Full Moon 20 degrees and 0 minutes in Cancer, 11.01.2020, 5.22 am AEST
Happy New Year Beautiful Souls! I hope that you have had a pleasant transition into the New Year and that you are all enjoying many of the new experiences and planting new seeds that a New Year brings.
Happy Birthday Beautiful Capricorn! I hope that you get to do something that excites and uplifts your soul on your special day. I love your practicality; drive for success to access your true career, as well as your ability to structure your own life and be self-disciplined. These qualities are needed and admired in our society when they are built on a reputable foundation. Thank you Capricorn.
We have a Lunar Full Moon Eclipse in Cancer. At any Full Moon the Sun and Moon are in exact opposition to each other both in signs that are completely different to each other. This opposition carries with it a build-up of energy and pressure created by these contrasting energies, in order to help us release things related to the particular signs. This time we have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Cancer.
A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly behind Earth and into its shadow. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned with Earth in the middle. Interestingly, a Lunar Eclipse can only happen on the exact night of the Full Moon.
Cancer’s element is water and is ruled by the Moon, which represents our mother. Cancer is emotionally sensitive to the lunar changes that create our inner and outer water tides of emotion. These are beautifully represented by our ocean tides regularly coming in and going out.
Cancer’s quality is cardinal, meaning that it thrives on taking action.
In fact it is an essential requirement for its growth. Any impulses that we receive command our action, in order to feel energised and good. The other cardinal qualities signs are Capricorn and Aries/Libra.
Cancer is also tender, timid and it can be emotionally dependent. It loves family and to feel safe within the home. Cancer requires nourishment and nurturance. It is important for Cancer to give this nourishment to itself, as this will build a stable sense of self within. Cancer needs to go into the opposite sign of Capricorn and learn to build a firm and solid foundation.
Cancer is here to understand its emotions and potentially develop emotional mastery.
This can only be achieved through feeling and letting go of any control (Capricorn). This may require an emotional melt down for some, in order to allow rejuvenation and transformation. It’s also a step-by-step process and is very much connected to past-life karma. Also, past-life healings would be wonderful at this time and some individuals may be ready for a total transformation.
Although, this is a Cancer Full Moon, I will be mentioning its opposite Capricorn due to the significant number of planets in the sign of Capricorn at this Full Moon, the Sun inclusive.
At this Cancer Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, we have six planets sharing this blended power of Capricorn. This is called a stellium in astrology and describes three or more planets sitting side-by-side in close succession creating a separation anywhere between (0 to 8 degrees). The closer this conjunction is the stronger its impact on us both individually and globally.
We have the Sun and Mercury conjunct exactly at 20 degrees. I feel that Mercury could be saying to us all, dear ones please take responsibility for your thoughts and what comes out of your mouth in your day-to-day communications. Please lovingly let go of any attachment to communication driven by your ego (Sun).
Although, the following planets are greatly out of orb, Jupiter and the South Node both are 8 degrees of Capricorn. Therefore, the Capricorn energy is still there in a big way due to Jupiter’s influence helping the South Node to let go of any control and soften its possibly hard hold and/or any burdens it may be carrying.
Next are Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn that will come together in an exact conjunction of 22’47’’/50’’ reaching its absolute peak on the 13th of January, occurring just after this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. This conjunction has not happened since the 1500s (Tiarnie Vidler).
What could this mean?
At any Full Moon the lunar energy activates our subjective, emotional and personal life concerns. From my level of understanding, the affects of a Lunar Eclipse last much longer than a normal Full Moon and its shake-up is more intensified.
I feel that at this time due to Pluto and Saturn significance, we are activated to access our deep truth and act on it responsibly and lovingly. We have the potential for deep and complete transformation, related to the themes of where our Capricorn is placed. The Capricorn influence may trigger past life karmic themes around family, home, authority figures and control through fear.
Globally, this Saturn and Pluto blending would be pressing on hierarchical structures in our society that are simply out of date and no longer work. I feel that humanity can feel this and so can the people in power (Governments, Banks and Economies) and maybe this extreme is just a climax before we can all experience a big letting go, in order to allow that fundamental transformation.
This breakdown and change requires allowing and softening of the hard Capricorn shell. This does become harder and more restrictive for those that are still holding on. We are always shown by the way that we feel, what we are doing with our own energy. Bottom line whether we like it or not, it is time to take responsibility for the things that we may have possibly been consciously or unconsciously running from that are most likely deeply buried. Therefore, creating the consequences of our actions or inactions and our suppressions.
It’s time to watch our thoughts; examine where they come from and act responsibly and lovingly towards others and ourselves.
Possible questions:
What am I ready to release that no longer nourishes my soul?
Where am I still tied up and limiting myself, as if chained?
What karmic lesson at this Pluto and Saturn conjunction am I ready to face and release?
What is my deep truth related to the Capricorn theme?
Where am I ready to step up?
What is my deeply buried treasure?
Essentially, Pluto would be saying or rather asking: What needs to die? What needs to go, in order to make way for the new.
How is power being used? Is it used constructively or does it need to destruct before it can reconstruct. As mentioned above, this affects us on the personal level and on the global level. Some of the themes are, other people’s money, sex, death, rebirth, revenge, jealousy, manipulation and abuse of power.
I invite you to see where you have Capricorn in your birth chart, as this will show you in what area of life your own Pluto/Saturn conjunction that is happening up in the heavens is activating for your transformation, personally.
Those people that have the four Cardinal signs of (Cancer/Capricorn or Aries/Libra), anywhere from 16 to 24 degrees in their birth chart will be affected by this Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Cancer energy, more than others.
If you can please print your birth chart and physically place the signs and degrees for this Full Moon into your birth chart. Then it will help you see if any planets sit on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your chart and/or if this makes any significant aspects.
As always, it is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts. I hope that this serves you.
I am sorry for being late in getting these articles out to you. I allowed distraction.
Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings.
Feel free to visit my website: www.transformational-astrology.com if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.
Also, I am available for one-on-one astrology readings. I am also available for deep emotional healings and past-life regressions, as well as other services available through this website. You can message me for more information or to book an appointment, if anything that I offer resonates with you. It really is a privilege and an honour being in service.
Travel well.
I love you all dearly.