Full Moon 00 degrees in Leo, 21st of January 2019, 3.17 pm AEST
Thank you to all of my subscribers and to all the wonderful feedback that I have received from many of you. I am always open for feedback. Also, I would like to offer a further appreciation to Ashtara, for gifting and entrusting me, with writing these precious Moon Musings. My heart feels full and filled with gratitude.
I wish a warm hearted, Happy Birthday to all the brilliant and whacky Aquarians out there. May you all have the courage to go beyond your limitations and bring through revolutionary higher consciousness. Humanity will celebrate and rejoice your unique and innovative ideas! I thank you from the bottom of my heart :) Happy Birthday Aquarians!
This Full Moon in Leo is a Total Eclipse – Blood Moon and Super Moon. There seems to be much going on with this energy. Always, I will write my interpretation from my level of understanding and expertise. Firstly, it is a Blood Moon, which, is a phenomenon whereby the Sun is behind the Earth and the Earth is putting its shadow over the Moon that makes it look reddish in colour. The filtered sunlight illuminates through it is being deflected by the Earth’s atmosphere. Same effect that causes sunsets appear red in the sky. What does this mean? There seems to be a bit of hype about this Blood Moon. I see this Full Moon as a Beautiful Omen.
Additionally, I feel that people in general will be affected by this powerful Full Moon as it is also a Super Moon, (perigee) meaning that at the time of this Full moon, its position will occur at the closest distance to Earth. Therefore, it will show up much bigger and brighter in the sky and its closer proximity would make it more powerful for each person on Earth.
This very much fits in with Leo energy, as Leo wants to be noticed.
Essentially, Leo (ruled be the Sun) at its best loves to show off its creative, leadership abilities, through the pure expression of joy and love. It wants to shine its light brightly! How blessed are we to have and use its energy at this time.
This Full Moon in Leo conjuncts the North Node in Cancer. This opposes a stellium (three or more planets conjunct) to The Sun in Aquarius/Uranus, South Node in Capricorn/Saturn and Mercury in Capricorn/Saturn. I feel that this Full Moon’s energy will assist the North Node in Cancer/Moon to allow a deeper nurturing for individuals and humanity at large. Adding to our stellium in Capricorn we now have the Sun in Aquarius wanting to break free from structure, itching for freedom, at times through rebellion. Aquarius/Uranus cannot be limited; it needs freedom in order to tap into the higher illumination and to break free from its confinements of structure.
Mercury in Capricorn is assisting people to discipline their thoughts and to develop mental mastery.
What is interesting on a global level, this Full Moon is making a square (90 degree) aspect to Uranus/Aquarius.
What does this mean?
Squares create stress and tension in order to help us release whatever is driving that strain. It’s only through these hard aspects of stress and strain that we can grow if we choose to. The Moon is in a fire sign of Leo and Uranus is in its last degrees of Aries also a fire sign. This square/tension could be encouraging individuals to step into their leadership roles to lead the collective in a go-getter fashion due to the available fire. This is further supported by the Leo/Aquarian opposing energies that always work together to assist creating balance between these polarities.
This powerful Full Moon in Leo energy will most likely be felt for at least 5 days leading up to it. If we use this energy to it’s fullest and highest potential it can help set us up for the rest of the year. The basic invitation of Leo is to shine brightly and to lovingly expose, feel and heal the areas of life where we hinder our light and love. If we choose, we could be asking ourselves the following questions: What area of life do I dim my light? Where am I ready to step courageously forward to shine more brightly? How much Love do I truly feel for myself, for my love partners, friends, family and humanity?
Connecting to the understanding that Love vibrates at the highest frequency and everything that each of us creates (often unconsciously) in this world is a reflection of the level of Love that we feel within. This is powerful stuff. How much are we willing to open our hearts to Love? This must be done with absolute kindness for ourselves.
The invitation is to answer those questions whilst sitting down, with eyes closed. Take your time. Breathe deeply and slowly. Allow yourself to feel and whatever comes to the surface is there as a cue for healing. Sit up straight; breathe into your physical heart whilst feeling the emotion.
This is a perfect time to move out of our bodies any childish, egotistical, attention seeking qualities that no longer serve us towards our highest good. Especially the ones related to love.
What is beautiful about this Full Moon’s energy is that when we tap into the highest expression of Leo it gives us courage of a lion and rewards us with optimism, warmth, creativity, play, fun, love and vigour. The sign of Leo alone is the biggest and strongest opportunity to shine like the Sun that it is ruled by.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. If any of you feel called to have a face to face or Skype astrology reading with me then please book through this website. It is always an honour and a privilege to serve you. Thank you. I Love you ALL.