New Moon 23 degrees and 17 minutes in Leo, 16.8.2023, 7:38pm AEST
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Happy Birthday Leo. may your special day feel fun doing what you love.
Ladies and gents, we have a New Moon in the sign of Leo. At any New Moon the Sun and Moon share what is called in astrology an exact conjunction. What this means is that these two cosmic bodies share the exact number of degrees and minutes as well as residing in the same zodiacal sign.
This exact conjunction is designed to cosmically prepare each individual to work with the sign, degree and minutes by placing them in their natal chart, in order to see what house area of their lives it activates for them. This way they can know where and how to plant their new intentions of this New Moon.
This time we have the Moon and Sun in the sign of Leo. what could this mean? The sign of Leo is ruled by the Sun and governs our formed ego/personality.
Leo in the functional expression is a born creative leader, is loyal, loving of children of everyone really. The Leo is childlike, playful and heart-centred. This Leo loves unconditionally. Leo can thrive acting on stage, as he loves to perform in front of an audience. Unless this Leo is too wounded and embarrassed to have the spotlight on them.
In the dysfunctional sense the Leo could feel a need to be the centre of attention with others. It’s that person that unconsciously says look at me, I am important and special. Also, this Leo could need to show-off what it loves and knows how to perform well. Only to sadly, have being in the limelight taken away from them when they share it with others. This could feel heart-wrenching. This could feel like living a private hell. This experience is typically due to being disconnected from their own heart-centre. This Leo usually feels unlovable. These emotions derive from a real experience.
These behaviours are formed in early childhood during the first seven years of life. Our personality, which the sign of Leo rules is formed in those early formative years. At times when the child experiences strong abuse. it can scar them deeply, especially if this individual has the four fixed signs of Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio and Taurus within themselves. As a result, the child could blame themselves and feel unlovable and unworthy of love.
Then unconsciously, re-create rejection in adulthood, in order to heal them. At times when the wound feels extreme, then perhaps its energy becomes too scattered (Aquarius) and self-destructive (Scorpio) when they are feeling extreme pain.
These emotions from my experience need to be validated when expressed, as they can be further be suppressed, deep into our psyche.
This Leo is likely to seek external validation. Also, this Leo can feel rejection from those individuals that actually love them. Equally, this Leo can trust (Taurus) their love partner for loving them only to find out that this is not true. Any individual that experiences high level of heart abuse is likely to re-experience that similar theme with their close trusted individuals in their closest relationships. This can occur with those individuals that we give our hearts to without checking first their level of worth. We may not know how to determine what real love actually looks like.
Also, there is perceived and real rejection. This perception could feel very distorted, especially if this individual was lied to about being loved. There could be a deep wound buried in their hearts. The truth and distortion of the facts could also be buried deep within.
In time when the individual is ready to cultivate self-love, it can begin to lovingly acknowledge the pain body and invite all of those wounded parts to be acknowledged and held in loving embrace, such as performing inner-child work by meeting with a professional healer.
We have a square aspecting planet Jupiter. A Square is a hard aspect. Any hard aspects usually create stress and discord within. We can feel stubborn or we can go over the top Jupiter in lying about how we truly feel. Possibly, claim that what we are feeling is Taurus calm love when in fact we could be feeling the extremes of Scorpio abuse and pain.
Any individuals that have a strong Leo could discover that they have heart problems due to their own inability to learn to cultivate self-love.
Leo is a fixed sign. These signs need patience, in order to breed endurance and determination. These signs are not likely to give up on their deep mission.
Those individuals that have the fixed signs of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio anywhere between 20 and 27 degrees in their birth charts, will feel this New Moon in Leo more so than others. The invitation is to print your birth chart and physically find and place 23 degrees of Leo into your chart. This can enable you to see the area of the house that this New Moon is activating for you.
Then it is possible to see if it is making any significant aspects to any angles like the Ascendant or Descendant, or the M.C. or I.C or to any planets.
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At this Leo New Moon, it can be a wonderful reminder to know that LOVE heals all. Thank you for reading these articles. It can take extra time and patience to deeply self-heal a strongly wounded Leo that has the other three fixed signs within themselves. One suggestion may be to being in the sunshine and nature feeling into each part of the body and relaxing deeply and gently.
Be kind, gentle and patient with yourself.