New Moon 28 degrees and 27 minutes in Cancer on 21.07.2020 at 3:32am AEST
Welcome to all the readers. I hope that you are well and happy enjoying your days, as much as you can. Thank you for your subscription. I appreciate it very much. Just a friendly reminder that I write these articles from my own experience and understanding of life, as it is now. I aim that my experiences benefit your own understanding of yourselves and your own spiritual growth, even if that is in a very small way, this would make me happy. Also, please know that you are not alone even though it can feel so at times.
At this time we are still in the Happy Birthday season of our Family Caring Cancer. How wonderful! Then from the 23rd of July we say a brand new Happy Birthday to our Joyous and Creative Leo. No matter what Sun sign you are celebrating, may you all do something that you love on your special day.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have another New Moon in Cancer. What could this repeating pattern mean?
Cancer self-care is being accentuated and called upon by this double up of Cancer/Capricorn energy.
For those of you that have played the caring game for others in your family and perhaps forgotten or were unable to give that similar nurturing, care and nourishment to yourselves. Please know that, at this New Moon in Cancer, it is time to plant new seeds of intention for self-nurturance and self-nourishment.
Putting others above self will no longer work for us individually or collectively. For those that are in caring roles and give too much of your own energy to others, then this can end-up depleting you of your own vital force of energy and can result in being unable to care for others, as an outcome.
Now, is the time to begin self-care in the most tender and sweet way possible. This self-care may not be easy to apply for some at first and may require self-discipline (Capricorn). We have full support to give this to ourselves from the cosmic bodies and to grow in inner strength, as a result of it. This care could be as simple as taking a walk in nature, having a warm bath, going for a massage or giving self some self-caring strokes of love.
Any New Moon is demonstrated by the Sun and Moon sitting very closely together. This is called a conjunction in astrology. At this time, the Sun and Moon share an identical sign in the same amount of degrees and minutes.
This energy combined assist’s us to plant new seeds of intention in the sign of Cancer. Subsequently, allowing us the ability to plant those ‘new seeds’ in the area of life that affects us personally, emotionally & spiritually or on the larger scale, globally.
Every person, nation and country has its own birth chart. Which house is your late degree (28) in the sign of Cancer in your birth chart? Is there a planet close to this degree?
The sign of Cancer represents our immediate family, our sense of belonging and our security. This can be a ‘big’ subject for many individuals. Keeping in mind that Cancer element is water. Therefore, we can at times feel hurt and feel overly emotional. It is important for the Cancer person to feel all of their emotions.
Then the Cancer energy can extend its caring energy to embrace the ‘family of man’, as the Cancer matures and develops its own inner security and a sense of belonging to itself first. This can only be achieved through allowing and feeling any suppressed emotions and through self-care. Our precious planet the Moon rules the sign of Cancer.
Just think how powerful the Moon really is with its ability to move the ‘Tides of the Oceans’. Wouldn’t it be similarly moving the ‘inner tides’ of our own emotionality, considering our bodies are made-up of predominantly water?
This New Moon in Cancer is opposing Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto all in the sign of Capricorn. What could this mean? Due to this opposition this New Moon may take a bit longer time to fully germinate its seeds. Capricorn is the ‘Lord of Timing’ and can bring in rigidity, limitation and restriction. On the upside, Saturn can help us to take responsibility for everything that we think, fear, limit, do or say. Yay!
Although, Saturn can bring in a sense of seriousness essentially, Saturn would be teaching us to slow down and take one step at a time on our climb-up the mountain of success.
This is because the planet Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn and this energy rules our everyday 3D structure, maturity, practicality and that timing. Hence the ‘slowing’ down, taking slow sure-footed steps up our mountain of success, whatever that may look like for us personally. Saturn also rules ‘karma’ from this life and any other lifetimes. Some individuals can fear Saturn for his restriction, fears and karmic powers and qualities. Karma is simply ‘cause and effect’ and part of the Laws of Nature.
On this karmic train, human beings can end up being much worse than ‘poor old’ Saturn with our own restriction and limitation that we put on ourselves. We can be so ‘hard’ on ourselves and create a much harder life for ourselves than is truly needed. Many of us were brought up with the upbringing that ‘anything worth doing is doing hard’.
At this New Moon in Cancer, we have another opportunity to take those ‘hard reigns’ off and soften our own restriction and control that is usually there through our own fear. Fear is not ‘real’ although it feels, as if it is.
With Pluto into the mix, this could be deeply transformational in the societal structures such as Governments. Similar transformations could be experienced within our own psyches and releasing our fears.
The planet Jupiter would be looking for expansion and spiritual growth. Fundamentally, Jupiter would want for all of us to access our own intuition and truth and act upon it in that practical manner (Capricorn).
Dysfunctional Cancer can develop water retention, breast and uterus sensitivities or more serious illnesses for those individuals that are experiencing prolonged self-neglect.
Remembering that Cancer is a cardinal sign and that means it requires taking action on its impulses, on anything that excites and uplifts the soul and personality.
Those people that have the four Cardinal signs of Cancer/Capricorn and Aries/Libra, anywhere from 25 degrees to 1 degree (in the next sign) in their birth charts will be affected by this New Moon in Cancer energy, more than others.
If you can please print your birth chart and physically place this New Moon in the sign of Cancer into your birth charts, then it will help you see if it sits on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your chart and/or if it makes any significant aspects.
As always, it is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts. I hope that this serves you.
Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings.
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Also, I am available for one-on-one astrology readings and other services available through this website. You can message me and book an appointment, if anything that I offer resonates with you.
Travel well.
I love you all dearly.