New Moon 19 degrees and 47 minutes in Gemini, 10.06.2021, 8:52 pm AEST
Welcome precious readers. Thank you for your subscription. I hope that you are well and making the most of these challenging times. It’s not always easy. Astrology can be a wonderful tool for seeing our truth about our game. At this time, it can teach us to connect light-heartedly within and possibly see the external world through fun-loving and curious spirit of Gemini.
Happy Birthday Gemini. May you have fun and laughter on your special day doing what you love.
Ladies and Gents, we have a New Moon in Gemini. At any New Moon the Sun and Moon form what is called in astrology an exact conjunction. What this means is that they share the same amount of degrees, minutes and are both in the same zodiacal sign. If you can imagine this closeness allows the Sun and Moon to use their blended power combining the masculine and feminine for our growth on all levels.
Knowing that physically they are literally sitting on top of each other. The Sun and Moon are in the sign of Gemini. What could this Gemini closeness mean?
It is time to let go of Gemini themes that no longer feel good. Then consequently, plant new Gemini seeds of intention that do feel good and serve our highest good.
The sign of Gemini is ruled by the mind, is fun and curious. Therefore, it loves to ask plenty of questions, as it is very eager to learn. Also, Gemini loves movement of the body taking small trips and visiting her neighbourhood. Gemini may get some ideas whilst talking to her neighbours. It is important to not underestimate human contact.
Watch when being with others for any tendencies of being unable or unwilling to learn and listen. Or alternatively engaging in fast conversation and possibly talking over others. This information when taken on board with love can provide ourselves a wonderful doorway into seeing our truth and deliver avenues of growth into feeling good.
This New Moon is a perfect time to get to know our own Gemini themes and games, we all play them to differing degrees. This New Moon in Gemini is conjunct, which means it is sitting in close proximity up to an 8-degree separation to planet Mercury. Gemini is ruled by Mercury. This gives any individual that is willing to see themselves honestly a wonderful support from the heavens to work on their Gemini energy that does feel a bit stale and out of date.
The unconscious Gemini can use her silver tongue to gossip and consequently hurt others with words. She can be scattered and hysterical therefore unable to have her thoughts in order, which could make her mindless and inattentive in her communications.
Planet Mercury is travelling retrograde. What this means is that we have additional support to reflect deeply on our thoughts. Spend more time on the internal planes whilst doing our questioning. This gives us a chance to work consciously and lovingly work with our communication style. So that we can watch our thoughts and become mindful. Knowing that thoughts are the most powerful healing or destructive tools, as thoughts create our reality. We truly are supported at this time to examine our mind and choose accordingly.
Then, we can truly be interested in what others are saying to us. We can be versatile, youthful, quick in our thinking, witty and humorous in a fun-loving way that is authentic and lovable.
We could also write that book that has been sitting in the back of our minds or that we have been putting off.
Or we could be a presenter, wonderful at networking. We could bring lightness into our serious existence.
Just being mindful that whilst Mercury is retrograde, it is not advisable to sign any new contracts. Simply, due to the fact that we could miss things during the reading of the fine print, we can mis-interpretate the written communication. Wonderful thing about Gemini is that it is adaptable and willing to change.
We can write a list of the things that we would like to change for our highest good. We can choose to notice what no longer stimulates our mind juices or generates an ease in our day-to-day communications.
We are supported to develop our intuition that is ruled by the contrary sign of Sagittarius that is opposite to Gemini. When we follow through on our intuitive impulses, then we are learning to trust ourselves. This way we can assist the balancing of the Gemini and Sagittarius polarities.
As mentioned above, the sign of Gemini is a mutable energy that enjoys change. Essentially, these energies need to move beyond what currently exists for them otherwise illness can occur. Gemini rules the lungs, hands, arms, shoulders and the nervous system.
Our body is a very smart mechanism that loves to alert us with distinct messages. Any issues with any of these mentioned body parts will be informing ourselves of our Gemini game.
The mutable signs are Gemini/Sagittarius, Virgo/Pisces. The people that have these signs in their natal chart ranging from 16 to 22 degrees will feel this Full Moon more than others.
The invitation is to print your birth charts and physically place this New Moon in Gemini in your house, it will assist you to see what area of life your Gemini/Mercury resides in and possibly this way you may more easily see, if it is making any significant aspects to any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your precious chart.
It is my experience that we can miss things, if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.
My aim is to serve you.
Remembering, that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit this website: if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.
I am also available for one-on-one transformational-astrology readings and other services. Travel well everyone. I do Love, each and every one, of you.