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Writer's pictureZiva Zavadil

Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Scorpio

Lunar Eclipse Full Moon 14 degrees and 58 minutes in Scorpio, 06.05.2023, 3:34 am AEST

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Happy Birthday Taurus. May your day be sensual and warm doing what you love.

Ladies and gents, we have a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Scorpio. This makes it a very powerful force. We can release the pressure and feel the release or we can force it with our mighty will. Any Full Moon has opposing signs that share an exact number of degrees and minutes. The Full Moon is designed to stir emotions within each individual, as well as globally. Brought to the surface by the two zodiacal signs involved. This time we have the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio. What could this mean?

Eclipses are intense in their own right. When we add the sign of Scorpio to that mix, we are adding further intensity looking for a release. This release could be healthy or otherwise. How we choose to let go largely depends on our level of consciousness and possibly more importantly, readiness of letting go deeply within our own psyche. As this Full Moon can activate deeply buried psychological emotional trauma that we have buried possibly, vowing to never unleash. We may choose to sit quietly and watch our thoughts and what arises. The urge to write what comes forward in our mind can be a gentle process to get clarity on completely releasing old buried emotional debris. Once completely emptied from our mind onto the paper, one may choose to burn as a healing ceremony.

The two oppositions of Taurus and Scorpio may have the deepest and cruellest secrets of the whole zodiacal signs. Expect extreme emotions to surface, these can relate to sexual abuse and all underhand dark behaviour.

The individuals on the receiving end may keep these emotions secret as they could be too much to share. Unfortunately, the perpetrators can count on the victim’s silence often due to inherent self-hatred and shame. The sign of Taurus often is unable to voice truth to others that hurt them.

The Taurus can appear calm, loving and grounded perhaps carrying deep Scorpio secrets of manipulation, control and abuse. The sign of Taurus can be the perfect abuser due to their ability to remain calm, to withhold truth and cultivate trust from their relationship partners. Whist often secretly displaying many of the underhand Scorpio traits. Unconscious Taurus has unconscious Scorpio within, as we cannot have one without the other. They are opposites similar to ‘heads’ and ‘tails’ on a coin.

This Moon cycle can bring up issues with trust and betrayal. We can trust that certain individuals love us only to find that our trust was betrayed by our closest loved ones. This can further invite a deepening of our own examination of our own self-love wounds. We can choose to SEE the truth of our deepest trauma and choose to work with a professional psychologist or healer to later realise that it is healthy to LOVE it for all that one now recognises as truth.

Loving and inviting our deepest trauma may seem a bit unusual and possibly incorrect at first. The truth truly sets us free. When we stop and ask internally ‘the hard questions’ listening to truthful answers of clarity in relation to the Scorpio, we may be surprised by feeling good, for facing the fear of looking deeply into our soul. The Universe gives each individual a precious compass. The truth always makes us feel good and what ‘feels good’ is always in alignment with our Higher Self.

The sign of Scorpio rules power and intensity, which can either be wonderful and transformational, or equally, it could be resistant, as one may be digging its heals in, not wanting to be in the silence. Planet Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio. This planet and its sign also represent rebirth. For individuals that have a strong Scorpio may find that they are likely to have many rebirths throughout their lives and at some point they are likely to have that final rebirth that will change everything about them into the purest form of LOVE possible.

From my understanding, Mother Earth ruled by the sign of Taurus is shedding layers of darkness as she is rebirthing from a lower frequency of a 3D reality to a 5D higher expression of love. This is where all individuals that have chosen to evolve with Mother Earth are growing to experience consistent feelings of love. This love experience truly is our birthright.

This can be wonderful joy felt from that higher perspective. Similarly, likened to an earthly mother giving birth to her unborn child. The labour pains increase moments before giving birth to a human baby possibly experiencing the biggest joy an earthly mother could wish for after going through this transformation from pain to elation.

The more we ask for help during our giving birth experience, the more we are likely to feel good, as we use our breath to our advantage. Further, the more we let go, the easier our journey becomes. My own experience teaches me to accept it all at every step. This encompasses all of the resistances and possible tantrums that we may go through as adults and could not have dealt with as children. The tantrums when released in a healthy manner such as screaming into a pillow or punching or kicking a punching bag could later feel good, as this energetic release is likely to release dense, stuck emotion and transform it in to feeling lighter and happier.

If we are desiring to heal deeply, we need to validate all of our emotions, as we are experiencing them. It can truly serve us to make all of our traumatic circumstances validated as okay, no matter how intense they may feel. Keep it a simple and easy process of allowing whatever may arise from the psyche.

Dysfunctionally experienced circumstances that occurred previously, we could have bowel and sexual issues that we can now heal. When we experience constipation, we can ask ourselves: What am I holding on to emotionally or psychologically? By enquiring within, we can softly loosen and release the hold of tension that one has experienced over time.

Scorpio is a fixed sign and essentially these energies can remain stuck through their resistance ‘to go there’ and one may think that there is a need to stay in their comfort zone. It may be wonderful to know that the sign of Scorpio’s triggers feelings of intensity to be felt as undeniable and will push us forward on the evolutionary phase. Also, when a Scorpio falls in love with a project, where passion is ignited. This energy drives them forward towards their goal, with an unshakable determination and persistency to see it through to success.

The people that have the fixed signs of Scorpio/Taurus, Leo/Aquarius in their birth charts ranging from 9 to 18 degrees are likely to feel this Full Moon in Scorpio more than others.

The invitation is to print your charts and physically locate 14 degrees of Scorpio in your natal chart and check which house this is in to realise what this may mean for you.

This will assist you to identify the area of life that your own Scorpio is placed. This is demonstrated by the house that this Full Moon is illuminating and transforming, for you personally.

This way you can possibly see, if this Full Moon in Scorpio is making any significant aspects to any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your natal chart.

I offer the continual reminder that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency.

Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit my website: if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musing’s please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.

For those that resonate with my writings, I am available for one-on-one transformational astrology readings face-to-face or online. Travel well everyone.



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