New Moon 12 degrees and 33 minutes in Gemini, 3rd of June 8.01 pm AEST
Hello and a warm-hearted welcome to you all. Thank you for your continuous support, I hope that you know just how much I value it. Welcome new subscribers, thank you for stepping on board this mystical and magical train. As always, I write these Moon Musings from my level of understanding and experience and I am open to any constructive loving feedback, as I am here to learn and serve.
Happy Birthday Delightful and Playful Gemini. May you spend your special day using your curious, witty, quick and humorous mind doing what is truly fun for you! This could very well be, taking a walk or writing that book you’ve been putting off or presenting your ideas at the local hall. Human beings need your mindful and youthful mind filled with bright ideas, as you communicate with others. I Celebrate You Gemini!
Sweet readers, we have a New Moon in Gemini, and as many of you would know, at any New Moon, the Sun and Moon are sitting so close together, that they actually appear, as one on top of the other due to their exact conjunction (both sharing the same sign, degrees and minutes). What are they doing at this time up in the heavens; whom are they communicating with? Any aspects that the Moon and Sun are making show us the type of communication they, are engaging in.
I see several planets up in the sky in their own sign. What does this mean? I see it as a comfortable companionship, as there are no contradictions. Both the planet and sign speak the same language and this way help us open more effortlessly into the characteristic that they are communicating.
The Sun and Moon in Gemini are both opposing Jupiter in Sagittarius, which clearly shows creating balance between the left/intellectual brain (Gemini) and right/intuitive brain (Sagittarius/Jupiter). The planet Jupiter is one of these planets (as mentioned above) sitting in its ruling sign of Sagittarius, which makes Jupiter very happy here. Sagittarius loves to expand the mind and learning beyond rational thought. Also, Sagittarius loves long distance overseas travel, as well as internal travel in order to aid that expansion of knowledge and wisdom.
The planet Mercury is also in its own ruling sign of Gemini, accentuating the Gemini energy. Further, we have Neptune, in its own sign of Pisces squaring (hard aspecting, creating stress and strain, in order to aid growth) our New Moon duo in Gemini, giving all of us the opportunity to see ourselves more clearly in our relating and communicating with others and challenging us, to move, to a higher frequency of spirituality and sensitivity in using our words.
These squares make things happen, by expanding us outside our comfort zone and when we allow this, we may receive psychic, spiritual downloads. The planet Mercury rules the sign of Gemini. Mercury is known as the messenger from God. This spiritual wisdom is there endeavouring to reach our consciousness constantly. It is our own awareness that wavers and comes and goes.
Gemini rules words. Words can either be uplifting or they can hurt, so now is a great time to refresh our own vocabulary and consciously choose to elevate others with our communication. Mother Theresa said: Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are endless. It is an invitation at this New Moon in Gemini to examine how we use our words in our spoken and written communications. Maybe read over your written texts and emails before you send them and this way you have the opportunity to create more of an uplifting impact on the person that we are communicating with, even if, the words are, challenging to say.
Gemini loves to do things in a lightening speed. It also, has the tendency to interrupt others while they are talking, as they are so eager to speak, to share their constant bright ideas, across to the other person. For this Gemini person, the lesson is, to learn to become aware of their nervousness, focus and slowing it down enough to truly listen to the other person without the need to bud in. It’s amazing what we can learn, when we put our mind to it.
Another Gemini lesson is to learn truthful communications, as some Gemini individuals tend to give others what the Gemini person ‘thinks’ the other person wants to hear, rather than being truthful. Going for a long walk in nature will help any stale energy to move through the body, keeping in mind that movement is very important, in order to keep Gemini energy healthy. Almost, by default, this movement of the body helps them, uncover their truth. This could feel, as such a precious reward for their efforts.
For individuals with a strong Gemini energy, they would really benefit from meditation practices to calm their mind and connect to their feelings. Interestingly, Gemini persons tend to shy away from meditation especially, if they are too caught up in their mind chatter. They would rather just talk.
The body parts affected by the Gemini energy are lungs, nervous system, hands, arms and shoulders. We can tell that we are playing our Gemini dysfunctionally, if our lungs are congested, due to perhaps being unable, to get off our chest, what we need to. Also, our shoulders may be sore or injured in some way and this shows us that we are carrying a burden, which we are not releasing, through our honest communications of our feelings.
Additionally, we could be so much in our heads that we are constantly bumping into things, as we lack focus on slowing our thoughts. It’s time to communicate our feelings without strive for solution.
All of us have Gemini in our birth charts, some more than others; we do not need to be a Happy Birthday Gemini to play this game strongly. I invite you to checkout which house cusp and/or which planets you have in your own personal Gemini make up. Also, see if you have any planets in the third house, as that is a Gemini house. I say, how beautiful that the Gemini energy is mutable, meaning changeable and movable from their dysfunctional traits.
The people that have the mutable signs of Gemini/Sagittarius, Pisces/Virgo in their birth charts ranging anywhere from 10 to 14 degrees will feel this New Moon in Gemini more than others. Again, the invitation is, to please print your birth charts and physically place this New Moon in Gemini, as then this will help you see if it sits on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birth chart and/or if it makes any significant aspects. It is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.
I hope that this serves you.
Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit this website: and subscribe if you haven't already or if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.
Also, I am available for one-on-one astrology readings, either through Skype or face-to-face. Please book through this website. I look forward to hearing from you.
Travel well.
I do Love you all.