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Writer's pictureZiva Zavadil

New Moon in Gemini, 23.05.2020

New Moon 2 degrees and 5 minutes in Gemini on 23rd of May 2020, at 3:38am AEST

Welcome dear readers. I appreciate your subscription and your valuable feedback. Thank you so much. I hope that you are all well and happy.

Happy Birthday light-hearted, playful and curious Gemini! I hope that you have the best day doing something fun on your special day.

Ladies and Gents we have a New Moon in Gemini. A New Moon is demonstrated by an exact conjunction between the Sun and Moon. Any New Moon brings in with it a sense of freshness and aliveness to plant new seeds of intention into a fertile soil. This New Moon is especially fresh being in the sign of Gemini.

This is because a functional Gemini is fun, versatile, mindful, listens and is interested in learning new things. Therefore, she fits in beautifully with this New Moon’s energy and provides that abundant and luscious ground for planting new ideas.

Also, Gemini energy is light and youthful therefore, it loves being inquisitive and asking smart and witty questions.

Further, Gemini is a mutable energy that loves moving beyond what currently exists for them. This energy is flexible and adaptable and could be asking:

Where do I need to change in order to thrive in my life?

In what areas of life am I adapting in ways that no longer serve me?

How can I still my mind and connect to my intuition?

Gemini element is air and this energy needs movement such as walks or short trips in a car, in order to calm and quieten the monkey mind. Sometimes the movement of transferring thoughts from our heads onto paper or in our journal can really give us immense clarity on a situation.

Also although, many Geminis often refuse they would really benefit from stilling the mind through meditation.

Essentially, this New Moon in Gemini would be encouraging all of us to focus our mind and our eagerness on heartfelt communication and connection with each other through our conversations, writing, presenting and teaching.

This New Moon is squaring the planet Mars in Pisces. Also, there is a square forming between Mercury and Venus holding hands very tightly in Gemini squaring Neptune in Pisces. Interestingly, all of these three planets squaring each other are twenty degrees. Therefore, this makes it an exact activation and a potent force.

What could this mean? It could be time to be watching those addictive impulsive patterns. Maybe ask: What would I have to feel if I could not indulge in that behaviour? I suggest that you name the behaviour that you are directly performing and desiring to change. Such as: What would I have to feel if I couldn’t have the glass of wine, cigarette, coffee, sugar, food, mindless spending or anything. Do it with as much love as possible.

Squares create stress, tension and pressure to enable us the opportunity to move through the discomfort into greater understanding of ourselves and joy in our hearts.

We are very much supported at this New Moon in Gemini to ask curious questions about our own behaviour.

Venus in Gemini could be asking for loving honest communication of our feelings. This is not usually easy to do or for the other person to receive however; this heart-connected communication leaves us feeling clear and happy.

Further, Neptune has the capacity to wash away our sorrows or to amplify them. Now is the time to feel the emotions. Also, it is time to acknowledge our imperfections and love them unconditionally. None of us are perfect although many strive towards perfection in the hope of an illusionary pay off. This is a Pisces theme. Pisces is also a mutable energy.

The dysfunctional Gemini can be hysterical, inattentive, mindless, sly, cunning, schizoid and scattered. This Gemini finds it difficult to learn, focus and listen to others. Also, it lies, manipulates and is often thought of as the funny jester and trickster. This way it can remain superficial through humour.

Please know that we all have Gemini within and the suggested Gemini lessons designed to develop into the functional.

No sign is pretty when playing dysfunctionally. However, when we have the desire to change and grow spiritually and we own those parts of ourselves that we do not like our soul gets happy. You can feel it singing for joy! That is something tangible to strive for, develop and learn.

The planet Mercury rules the sign of Gemini. You could see where you have her placed in your birth chart. Mercury is referred to as The Messenger from The Gods. These messages are designed to aid our own evolution as well as the spiritual advancement of humanity, as a whole. In quiet times when we are still, whether that be in nature or in meditation we become aligned for these loving, bright and uplifting messages.

The body parts affected by the Gemini energy are lungs, nervous system, hands, arms and shoulders. For instance, if our lungs are congested due to perhaps being unable to get something off our chest, then what we can do is look for the house placement of our Gemini, to see in what area of life Gemini plays out for you. Further, see what placements are in your 3rd house, the Gemini house.

Also, our shoulders may become sore or injured in some way and this can show us that we are carrying a burden, which we are not releasing, through our honest communications of our feelings.

Additionally, we could be so much in our heads that we are constantly bumping into things, as we lack focus on slowing our thoughts. This is because Gemini rules the nervous system and therefore, we may be feeling a bit ungrounded. At these times it is important to remind ourselves to spend time in nature, as Mother Earth is simply the biggest and simplest healer available to us.

The people that have the mutable signs of Gemini/Sagittarius and Pisces/Virgo in their birth charts ranging between 0 to 5 degrees will feel this New Moon in Gemini more than others.

Again, the invitation is, to please print your birth charts and physically place this New Moon in Gemini, as then this will help you see if it sits on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birth chart and/or if it makes any significant aspects.

It is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts. I hope that this serves you.

Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency.

Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit this website: if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.

Also, I am available for one-on-one astrology readings, either through Skype or face-to-face. Please book through my website. if anyone is interested to start studying astrology with me, then please email me expressing your interest. I look forward to hearing from you.

Travel well dear ones.

I do Love you ALL.


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