New Moon 0 degrees and 21 minutes in Cancer, on 21.06.2020 at 4:41 pm AEST
Welcome beautiful readers. I hope that you are all well. Thank you for your subscription and your valuable feedback, I really appreciate it.
Happy Birthday Nurturing and Mothering Cancer. May you have the very best birthday doing what you love. May you find what nourishes your soul on your special day and give it to yourself.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a Solstice New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer. Wow! What a beautiful mouthful. At any New Moon the Sun and Moon share an exact conjunction, this means that the Sun and Moon are in the same sign, number of degrees and minutes. It is this exact combined blending of energy that gives any New Moon its oomph to plant new seeds of intention.
However, at a Solar Eclipse we are playing with a different force of energy. It is a more potent force and its effects last much longer than at any other New Moon. A Solar Eclipse can only occur at a New Moon. Celestially, it is when the Moon comes between the Sun and Earth and from my level of understanding, it is this close alignment at a Solar Eclipse that makes the New Moon energy much more powerful and fertile than at any other New Moon.
Isn’t it wonderful that we have this extra potency made available to us at this time to aid our planting? There is an invitation to ponder: What would I love to plant into this extra fertile soil?
At a Solar Eclipse we can use this extra fertility to literally regenerate ourselves into new deeply secure and nourished beings. The changes that we decide to make at this time could have remarkable outcomes of success, if we choose to take this opportunity and plant our new seeds of intention with conviction and certainty. This is nothing to be scared of; the New Moon energy feels very comforting and safe in its ability to create. All we need to do is give ourselves permission to soften and feel to our best ability. This may be a brand new beginning for some.
This can be done in meditation; prayer or it could be done through actually physically planting something that represents this new YOU and potentially powerful new beginning, set personally for you. We are so supported, in so many ways at this New Moon and our precious Moon rules the sign of Cancer.
Another exciting thing about this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer is that this year it falls on the exact day of the Winter Solstice for us in the Southern Hemisphere. A Cancer Solstice for us marks the shortest day of the year and the winter hibernation and rejuvenation.
The Cancer symbol is the crab and we can use this quiet time of winter hibernation to comfortably stay in our shells of comfort before we dare to come out and greet the world with a sense of safety and wonder.
Cancer is a cardinal sign and this energy needs to initiate action. If your Sun sign is in a cardinal sign and if you desire for your life to work well for you, it would serve you to work with the Cancer/Capricorn energies towards their functional expression. Do this consciously. Capricorn loves to feel a sense of achievement doing what it loves. Also, Capricorn loves to discipline and structure self, as well as learning to set healthy boundaries.
Essentially, the soft Cancer is learning to identify its emotional needs and learn to support themselves. Also, it is learning to accept family members as being valuable teachers for our emotional development and emotional mastery. We can do this through taking responsibility (Capricorn) for everything we creates. Learning that through owning and feeling all of the emotional hurts and dependencies, it’s building that safe and secure structure within. We can then open to loving and nurturing ourselves & the family of man.
This Cancer Solstice and Solar Eclipse makes it a perfect time to clear family emotional patterns that no longer serve our emotional wellbeing, at this New Moon. Cancer rules family, our roots and our sense of belonging. Also, Cancer and the Moon rule our birth mother and any ancestral karmic lineage associated to family patterns and ties, especially to our mother.
Cancer is also associated with our emotional neediness and dependency on our families or with whom we feel that sense of belonging. It would be a good time to examine more closely our Cancer emotions that no longer nurture us and simply choose to detach from any emotional entanglement. Cancer can be timid, fearful and overly sensitive.
For those individuals that have experienced their early home life as unsafe and uncaring, it is now possible to make the decision to plant new ways of caring and mothering themselves, so that they can actually feel nurtured. Begin building a solid and safe home within by giving the adult self all of the mothering and nourishment that the little child did not receive when they were very young. It is now time to begin being our own mothers, no matter what gender we are. It would serve us to build that sense of safety and security with utmost tenderness and love towards our ‘inner child’.
Cancer and the Moon are soft and tender energies and they can assist us in cultivating this gentleness within each and every one of us, if we choose to. We can be so hard (opposite Capricorn) and uncaring towards others and ourselves. Especially, for those that had their ‘feeling’ emotions suppressed or that received hardness, as young children.
This is not about guilt or blame towards anyone. It is about recognising when we feel offended and hurt and through this learn to recognise it as a ‘golden’ opportunity for growth. Without our hurts, we would have nothing to work with towards our emotional mastery. This mindset takes time to cultivate within. We can begin, if we choose to at this very powerful precious New Moon.
Cancer rules our breasts, whether we are male or female. Also, Cancer rules our white fluids in the body and our stomach. When we’re playing the Cancer game dysfunctionally, we could develop gastritis, ulcers and indigestion issues. Also, we could experience water retention, as Cancer is a water element. These can occur when we are not being mothering and caring for ourselves. The invitation is to practice ‘inner child’ work to aid the little girl or boy in us to feel safe and cared for emotionally.
The people that have the four cardinal signs of Cancer/Capricorn and Aries/Libra in their birthcharts ranging from 27 degrees in Gemini (previous sign) to 3 degrees in Cancer will feel this New Moon in Cancer more so than others.
If you can please print your birthcharts and physically place this New Moon in Cancer, then it will help you see if it sits on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birthchart and/or if it makes any significant aspects.
As always, it is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.
I hope that this serves you.
Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. Love can be the most nourishing food for our soul, when we take the time to care for ourselves.
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Travel well.
Love and Hugs