Full Super Moon 9 degrees, 15 minutes in Aquarius, 2nd August 2023, 4:31am AEST
Welcome precious readers. Thank you for choosing to read these articles. I hope that you receive value from them.
Happy Birthday Leo. May your day be spent doing what you love. This could be taking part in a theatre show where you can be the centre of attention. Or alternatively, allow yourself to be creative in various ways possibly performing what you love.
Ladies and gents, we have a Full Super Moon in Aquarius. At any Full Moon the Sun and Moon create an exact opposition. What this means in astrology is that the Sun and Moon reside in opposite signs however, they both share the exact number of degrees and minutes.
Naturally, these oppositions rise in energy in the lead up to the Full Moon. The exactness of the degrees and minutes activate our personal house issues represented by the area of life.
At a Super Moon these energies are greatly intensified and last much longer. At the time of the Super Moon, we can see and maybe feel its powerful closeness to Mother Earth. There are sleeping traits that are cosmically designed to be activated within any individual or nation that no longer serve our highest good. This activation may feel extreme, if we have the four fixed signs within.
The conscious and sensitive individuals can choose to work with the Moon Cycles, in order to grow, evolve and expand the intellect to move beyond what is learned and known through our upbringing.
This time we have the Sun in Leo and the Moon in the sign of Aquarius. These two signs are fixed therefore, therefore the archetype examples can be resistant to change, as they may show examples of how deeply one may fear it. Our deep wound may be shown to us through the technology that we use with our computers or the processers in our cars.
This may be so, if these individuals have a long-standing wound of not being loved by their primary caregivers. These individuals may not be aware that this wound is there buried deep within their psyche. Further, these individuals may not understand the reasons for the wound to be there, as well as the reasons for it.
They may self-destruct if they have Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius with the sign of Leo. Their wound may likely feel extreme and chaotic when activated. When that individual is ready to acknowledge their deep hurt these pains will surface, one by one until they are hopefully gone.
The wounded Leo may show off what they love and what they’re good surprisingly have those items taken away. They experience further separation (Aquarius) from true closeness with their loved ones through sharing themselves with what feels good to them. To their surprise they reveal a deeper wound and they may not understand the deeper finding and the separation.
This Leo may thrive on being admired, recognised and approved of, all in the name of filling that illusion of an external love-cup. The Leo may not recognise that through the externally seeking, they push what they love and their loved ones away.
It is impossible to fulfill any desires especially our deepest ones through external seeking. This Leo may not withstand any rejection and may need other’s reassurance and acknowledgment underneath feeling constantly, in doubt. This Leo/Aquarius, Taurus/Scorpio may have surrendered their power to their trusted loved ones only to feel further separation.
The Leo is a born leader when they have the courage to practise what they love and lead from their heart. They need to learn to praise themselves. Then they can become unstoppable.
The Leo can be embarrassed and humiliated by other’s actions. Not wanting to be seen yet showing embarrassment as their face is bright red when noticed by others. Often when the Leo acts out of love it is likely to lovingly, self-correct.
For some individuals that have a strong Leo they may feel very special when they become parents. Becoming pregnant may be the only time that the strong Leo experiences the feeling of being the centre of attention. They may adore the internal feeling that the attention is on them. There is nothing better than to see the sparkle in their children’s eyes! Their children looking at them with awe.
The sign of Leo may falsely recognise that the pure love that they are receiving from their children will always be there. As this Leo may forget that their children will grow up and turn into adults.
Possibly, these individuals may not be prepared for the time when their offspring no longer needs them. Their heart may take their children’s healthy independence, as rejection on a personal level. Only a mother that has deeply buried separation from love trauma is likely to attract those deepest triggers within. Some extreme and deep emotions are likely to surface especially if this mother has the other two fixed signs of Scorpio and Taurus within them.
This mother may keep her extreme emotions secret, as she may be devastated avoiding to hurt her little ones. She puts them first. This mother may have forgotten to put herself first, as that may be part of her conditioning. Like it or not, we heal through experiencing our deep traumas so that we can be all that we have aimed to be, achieve greatly and lovingly.
From my experience only the unloved Leo and possibly deeply abused and hated individual can experience massive separation from love issues. Possibly then they may secretly prepare themselves for death, as they may not have the capacity for survival.
The wounded Leo may experience a heart attack or they may stop their heart beating in some way. Simply, this Leo’s secret desire for death comes from wanting to ease the extreme untold pain. Any individual that experiences extreme Leo/Aquarius wounding is likely to have all four fixed signs quite strongly within. It can be very helpful to invite all of the wounded parts and say I see you; I hear you; I feel you; I love you.
The sign of Aquarius is ruled by planet Uranus. This planet rules shocks which includes the ‘brain shocks’ that the specialists use in mental health facilities to my experience too loosely.
Planet Uranus also governs lovely surprises, as well as inventions. Electricity was created around the time Uranus became a recognised planet.
An imbalanced Aquarius can experience feeling split or broken, as they may reside in severe chaos being unable to perform what one may love no matter how hard they attempt this. A strong Leo and Aquarius may experience feelings of constant separation from what they love. They may panic as they could believe that what they love gets taken from them, leaving them feeling abandoned by life, questioning what’s the use, in trying.
The sign of Aquarius rules the ankles. We could examine our ankles for their strength, and movement? If our ankles are sore, it will have the Aquarius theme of separation from love. This is likely to be different for each individual being represented by which house they have their own Aquarius.
I feel that it is important to mention that the sign of Aquarius also governs the electrical wiring in our whole system of the body. The wounded Aquarius may experience electric shocks or being electrocuted by lightning during a storm for instance.
The Sun in Leo, the Moon in Aquarius are both squaring planet Jupiter in the sign of Taurus. We have an opportunity to examine our own values in regards to religion, philosophy, ethics and our sense of adventure. Taurus themes of money, self-deserving or our self-worth may be brought to our attention. Jupiter may invite in a big and expanded experience to release our deep wounding by being lovingly touched. If our love language is touch and we may not have experienced loving touch from our loved ones. We may not understand why? Jupiter rules understanding and questing for knowledge.
As mentioned, the fixed signs may not desire to budge (Taurus) and invite change. However, they have resilience and determination-built into their psychological make-up. They can handle extreme psychology (Scorpio) and be able to hold space (Aquarius) for others. They also probably and possibly most importantly love (Leo) unconditionally. Their heart can be so big that they can encompass all love issues within humanity.
The individuals that have the fixed signs of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus or Scorpio in their natal charts ranging anywhere from 5 to 13 degrees will feel this Full Super Moon in Aquarius more than others.
Again, the invitation is to print your chart and physically place this Full Super Moon in Aquarius into the house in your chart, as then this can help you see if it sits on any points or angles especially the Ascendant or Descendant and M.C. or I.C. in your birth chart. Also, you may see if it makes any significant aspects represented by the 9 degrees of the Full Super Moon that these fixed signs activate in your chart.
It is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.
I hope that this serves you.
Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. This is very fitting for this Full Super Moon in Aquarius. Take precious care of yourself.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit my website: www.transformational-astrology.com if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musing’s please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.
Also, I am available for one-on-one astrology readings, if you resonate with my writings. I would love to hear from you, accessible either through FaceTime or face-to-face. I am also available for other services displayed on my website.
Travel well.