New Moon 20 degrees, 44 minutes in Capricorn, 11.01.2024, 9:57pm AEST
Welcome precious readers. Thank you for your subscription. Greetings new readers, may you enjoy these articles. I love writing these words and I write them from my experience and understanding as it is now.
Happy Birthday Capricorn. May your day be caring for yourself doing what you love.
Ladies and gents, we have a New Moon in Capricorn. At any New Moon the Sun and Moon sit on top of each other in an exact conjunction. What this means is that they share the same amount of degrees, minutes and are in identical zodiacal sign. This occurs purposefully, to enable any individual to feel and acknowledge the ‘old’ that no longer serves their highest good. Further the New Moon paradigm occurs in order to create room and time for new intentions to be planted. This occurs at the exact time of The New Moon. This time we have the Sun and Moon in the sign of Capricorn.
At this stage, we as humanity are evolving at the greatest speed in history. This evolution activates discord and dissolution both within and without. We see this out in the everyday 3D structure that is ruled by the sign of Capricorn. We may believe what we physically see as truth. The sign of Capricorn may limit us to see truth from a higher perspective due to its rigid tendencies. We may work hard and love what we’re doing that we don’t even realise that we are doing the hard work.
The sign of Capricorn has as its archetype the goat. The goat surefootedly climbs the mountain never doubting that it cannot do it. The goat has no fear. We can only begin the surefooted Capricorn climb when we are ready.
The sign of Capricorn rules in the highest sense our career which is in alignment with what feels authentically good.
The sign of Capricorn is ruled by planet Saturn. Saturn is known for being The Lord of Karma and Timing. I did not experience planet Saturn as a hard task master, as I was being too hard on myself. I had to learn ‘soft love’. Each time I connected to planet Saturn he told me to stop being so hard on yourself. You see I was my own greatest task master. That is why Saturn showed up as a soft and cuddly energy for me. We all perceive the planets differently according to our own needs. How do you perceive planet Saturn?
Planet Saturn and the sign of Capricorn are very responsible in every way possible. Saturn is the loving responsible father archetype. They will not allow us to see our truth until we are ready for it. The truth is usually opposite to what we have connected to as being concrete and real to us. Truth makes us happy whereas non actuality makes us anxious.
The Sun and Moon in Capricorn are creating two Squares to the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra. These two Nodes oppose each other and they all form a triangle Shape that is called A T-Square in astrology. This is being activated temporarily at this New Moon. What could this mean?
We may perceive being attacked by certain individuals even when we’re not. You see the perceived activations are no different to the real experience. We perceive them as real as they are assisting us to heal real attacks from our childhood. We only realise that the activation was imagined after we have released them out of our consciousness. We need to view our perceptions as real otherwise there would be no ground for self-healing.
When we are activated, we may reject the pain, rightfully so. We may feel a cold shiver in our body. We may shake and cry, as we release our pain and we may shout that this feels too hard. It may help to know that whatever we are faced with is happening according to God’s Timing, not our human scheduling.
Nodal Axis could be asking: Am I acting as a selfish individual? Or are my actions for the initiation for the collective?
Capricorn is a cardinal sign. Cardinal signs will be driven to grow and initiate new practical action. In order to be happy, the Capricorn works hard doing what they love. Further, the sign of Capricorn requires taking responsible action, setting boundaries that feel good, no matter what others say about us. We may be called selfish when in fact we are acting for the collective as a whole.
The sign of Capricorn rules our skin, skeletal system and teeth. If we have Saturn in the sign of Aries, we may be experiencing bleeding gums. Possibly, due to allowing others to control and steal our identity. We then may become the hardest task masters towards ourselves due to hard and violent upbringing where there was no love or safety.
We may then be amazed that we survived. The patterns of childhood are likely to be recreated in our adult relationships. It may be hard to treat ourselves with soft love, as that is so far removed from our experience. Soft love administered step by step is the only way that I know to heal. Expect to fall over like little children do. Do your best to pick yourself up with soft love. Be in awe of your resilience of the hardships of life. Learn to love yourself as much as you can. Spend time in nature talking to the trees and God, Goddess, Yeshua or the planets. Ask for healing? This can release our pain in an instant.
Others that we once saw as loving authority figures may have broken our bones. We may blame ourselves for this severe punishment that we encountered until we see the hard truth that we were not loved by those that abused us. Maybe karmically, we have chosen the hardest life possible. Possibly to first settle our own karmic debt so that we can be in loving service to ourselves then to others at this powerfully transformational time.
Those people that have the four Cardinal signs of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra, anywhere from 16 to 24 degrees in their birth chart will be affected by this New Moon in Capricorn, more so than others. We may see if this New Moon is aspecting any points or angles in your natal chart like the Ascendant/Descendant or the M.C. or I.C.
Where is 20 degrees of Capricorn in your natal chart? Possibly place this degree of Capricorn at this New Moon. Then it could assist you to see which house is the New Moon in Capricorn in? What area of life does it ignite within you?
I hope that these writings serve you with healing love and light.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit my website: if you know someone that would like to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings, please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it. I also teach astrology to intimate groups of people. Message me if you feel called to work together as a team.
Also, I am available for one-on-one astrology readings and other services available on my website.
Travel well.