we all have a Chiron wound. We can feel wounded and ineffectual in the sign and house area that our personal Chiron is in. Essentially, Chiron is the wounded healer, helping us all heal those wounds that we have chosen to mend, on a Soul level.
Chiron being in the sign of Aries assists us all with pioneering our own new beginnings. It is likely that we are scared to move forward in certain areas of life. If so, then Chiron in Aries says; you can do it. You just need to take action. Please take my hand and we can do it together.
Chiron standing opposite this New Moon can ignite many possible questions that we can ask ourselves:
What healing is required within the relationships that I already exist and the ones that are important to me?
How does this affect the way that I treat other people?
What legacy am I leaving behind after I no longer live here on this earth plane?
Where is it that healing needs to happen for me at this New Moon in Libra?
The following are likely body parts adversely affected, if you play your Libra game dysfunctionally: Bladder, Kidneys and Adrenal Glands. If there is a frequent need to urinate, it’s a sign of not feeling at ease within a relationship. We may feel pissed off with our intimate partner but really are pissed off with ourselves.
It’s important for the dysfunctional Libra to be willing to see themselves through the lenses of their partner. Then to lovingly own it and let it go.
Other dysfunctional Libra keywords are:
Indecisive, unjust, not comprehending that we have choices in life, superficial, tactless, extravagant, addicted to pleasing others, non-committed, lazy and co-dependent.
Please know that LOVE really does heal every dysfunction. No matter where it is or what it may be. It is limitless.
The invitation, as always is to print your birthcharts (if you have them of course) and physically place the area of life this New Moon in Libra is affecting you personally. Also, you can see if this New Moon sits on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birthchart and/or if it makes any significant aspects.
The individuals that have the cardinal signs of Libra/Aries, Cancer/Capricorn in their chart anywhere between 02 degrees and 08 degrees, will feel this Full Moon’s energy more than other people.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. If any of you feel called to have a face to face or Skype astrology reading with me then please book through this website: . Also, I offer other services that you may be interested in, all accessed through this website.
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It is always an honour and a privilege to serve you. Thank you.
I love you ALL