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Writer's pictureZiva Zavadil

New Moon in Cancer, 10.07.2021

New Moon 18 degrees and 01 minute in Cancer, 10.07.2021 at 11:16 am AEST

Welcome sweet readers. Thank you for your subscription. I value it very much. I hope that you are well. I am sending you extra bucket loads of love at this time.

Happy Birthday Cancer. May you have the best nurturing day possible on your special day doing what you love.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a New Moon in Cancer. Any New Moon is demonstrated by the Sun and Moon sitting next to each other in what is called in astrology an exact conjunction. What this means is that these two cosmic bodies share the same amount of degrees and minutes, as well as residing in the same sign.

This exact merging of the Sun (masculine) and Moon (feminine) creates a powerful ground to harmonise these two, very different energies. We can then set intentions using our awareness of these blended energies. To then feel and see the results of our harvest at the next Full Moon.

At a New Moon, our mind is like soil which is very fertile and ready to take on new ideas and a new way of being. This intention can grow into a potent healing ritual at this time as the Sun and Moon are in the sign of Cancer. What could this mean?

Seeds of intention are being planted, carrying the energy of self-care, nourishment, safety and nurturance. Essentially, the soft and emotional Cancer is learning to build a secure emotional home within. This idea can be planted at a New Moon. First there needs to be a letting go of the old way of thinking before the new goal can be planted. The soil needs to be treated with love, if anything is to grow in it.

All of the unconscious hurts that may have been experienced from life’s experiences when we were little and dependent children, rightfully relying on the care from family need to be surrendered with love.

Essentially, the Cancer needs to feel her connection to her family, heritage and roots for a sense of that emotional safety. However, there needs to be given plenty of time (Capricorn) to develop wholeness & love within the heart & mind. Cancer is building emotional mastery. This does not happen overnight and it does require accepting the family experiences with love through the lenses of a karmic (Capricorn) understanding.

The sign of Cancer is symbolised by the crab that uses its shell for protection and safety. The crab shell is used as its home.

Many of us use our homes as a safe haven where we can hide from the harshness of the world. Or we can use the safety of a home to build our internal emotional safety so that we can then enter the outside world (Capricorn) feeling protected and supported. Our time spent in the Cancer shell could be used to learn to mother ourselves so that we can tenderly nurture others when we step out into the 3D structure (Capricorn).

Some of us need to allow the love in through our heartfelt experiences with family members.

You may have guessed that the sign of Cancer is emotional. The Moon rules the sign of Cancer. The Moon has an incredible force, as it moves and fluctuates between both the external and internal waters. The Moon does this, as it travels through the different signs and energies. We can feel more stable when the Moon is in an earth sign or possibly feel more unstable when in an air sign or feel more emotional when in a water sign like the sign of Cancer.

This New Moon in Cancer is creating an opposition to planet Pluto in the sign of Capricorn.

Pluto requires any individual wanting to work with this planet to be willing to go into their deeply buried emotional power plays, envy, control, manipulation and intensity. Pluto also buries rage, hatred and our views on physical death. Luckily Pluto also rules transformation through letting go of its strong ego and thus allowing the death of the personality.

Also, this New Moon is squaring, meaning creating a hard aspect to Chiron. Squares create stress, tension and discord, in order to get our attention through feeling and facing our wounds. Planetoid Chiron may be small, however; he throws a massive punch by showing us our biggest and deepest wound where we feel small, inadequate or ineffectual in whatever we’re attempting to do. Once we realise & feel the impact of this wounding, Chiron can then begin to help us create new ways of living & healing through love of ourselves.

Cancer rules the act of caring. We can overly care for other’s needs and totally discount our own essentials. Or we can care too much for our own and ignore the needs of others. Either will create an imbalance. This can create issues with our ovaries, breasts, bellies or the white fluid in our body. Essentially, the Cancer is learning to nurture and care for its own needs and the body is very smart alerting us when things are not working in harmony.

Cancer is a cardinal sign which, means that it requires each person to follow-up and take action on their intuitive impulses. Essentially, anything that excites and uplifts the individual and stirs their emotional nature into caring and mothering self and others. Also, the cardinal signs symbolise the energies of loving assertiveness and initiative.

The Cancer individuals need to learn to move forward, in order to enter the next evolutionary phase. If they allow fear and limitation (Capricorn) they can create pain in parts of the body alerting them that they are simply not on track and not moving forward. The other three cardinal signs are Capricorn, Libra and Aries.

Those people that have the four Cardinal signs of Cancer/Capricorn and Aries/Libra, anywhere from 15 degrees to 21 degrees in their birth charts will be affected by this Full Moon in Cancer energy, more than others.

If you can please print your birth chart and physically place this New Moon in the sign of Cancer into your birth charts, then by looking at which house it is in, will help you see if it sits on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your chart and/or if it makes any significant aspects.

As always, it is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts. I hope that this serves you.

Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings.

Feel free to visit this website: if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.

Also, I am available for one-on-one astrology readings, teaching astrology to students and other services available, if you would like to check out on my website. You can message me and book an appointment, if anything that I offer resonates with you.

Travel well.

I love you all dearly.


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