New Moon 08 degrees and 37 minutes in Leo, 1st of August 2019, at 1.13pm AEST
I am expressing a heartfelt hello, to all of you wonderful subscribers. Also, I would like to welcome and thank the new readers jumping on board this magical train. Welcome! Just to let you know, I write these Moon Musings from my experience and from my level of awareness, as it is now. I appreciate your interest and I do hope that these articles help you, even, if it is in the slightest way possible.
Happy Birthday Wonderful Leo! I love Leo’s ability to be child-like, spontaneous, warm, generous, appreciative, loyal, vital, expressive, magnetic, creative and able to develop unconditional love. Just to name a few. I see, these characteristics, as being primal to life. Have fun doing whatever is enjoyable for you, on your special day! May your heart be showered with bucket loads of love on your Birthday, lovely Leo!
Dearest readers, we have a New Moon in Leo. Just as a reminder, at any New Moon, our Sun and Moon sit so tightly together, they may as well be sitting on top of each other. This is because they share the same sign and an exact number of degrees and minutes. This is called a conjunction that occurs between any planets up in the sky or in our birth charts. Usually, extending from 0 to 8 degree range. The closer in degree the conjunction is, creates a more potent affect.
Any conjunction helps to blend the energy and power of the planets and signs that the corresponding planets are involved in. A New Moon represents planting new seeds of intention into this fertile soil that enables a potential harvest at the Full Moon cycle.
Fundamentally, the energy of Leo characterises the heart. Therefore, our collective heart related energies would be brought to our attention. Consequently, we will be able to plant new seeds of intention around the themes of the heart.
We have wonderful support from additional planets up in the heavens, all residing in the energy of Leo. There are four planets in total that are in the sign of Leo. Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars. I see this, as a massive move towards gaining confidence, pursuing his or her personal endeavours, for each person on the planet.
In addition to what was already mentioned at the beginning, a functional Leo energy is bold, brave, with its heart-open. Also, Leo is highly creative and exudes vibrancy of leadership and charisma. Further, a functional Leo is very likeable and loveable, not for their ego but for their pure joy and vitality, as well as for their vulnerability, humility and humble expression.
There is a square aspect being created from our wonderful Leo package, to Uranus in Taurus. A square denotes, strain and discord. This strain can attract shocks that in the moment can feel totally de-stabilising, when Uranus is involved. This is due to the planet Uranus being our illuminator planet that brings lovely surprises or sudden changes, to aid us all into a higher level of consciousness.
Therefore, this particular square is designed to help us align more deeply with our higher authenticity that is within us. Possibly, there could be areas of life that the Leo energy is not shining its light to its highest potential.
Possible questions to ask self could be:
What area of life am I putting on a performance and not being my true authentic representation of myself?
What area of life could I shine my light more brightly?
As mentioned, Leo rules the heart and in medical astrology, the heart is both a physical organ and a metaphorical energy, as well. We have that understanding of heart that is more rooted in understanding our core. Understanding love and trusting the energy of love that is within us.
When we get right down to it love infuses our core, love is in every relationship and in everything that we do, no matter what this is. It’s pretty crazy… don’t you think?
At this New Moon in Leo, we can plant new seeds consciously inviting more love into our lives. We could start by asking ourselves: What would someone that loved themselves do right now? The invitation is to, go and take action on that first impulse, you receive.
Dysfunctional adult Leo can throw the biggest tantrum like little children do, rightfully so. Also, it is important to keep in mind that Leo element is fire and what this means, any fire energy needs to take that action and follow up on those impulses, that it receives. Otherwise stagnation occurs and with it those dysfunctional characteristics of Leo show their ugly head.
Further, a dysfunctional Leo fears rejection in its very core and may at times unconsciously, reject the people that it loves before they get a chance to reject them. It is so important to find love and compassion for dysfunctional Leo. If this becomes challenging, please know that the difficulty comes from our own stuff being triggered.
Also, this Leo perhaps cares about its image, so hearing any constructive feedback about their behaviour, maybe very difficult for the Leo to hear and has to be delivered with Love. Otherwise there would be no point to delivering it, as the dysfunctional Leo already feels unlovable.
Therefore, if anything is said towards their growth, this feedback can ignite that wound. Please know that this wound is very real. In reality, doesn't every being deserve a loving and caring feedback? I mean we all mess up, it is part of being human. Plus, this demonstrates Unconditional Love in action.
Absolutely, unhealthy Leo’s can be childish (throw tantrums), over-dramatise any and every situation. Further, get bossy, be super arrogant and attention seeking by stirring things up to receive an unloving attention, usually from the people that love them and that they love.
You get the picture; a dysfunctional Leo does not paint a pretty picture, as they put so much importance on themselves and their drama. Sadly, people with a strong Leo can live their life living from one drama scene to another, similar to actors/actresses on the movie screen. Leo has a very strong ego.
This is due to its fixed energy and due to being ruled by our precious Sun. Also, our Sun rules our personality/ego. It would really serve those that have a strong Leo to work with this energy lovingly and bring through those incredible functional qualities of Leo.
Globally, this New Moon in Leo is a perfect time to have the courage, to lovingly take a look at our patterning. To look at where we are being loyal just for the sake of being loyal and to look at where we are repeating same things that are not working for us. The invitation, is to take that heart and leadership energy of Leo and shift accordingly. Our presidents need to have a strong Leo, in order to sustain that leadership role. Leo’s challenge is to develop courage of a lion.
Have a look, which house you have this New Moon in your birth chart. This is, the area of life where you can plant your Leo new seeds of creation that you are ready to create. It is a perfect time to connect to your personal creativity shown to you by the house placement of this Leo New Moon.
As mentioned above, the Sun rules Leo, this makes our Sun very happy, as it is in its own energy. Now truly is the time, to activate that warmth, strength and vitality that is possibly still dormant within you. Please know, that at this New Moon, Leo gives us courage to do the things that maybe otherwise we would feel too scared to do.
Those individuals that have the fixed signs of Leo/Aquarius, Taurus/Scorpio anywhere between 5 and 11 degrees in their birth charts, will feel this New Moon in Leo more so than others. I invite you to print your birth chart, if you have access to it and physically place this New Moon in your chart. Then notice the house that it sits in and ponder on the area of life that will be affected regardless of the closeness of the degrees of your fixed package (mentioned above).
See what ideas you receive and act (I know, I keep harping on this) on them, as it is through that action that the fruits come through for our picking, if this makes sense. I know from my own experience, how vital taking action is and how different it is when we do not. My desire is for you to feel good.
Then see if it is making any significant aspects to any other area of life or to any angles, (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven). As many of you know, it is my experience, that we can miss things, if we simply look at our birth charts on the computer screen or laptop. I hope that this serves you.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Please feel free to book through this website: if you feel called to have a reading with me. I would love to hear from you. Additionally, if you know someone that would like to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings, then please forward my contact onto them. I appreciate it very much.
Please remember that LOVE heals all. This reminder is very fitting for our beloved Leo energy. Thank you for reading these articles.
I Love you all