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Writer's pictureZiva Zavadil

Full Super Moon in Capricorn July 2023

Full Super Moon 11 degrees, 18 minutes in Capricorn, 3rd of July 2023, 9:38pm AEST

Welcome dear readers. Thank you, I value your subscription very much. I hope that you are well.

Happy Birthday to all family nurturing Cancer natives. May your day be filled with gentleness and self-caring doing what you love.

Ladies and gents, we have a Full Super Moon in Capricorn. At any Full Moon there is a build up of energy driven by the opposing zodiacal signs that the Sun and Moon reside in. This build up is greatly intensified at the time of the Super Moon. Simply, this is due to the reason that the Moon is much closer to the Earth. Its impact is increased and lasts much longer.

At a Full Moon the Sun and Moon reside in opposite signs. This happens so that there is an opposing tension built up that comes to a climax at the peak of the Full Moon. This experience is similar to a balloon bursting after applying too much pressure within whilst blowing it up. This time we have the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn. What could this mean?

We have the Sun in the sign of soft emotional mothering Cancer, which is also, gentle, caring and nurturing. The sign of Cancer can be easily hurt and rules our birth mother. When we have a Cancer Ascendant, some natives may have experienced a long arduous, scary and emotionally painful birth.

Others may have experienced their birth in a caring and nurturing environment although the birth was likely to be still emotional.

The sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Its opposite sign is Capricorn and is ruled by planet Saturn. Planet Saturn governs the everyday 3D concrete structure. Saturn natives at times may experience life to be difficult due to some hard with rigid lessons. Saturn is known as The Lord of Karma and Timing. From my experience, we need to be mature enough to realise that the timing is right to receive Saturn’s hard lessons. Karma is unsettled business from other lifetimes and may be felt in each moment when one is turned into their feelings. We could be much harder on ourselves than Saturn could ever be.

Saturn to some may be the hard task master. For others Saturn appears, as a soft nurturing blanket.

The sign of Capricorn represents a person who does not like to feel into what is happening during difficult times. Saturn represents what can be harsh as there is at times a feeling like corporal punishment within the mind. Saturn may feel as if it can administer hard punishment due to the disconnection from feeling. When we do not feel into what is going on within the mind and body, actions may not come from that responsibility represented by Saturn and the natives natural loving care of Cancer.

Sadly, if one experiences early childhood trauma there may have been one or more carers who lacked in maternal and/or paternal nurturing. Consequently, that individual may be disconnected from their emotion and can become totally devoid of feeling. This can be a dangerous mix, if this individual has no conscience within themselves. Then, this unconscious Capricorn native can blame other individuals in a heartless and harsh punishment manner that they themselves are totally responsible.

We all have different filters according to our own experience of life. Our Saturn themes are shown in our natal charts by house and sign. We all have a different experience and interpretation of our Saturn. Learning a hard lesson in childhood may activate within us that driving to release the hard Saturn punishment and enforce discipline instead.

In our life, if we experienced very scary and the feeling of harsh corporal punishment including fearing the task master within our everyday conditioning, and fearing our parents, then the change could be slow, as we may withdraw in to ourselves and become very anxious individuals. Sadly, this may happen, if we have a lot of Pisces in the ‘ten house’ then, we may not know how to parent differently other than what is hard wired within. Acting and administering the hard Saturn punishment will hurt the sensitive Pisces.

We may experience flashes of intermittent brilliance, if we have Aquarius on the M.C. also, we may not understand this inconsistency and blame ourselves for it.

Also, we may be confused about those very changeable experiences, as we crave Saturn stability. The 10th house is Capricorn territory so having Saturn there will make this planet happy. At the same time having an abundance of Pisces in the 10th house could be too overwhelming and any individual that experienced too much punishment in their early childhood parental conditioning, may cut off from their feeling centre. This individual that is unable to connect to their feelings may internally punish themselves for being a bad person who is unable to feel. They may feel that they are too weak for this hard 3D world when in fact their life experience was just too harsh and therefore they had to shut down their feeling centre, in order to survive.

They may be deceived and blamed essentially, for their Pisces sensitivity. Saturn will appear differently to each individual represented by the sign and house placement of this precious planet. At the moment transiting Saturn is in the sign of Pisces. Saturn will be doing his hardest to work with any individual that has Pisces together with Saturn or planets in the tenth house.

Planet Mercury, Goddess Juno and the Vertex are conjunct the Sun all in the sign of Cancer. These energies could be assisting the Sun to have more nurturing and family-oriented thoughts (Mercury). Also, possibly building quality connections in your primary relationships, Vertex and Juno.

If we’re experiencing issues with our bones, skin or teeth then we could be playing the Saturn game dysfunctionally. It is a good move to have the body checked by a professional when one feels any pain in the teeth or bones or notices skin dryness. Paying attention and acting on ailments can help can help one to feel well and at ease much more quickly than ignored.

Capricorn quality is Cardinal, which represents initiative and action. Cardinal signs require taking action for self in the areas of life where these four cardinal signs are seen in the astrology chart. Putting energy and attention into the practical use of Capricorn, which is discipline, commitment, hard work, and business amongst others will bring rewards in the future.

I invite you to see where your 11 degrees of Capricorn is placed in your birth chart and see for yourself what area of the house is being activated for you at this Full Super Moon in Capricorn.

Those people that have the four Cardinal signs of Capricorn, Cancer or Aries and Libra anywhere from 8 to 14 degrees in their birth chart will be affected by this Full Moon in Capricorn energy, more than others.

If you can please print your birth chart and physically place this Full Super Moon in Capricorn in to the sign and house in your chart, then it can help you see if it sits on any points or angles like the Ascendant or Descendant and M.C or I.C. in your chart and see if it makes any significant aspects to those angles or planets.

It is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts. I hope that this serves you.

Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. Thank you so much for reading these articles.

Feel free to visit my website: and if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings, please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.

Also, I am available for one-on-one astrology readings and other services available to check out on my website. You can message me for an appointment, if anything that I offer resonates with you.

Travel well everyone.



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