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Writer's pictureZiva Zavadil

New Moon in Aquarius, 25.01.2020

New Moon 4 degrees and 22 minutes in Aquarius, 25.01.2020 at 7:42 am AEST

Greetings precious readers, I value you deeply and thank you for your interest in reading these Moon Musings felt from the bottom of my heart. Also, I would like to welcome the new subscribers for jumping on board this magical train aimed at growth towards higher consciousness that I am fully and humbly taking with you. I remind you that these articles are always written from my level of consciousness and understanding, as it is now.

Let’s begin:

Happy Birthday Beautiful Aquarius! I love Aquarian energy! I hope that you get to spend your special day doing what you love and what fits in with your own uniqueness. Maybe take a stargazing workshop or go on a technological excursion.

We have a New Moon in Aquarius. At any New Moon the Sun and Moon sit so close together, they may as well be sitting on top of each other, sharing what is called an exact conjunction in astrology that is also in the same sign. Any other conjunction does not have to be in the same sign and it allows an 8-degree orb of separation. An exact conjunction at a New Moon creates a fertile soil and enables the planting of new seeds of intention that are directly related to the energy of the sign of the New Moon. This time the Sun and the Moon are in the sign of Aquarius.

Aquarius energy is electric, inventive, futuristic and it is fundamentally tied to the collective and its people. Aquarius is the humanitarian. Aquarians are also the geniuses and the Einstein’s of the world. Therefore, this makes them revolutionary thinkers that can think outside the box. How wonderful is that!

Aquarius requires their own space and time, similarly to us needing to breathe to survive. Also, it is important to remember that we all have Aquarius in our birth charts to differing amounts. The area of life that our own Aquarius is in, will be the specific area of life affecting us personally. For instance, if Aquarius is in the house related to work. Then we will need our job to have the Aquarian functional qualities of freedom, in order for our life to work well.

Aquarians can come across, as disconnected. However, these individuals intrinsically care so much that they disconnect from their heart, as an unconscious source of protection. In fact, it is my experience and understanding that each human being does this in their own way and it is directly related to where their own Aquarius is placed in their charts. This is based on the infinite level of accuracy of astrology.

Working with their charts will enable the growth towards fully embracing the new age and the inherent potential for genius that Aquarius is famous for creating. Aquarius also rules astrology, higher consciousness and star consciousness.

For any Aquarius that wishes to reach their soul potential, needs to heal scars related to separation from love that are related to this life, other incarnations and ultimately the separation experienced from Source itself. Essentially, this wound is an inherent Aquarian theme. They may seek love externally or cut themselves off from true love even when they are in, intimate relationships. The theme is rejection and the fear of it.

Possible questions to ask yourself are:

Have I separated myself from experiencing true love in my life?

Is there a rejection wound that I have avoided to feel?

We have come out of the age of Pisces delusion and suffering and we as a collective are stepping into the Age of Aquarius that shatters any delusion. We need to be willing to allow the shattering otherwise we may experience chaos in our minds and then in our bodies.

Aquarius element is air and its quality is fixed. Fixed air signs can get stuck on some ideas that may be racing through their mind and perhaps miss out on new opportunities for fresh ideas to flow through. Also, the Aquarian energy due to its electricity can short circuit through the extensive craziness in the mind, if it is allowed to get out of control.

Any kind of scattered thoughts can be helped by hugging a tree, by placing our third eye on it and waiting long enough for the mind to settle. This works wonders! Also, it is a wonderful time to observe what it is, that is replaying in our minds that no longer serves us. Therefore, we would benefit from dissolving this issue. Aquarians can become the best objective observers!

This New Moon squares the planet Uranus that rules Aquarius and is at the moment in the sign of Taurus. Squares create stress and tension for a reason to help us move out of the discomfort and into a new way of being that is more in alignment with who we are and where our soul is heading. When we consciously work with the activation it moves us into feeling good. We then receive illumination and attract lovely unexpected surprises.

This square aspect may also be helping us to break free from patterns that hold us back in our comfort zone. As Taurus loves to remain in its comfort zone, in order to feel secure. Whereas Uranus is all about illumination, light-bulb moments and breaking free from the mould that no longer serves the higher good and humanity as a whole.

It would be helpful at this time to examine what helpful things we can do for Mother Earth and its people on it. Now is the perfect time to connect to our own higher ideal and plant those new ideas into this fertile Aquarian soil. That will assist us in attaining our own freedom.

What is wonderful about fixed signs is that they are very good at playing sustainability. This makes them very determined and focused long-term achievers. They are the ones that keep going, as they have that needed sustenance and will, to see a project through to the end. This actually makes them a wonderfully valued energy unless they are holding onto what no longer serves them, which then is usually driven by an unconscious ego.

Aquarius and its humanitarian focus, ruling groups makes this New Moon an opportune time to find like-minded groups that are outside of our normal way of doing things. As Aquarius loves being different. The invitation for all of us is to do something unusual at this New Moon in Aquarius.

Further, learning new technology may also be useful for some.

The shadow side of Aquarius shows-up in their inconsistency, inability to concentrate, instability, as well as their disruptive and rebellious nature. They can be the rebels without a cause. They can also turn into being overly eccentric, if their energies are not balanced.

Possible body ailments could be experienced when playing the game of Aquarius dysfunctionally. Complaints could be with our calves, ankles and our nervous system. This is created from the chaos experienced in the mind that can affect the nervous system and possibly create mental disorders. Please beware of cravings for sugar and arrange testing for any possible blood disorders. Aquarian electricity needs grounding in your favourite place in nature and it helps to seek advice on physically taking colloidal silver.

I feel that it would be helpful with this square to Uranus in the sign of Taurus to examine our values. Possible reflection: It is time to assess what is important to ‘me’ personally and I trust that I can transform.

This may assist us receiving that necessary insight into how we would love to show up personally in this game of life. We need to remember that each person on this Earth has inherent, unique gifts that will serve humanity, that no one else can fulfil on their behalf. How crazy! This makes each person individually very important.

It’s easy to think about Aquarius, as being flexible maybe due to its love of freedom and humanitarian nature. As mentioned before, Aquarian energy is fixed and therefore it makes it difficult for us to realise and can be stubborn to move. The four fixed signs in their polarities are Aquarius/Leo and Taurus/Scorpio.

The individuals that have the above fixed signs in their birth charts ranging anywhere from 1 to 7 degrees will feel this New Moon in Aquarius more than others.

Again, the invitation is, to please print your birth charts and physically place this New Moon in Aquarius, as then this will help you see if it sits on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birth chart and/or if it makes any significant aspects. It is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.

I hope that this serves you.

Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit this website: if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.

Also, I am available for one-on-one astrology readings, either through Skype or face-to-face. I am also available for other services displayed on this website.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Travel well.

I Love you all dearly.


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