New Moon 15 degrees in Aquarius, 5th of February 2019, 7.03 am AEST
First of all, I would like to welcome and thank all of my new subscribers that have just come on board. Welcome all! Further, I would like to offer a warm welcome to all the wonderful subscribers that have been with me from the beginning of this year and for your valuable feedback. Thank you!
Again, I would like to offer our brilliant Aquarians a very Happy Birthday! My dearest wish to you is an invitation to take this opportunity to give yourselves permission to be your authentic selves. Spend your Birthday doing what you want to do no matter how unique and individual that may be! I love the positive Aquarian energy, as it enables us to receive those original bright ideas that are highly futuristic and collective minded in a humanitarian manner. What could be better than that?
I hope that your year is unfolding in a way that is in accordance with your hopes and visions. If you are anything like me, then you may be observing yourself playing old, outworn patterns that serve to aid a ‘wake-up call’, to challenge us, to go beyond old limitations. This is in alignment with the Aquarian energy to observe self, using objective curiosity to develop greater self-awareness through self-questioning. Aquarius/Uranus energy is always some kind of a shake up that helps us access higher states of consciousness. This is a wonderful thing when heeded with love and kindness.
As most of you know, globally, we are entering the New Age of Aquarius and of course this New Moon is in Aquarius. Therefore, there is even a greater invitation for all of us to discover our own unique ways that we can individually touch others in a positive way! After all, we all have the Aquarian energy within us to differing amounts. A New Moon is always a perfect time to plant new seeds into our consciousness and watch them grow over the next month and beyond.
I also have deep compassion and I understand how challenging it can be for Aquarians to embrace their individuality, when taken into account their main fears are of abandonment, rejection and separation. These are very real fears.
I feel that all of us want to be loved no matter what Sun sign we are. This comes back to the polarity of Leo to give Love to self especially, in those areas that we crave it from others. The invitation is to allow ourselves to come out of any hiding that we may be subjecting our selves to that ultimately, keep us separate and disconnected from other people. When in fact Aquarian energy loves to impact people in positive ways!
So, the invitation is to celebrate your eccentricity and freedom by letting go of any fear of rejection. Healthy individuals that have lots of Aquarian energy are the geniuses and inventors, therefore, it is essential to accept own individuality and give yourself consistent and sufficient amount of space to plug into your personal original ideas and express them to the world. New Moon in Aquarius invites us all to come out of our self-imposed prisons and claim the freedom that we so greatly desire. Allow everything go free especially the mind, considering that the element of Aquarius is Air.
When unchecked the Aquarian energy can feel chaotic, crazy and/or split as it is electrical and stimulates or over-stimulates our nervous system. If that is happening I find it helpful to go into nature and particularly hug a big tree, rest the 3rd eye on it (stay there long enough) as this calms everything down including the mind, a calm mind allows our bright ideas to surface.
Sun and the Moon both in Aquarius are once again conjunct in exact degrees and minutes (both 15degrees and 45 minutes). I am learning that this conjunction is what signifies a New Moon (learn something new everyday). The Sun, Moon and Mercury all in Aquarius, together form a stellium (3 or more planets conjunct). This energy is perfect for solving problems. This is because we have the intuitive planet of The Moon, together with the Sun that wants to shine its light on the issue and Mercury could allow futuristic downloads (considering that this stellium is in Aquarius/Uranus), maybe through idealistic, creative writing.
On a more technological level, with Mercury into the mix, there could be busier type of communication through using the Internet.
Uranus trining (easy aspect) Venus is an opportunity of a loving encounter with a person, animal or nature that could be unexpectedly enlightening, illuminating, beautiful and loving.
Aquarian energy is all about sharing our gifts that we have with the world, groups and friends. Find out what it is that is completely unique to you, so unique that no one else could duplicate your ideas, simply because they are yours. We all have Aquarian energy. Find out which house you have Uranus in your chart, as this will indicate the area of life that you will want to break free from the mould. This area may very well be where you already feel different.
As I keep reminding you, the Aquarian energy and nature is way ahead of the times; hence they are the geniuses and inventors, conceiving of new ideas and things. We can all tap into this energy! Isn’t that great!
Although, the Aquarian energy is one that wants to break free from what is considered normal, we must consider that it is still a fixed energy and all fixed energies do not like to shift. The four fixed signs in their polarities are Aquarius/Leo, Scorpio/Taurus. We all have these in our birthcharts, most likely in distinctive areas and to differing degrees. It helps to take a look what area of life they fall into in our charts and maybe take our poor selves off the hook in those areas for not moving quickly enough or even recognising our ego games. The individuals that have a (13 to17, degree orb) in their birthcharts will feel this New Moon’s energy more than other people.
I am inviting you to jot down in your birthcharts (if you know how to do this), (if you don't feel free to book a session with me and I will show you how to do this, as this could very well transform how you interpret these articles in a significant way) the house that this New Moon falls into and this way you can see the area of life it activates. Also, you can see if it sits on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birthchart and/or if it makes any significant aspects.
It is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our birthcharts without physically placing the sign and the degrees of the New Moon on a printed copy of our charts. I hope that this serves you. One last thing I would like to share; is that I would have had these Moon Musings out a little earlier, however, I was triggered by this New Moon and I needed to work through my issue. I invite you to do the same. If I can do it, you can too!
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. I very much appreciate it.
Additionally, for those interested, I will be commencing teaching Beginner’s Transformational Astrology, starting on the 9th of February 2019, for more information please message me through my website.
Travel well. I do love you all.
Ziva :)