New Moon 10 degrees, 37 minutes in Cancer, 3rd of July 2019 at 5:16 am AEST
Greetings beautiful subscribers! Again, I thank you for your continuous support and feedback. Welcome to all the new people that have just jumped on board this magical train into higher consciousness. I celebrate you and I thank you. I grow with you and I write these articles from my level of awareness and experience.
I would like to wish a Happy Birthday to our nurturing, mothering and caring Cancerians. May your special day be spent doing what truly feeds and nourishes your Soul, as this will fill your own emotional tank up beautifully. Equally, please allow being cared for by others, especially, if this is not your usual practice. Spend your time feeling safe and cuddly in whatever home environment that feels right for you. I am eternally grateful, for each and every one of you Cancerians for your tremendous care that you provide for yourselves and for our precious human family. Mother Nature Thanks You! Happy Birthday :)
Ladies and Gents we have a New Moon in Cancer that is also a Total Solar Eclipse. At any New Moon we have the Sun and Moon holding hands so tight that they share an exact conjunction and this time they are both 10 degrees and 37 minutes. The word conjunction of any planetary body describes planets sitting closely together, side-by-side, usually allowing up to an eight-degree orb/separation. Interestingly, at a New Moon, the Sun And Moon have no orb between them.
At every New Moon, the energy is fresh and fertile and it supports planting, fresh new ideas or seeds of intention into this rich soil that sprouts, grows, matures and becomes ready for harvest at the Full Moon cycle.
These intentions at a New Moon that is also a Total Solar Eclipse are different to any other New Moon, as the eclipse provides extra oomph of power. What happens is that Sun, Moon and Earth are all lined up together and it is due to this alignment during a Total Solar Eclipse that Moon energy becomes more powerful. We have both New Moon and Full Moon eclipses.
This New Moon Total Solar Eclipse is simply an available energy that amplifies shifts. These shifts are evident in our human consciousness and acceleration of our spiritual growth together with our evolutionary potential. At this, New Moon, the Sun and Moon are both in the sign of Cancer.
Additionally, this New Moon in Cancer is conjunct the North Node in Cancer. Therefore, you can see and feel the accentuated focus and issues with our family members. Our own sense of belonging to our immediate family and the extended family can be triggered. As well as, our own personal connection to every human being here on planet Earth can be brought into our awareness.
This connection is what is being nurtured at this time. To realise that there is family everywhere and in everyone. Also, Cancer represents our home and our sense of safety within it. Further, as always, on an evolutionary level we are creating that home and sense of belonging within our own self. This is because it always begins with us and if we can create that home within ourselves then we have it with us no matter where we physically move. This begins with self-nurture, self-care and attending to our own emotional needs.
The invitation is to ask self:
What would be nurturing for me right now?
Allow the first impulse or thought to be your guide. Then give yourself that nourishment and feel your emotional body change to feeling better.
Additionally, when we give to self, each time we feel needy, emotional or we are lacking nourishment in some way, we are building a solid foundation of inner security and inner safety. It is also vital to allow any emotions to be felt fully within our core self.
What does the South Node conjunct Saturn and Pluto both in the sign of Capricorn want for us?
Knowing that we are working with the Cancer/Capricorn polarity at this New Moon.
I feel, that it wants us to take responsibility for our past karma, this life and other lifetimes to lift the energy of Capricorn as we climb up that mountain building a firm solid foundation of inner-stability, inner-status and show up in our careers out in the world. Pluto wants total transformation.
This happens, so that we can all step into the North Node in Cancer of mothering and nourishment for our humanity. I see this as an important task for all of us, as we all have the energy of Cancer within us. Plus, I feel that we all have that responsibility for humanity, as a whole. This can be challenging to acknowledge because when we do realise this truth, then that awareness requires supportive action.
There is a square aspecting from our three heavenly bodies of Moon, Sun and North Node to Chiron in Aries. I see this aspect assisting us on a global level to heal the wounds that make us feel ineffectual and small. Especially related to areas of assertive action and fears around new beginnings.
I have heard Chiron being referred to as the dimensional doorway. I like that term. Chiron sits up in the sky acting as a bridge between the personal fast moving planets and the evolutionary slow moving planets.
From my understanding, the hard aspects that are being created at this New Moon are not there by chance; they are there to aid our spiritual and evolutionary growth.
Cancer is a cardinal quality and what that means is that it needs to take assertive action moving forward.
Parts of body affected when not playing our Cancer game of life functionally are: breasts, the white fluids of our body and stomach, could develop ulcers, gastritis, indigestion and water retention. Further, disease in the uterus or growths on your breasts could develop when not nurturing own emotional needs.
The Moon rules Cancer and this energy is caring and mothering, as its main focus. Cancer element is water and it feels deeply about the areas of each house that your individual Cancer is placed.
When Cancer energy is out of balance, it can become needy, insecure, hurt, anxious, defensive, moody and/or nagging. Also, Cancer can be overly sensitive, clingy, timid, dependent and smothering. These above-mentioned key words, are very real Cancerian themes and require us to ‘feel them’ before any letting go can occur.
A balanced and functional Cancer will be supportive, caring, nourishing, home loving, will feel protected, secure, and safe, psychic, tender, mothering to self and others and will have a sense of family, belonging and home.
You maybe aware by now those Cancer themes are very much related to our family and that sense of belonging, which is fundamentally a primal energy of Cancer. Essentially, this New Moon is all about mastering the emotional body. In order to master our emotions, we need to free up our ‘past moods’ and ‘past conditioning’. This is not always easy, as we tend to be attached to our conditioning.
Knowing that The Moon rules Cancer. The nodes are heavily involved and we are very much working with the Cancer/Capricorn energy. Knowing that Capricorn ruled by Saturn opposes this New Moon and is tightly holding hands with The South Node in Capricorn and loosely with Pluto on its other side of him.
I wonder just how many of you precious readers realise the impact of this New Moon and without taking into account the full meaning of the Total Solar Eclipse at this stage. I am learning that the current eclipse is the strongest that we have globally experienced in a long time.
Away from any technical understanding, I know that when we plant new seeds of intention at a Total Eclipse the affect is much more powerful than at any other New Moon. May we all focus on what it is that we wish to create for our future and all that is living on our planet Mother Earth.
I am thankful to God for giving us all the opportunity to heal our family karma ties.
Also, I am utilising this energy, to my best ability, letting go of old karmic holdings that no longer serve my highest good. In fact, holding onto these, is to our detriment. Working through them and letting them go truly is the only road to feeling that inner-safety and security.
Again, I invite you to see in which house this plays out for you as that will describe the underlay and theme of the house, it will be influenced by the house cusp sign and any planets involved especially in the Cardinal signs of Cancer/Capricorn and Aries/Libra. The people that have the above mentioned cardinal signs in their birthcharts ranging from 7 to 13 degrees will feel this New Moon more than others.
Without sounding melodramatic, I urge you to value, the power of this New Moon and its ability to shed family related karma that is most likely carried over from many lifetimes. This offering is a blessing for us all.
I apologise for the late edition getting these Moon Musings out to you. I hope that you get to read them and that you choose to plant your own intention at this truly precious New Moon in Cancer.
If you can please print your birthcharts and physically place this New Moon in Cancer then it will help you see if it sits on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birthchart and/or if it makes any significant aspects.
As always, it is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.
I hope that this serves you.
Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit this website:, if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it. Also, I am available for one-on-one astrology readings and other services available to check out on my website. Feel free to message me and book an appointment, if anything that I offer resonates with you.
Travel well.
I love you all dearly.