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Writer's pictureZiva Zavadil

Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Taurus

Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon 16 degrees, 00 minutes, Taurus, 08.11.2022, 09:02pm AEST

Welcome readers. Thank you for your subscription. I value it very much. I hope that you are well at this time of change.

Happy Birthday passionate Scorpio. May your day be beautiful doing what you love.

Ladies and gents, we have the Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Taurus. What a mouthful. A Lunar or Solar Eclipses occur due to the Sun and the Moon being conjunct the Nodal Axis. This is the reason why the Eclipses are more potent and longer lasting than ordinary Full Moons. The Eclipses last up to six months This Full Moon has a much bigger and more transformational effectiveness tendency.

All Lunar and Solar Eclipses are conjunct the North and South Nodes. This time there is an added potency due to the Full Moon as well as The Nodal axis being in the sign of Taurus and Scorpio.

The Sun and South Node are in the sign of Scorpio.

The Moon and North Node are in the sign of Taurus.

The sign of Scorpio, its planetary ruler Pluto and the South Node in Scorpio will dig deep at this Lunar Eclipse, as it is the South Node’s duty to go into the past and dig-up what is buried deep within. We can become passionate about this process, if we choose to.

The sign of Scorpio rules depth and soul evolution, as well as rebirth. Scorpio is all about digging up all of the underhand behaviour, which surfaces around this time. Also, the deepest and darkest secrets once buried may arise for facing the truth. For somebody with a strong Scorpio, they may have been on the receiving end of darkness but too scared to do anything about it. Now is the time during these powerful Lunar and Solar Eclipses.

Lucky, we have the sign of Taurus, which helps one to return to a stable and grounded state during these challenging realisations. It can make all of the relationship dealings loving and calm. We cannot go into the depths of darkness without the stability and love of Taurus. We are truly fortunate that planet Pluto and the sign of Scorpio love to dig deep into their psyche. Freedom is within before it can be felt by others. The depths of the psyche will only be unearthed in the perfect right time, when it is ready.

We cannot control or manipulate this unearthing. The deeper we accept that we are loved and supported, the greater the potential will be available for our own transformation. This can happen instantly, like turning the lights on in a dark room. This can happen suddenly within our own psyche. This is due to planet Uranus being conjunct this Full Moon. Uranus rules electricity, as well as astrology, technology and genius inventions.

We have tremendous help at this time of illumination and possible change. Emotions will be heightened at this time. Cosmically designed to do so.

We could be going through an intensity of fearful thinking, that Mother Earth has forsaken us. Only to find out that peace can only occur after one has faced the shock waves that happen when it’s storming and wild. The emotions need to truly be felt as they become intense so that, at this crucial time we remember to ask Mother Nature or Mother Mary for peace, through total acceptance and surrender. Initially, the emotions are supposed to intensify before they settle down through our letting go. This can be a wonderful lesson in patience, surrender and trust.

There is no mistake made by the heavens by giving the sign of Taurus the archetypal role to rule Mother Nature and Love. The two most powerful commodities available. We can use them or disregard their potency and see them as too simple.

The sign of Taurus calms things down. it loves to create peace and harmony through evoking that tranquillity within.

Fixed signs are inherently stuck energy that can feel impossible to shift out of comfort. If we are too comfortable within, we are unlikely to change. We need to feel the opposite Scorpio. Thankfully Uranus being a fixed sign needs to break out of the old paradigm, such as the old ways that no longer serve the humanitarian cause. A shattering of ways of being and change in consciousness may happen.

Mercury is conjunct the Sun in Scorpio, which feels like a deep emotional investigative way of communications with others and with self.

The symbol of Taurus is the Bull. The Bull has tenacity, virility, strength and power. These are all wonderful qualities much needed for any long-term goal. Taurean energy loves to build things over time in a solid, consistent and stable manner. Where would we be without the Taurus resilience and staying power?

Also, the functional Taurus is sensual, generous, self-sustaining, has self-respect, values self, feels worthy and prosperous, is relaxed, joyful and trusting.

Taurus loves massages and home cooked meals. Also, Taurus loves spending time in nature and in beautiful gardens.

We could ask ourselves: What do I treasure? Make a list.

The sign of Taurus rules the senses and the throat. Any issues with these may indicate a discord within. We may have stuffy sinuses, poor eyesight or hearing. Or a croaky sore throat, as we have been unable to speak our feelings truthfully. We could have an inability to voice our deep feelings and truth. This may be a deeply painful feeling when one was shut down, as a child when trying to voice their opinion or feelings from early childhood.

The more that we invite in and enable ourselves to see the wounded child of our inner self. We can begin. Seeing, loving and accepting what has been suppressed to feel that this may be very healing. Be prepared to practice patience. This will be slow. The sign of Taurus works similarly to the tortoise that steadily remains committed to our love of self, that wins the race.

Unfortunately, we will not get anywhere if we behave like the stubborn and dig our heals in like the Taurus Bull. The sign of Taurus has the bull, as its symbol. Love the Bull. That is our only option to love those parts that we hate, which rules the sign of Scorpio.

Those individuals that have the fixed energies of Taurus/Scorpio, Aquarius/Leo between 12 and 20 degrees will feel this Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Taurus more than others. The heavens are gifting each individual their own unique opportunity to heal, and let go these energies in those areas of life demonstrated by your birth chart. Looking at your own activation could be transformational for you.

Physically placing a printed copy of your natal chart may assist you see the area of life your own sign of Taurus is activating. Further, this can help you see, if it is making any significant aspects to any points or angles like the Ascendant/Descendant and I.C. and M. C. in your chart.

Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit my website: if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings, please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.

I am also available for one-on-one astrology readings, as well as other services. Feel free to visit my website, if any of these writings resonate with you.

Travel well.



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