New Moon 12 degrees and 20 minutes in Capricorn, 03.01.2022, 04:33 am AEST
Welcome precious readers, thank you for subscribing to these articles. It means a lot to me. Writing them helps me to grow in ways that you cannot even imagine. I am expressing my sincere gratitude for the time that we are spending together. I hope that you are well at these transformational times.
Happy Birthday Dearest Capricorn. May your day be spent doing what you love perhaps letting go of working-hard for one day and allowing rest to rejuvenate your being.
Ladies and Gents, we have a New Moon in Capricorn. At any New Moon the position the Sun and Moon form is an exact conjunction. What this means is that they both share the same amount of degrees and minutes and are both in the same zodiacal sign.
This time they are in the sign of Capricorn. What could this mean? A New Moon provides a fertile ground for planting new ideas into our psyche, in order to promote growth, moving us out of our comfort zone and into new territory. All it takes is a heartfelt and genuine intention that will carry us through into a higher frequency.
Working with the energy of Capricorn, to enable change to occur, one needs to be sure-footed like the mountain goat as it takes each step up the mountain in a confident manner. The sign of Capricorn is ruled by planet Saturn. Saturn will not allow leaps and bounds. It has to be step by step building a firm and solid foundation. Similarly, to building strong foundations for a house.
The above is so true due to planet Saturn ruling our 3D structure and the actual physical substance of concrete. Therefore, Saturn can create hard falls. Saturn also rules timing, karma and maturity. At 29 years old, we experience our first Saturn return. What this means is that Saturn comes back to the beginning point of our birth chart and says, it is now time to grow-up and reach a higher maturity on all levels of body, mind and spirit.
A functional Capricorn is responsible, is able to set healthy boundaries, structure self, achieve measured success while meeting each fear. Capricorn also loves to work hard and is committed to achieve goals. Its energy is grounded, practical, disciplined and very good at business.
Also, the sign of Capricorn can be fearful to take responsibility for its own doing, limit itself and control self or others. We could ask: Am I limiting myself? And if so, how am I limiting myself? Then what forward steps can I take towards my success and happiness?
Essentially, Capricorn rules teeth and bones and the whole skeletal system. Our knees can hurt or even fracture, if we are scared of moving forward in our lives. Calcium deficiencies can occur when we indulge in rigid and fearful thoughts.
Also, Capricorn rules the skin. Dry skin can indicate an emotional suppression of the opposite zodiacal sign to Capricorn being Cancer. Any body ailments are simply messages sent from our bodies to take a deeper and better care of ourselves.
Our bodies truly are our indicator’s of showing us pain, hurt or fatigue by doing its very best in letting us know what requires our attention and love so that we can return back to health.
Capricorn quality is Cardinal and this means that it needs to take initiative to create what it wants. It needs to take action, in order to move forward up the ladder of growth and evolution.
Those people that have the four Cardinal signs of Capricorn/Cancer or Aries/Libra, anywhere from 8 to 16 degrees in their birth chart will be affected by this New Moon in Capricorn, more so than others.
If you can please print your birth chart and physically place this New Moon where you have your 12 degrees of Capricorn. Then, by looking at the house meaning, it can help you see if it sits on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your chart and/or if it makes any significant aspects. As this activation can help plant new seeds of intention in the correct area of life. Each house represents a different area of life.
It can help to know that love heals all no matter what it is. As love vibrates at the highest frequency. Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit this website: www.transformational-astrology.comif you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.
I am available for one-on-one astrology readings and other services available on my website.
Also, I am starting a new Beginner’s Transformational Astrology Classes beginning on Monday the 24th of January. There are two spots available. Feel free to message me, if you would like more information and if studying with me resonates with you.
Travel well.