Full Moon 5 degrees and 22 minutes in Virgo, 24.2.2024, 10:30 pm AEST
Welcome precious readers. I love and appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you.
Happy Birthday Pisces. May your day be blissful and magical merging with doing what you love.
Ladies and gents, we have a Full Moon in the sign of Virgo. At any Full Moon the Sun and Moon create an exact opposition to each other. What this means in astrology is that these two cosmic bodies reside in the same number of degrees as well as minutes but they are in opposite signs. The twelve zodiacal signs have six in opposition to each other. It is this opposition that initially tends to create imbalance and then perhaps balance.
Only through the discord can we know how and where we need to adjust. At any Full Moon these differences are caused by the rising tension. We may not like the elevating tension or activation. It may help to remind ourselves to celebrate what we are feeling, no matter what it is. We would not be feeling it, if we were not ready for it. We get what we need not what we want. We can choose to work with the increasing discord and let it go or not. When we choose to not work with the activation, this could be a vital part of the process towards healing. Merely observing with love can be the hardest thing to do. We all have different lessons.
All of life occurs unexpectedly. The letting go can occur at the rupture of the Full Moon or not. Be prepared for everything and expect nothing. Especially, at a Pisces and Virgo polarity. This time we have the Sun in the sign of Pisces and the Moon in the sign of Virgo. It always helps me to ask for Higher Help, God or the Planets. We cannot do any sort of healing alone without higher help and they are always there waiting for us to ask them for their assistance. We are entering the Pisces season that governs spirituality and higher help. We at all times have free will. It is against Spiritual Laws to interfere in others’ lives. Simply, this is why the Light Bodies need to be asked to assist us.
The sign of Virgo, essentially governs being in service. We may need to be a servant to others before we can learn through our own experience what the difference is between service and servant. We may mistakenly think that we are being in service when in fact we are servants to our loved ones. Being servants builds unconscious resentment. We are likely to deceive ourselves until we are ready to see things clearly.
The sign of Virgo is ruled by planet Chiron, which rules our holistic health. Planet Chiron and the sign of Virgo will show us our biggest and most painful wound. I suggest for anyone that is interested: Where is your planet Chiron? Also, where is your 5 degrees Virgo? Also where is your 5 degrees Pisces? Do you have any planets there? Or does this sit or aspect any significant angles in your natal chart? For some this activation may feel like it is too much especially for those that have a strong Pisces and a mountain of trauma. They may want to escape from the pain and fear and be with God where it feels deliciously blissful.
At this time the emotional pain may be activated through practicing Pisces dance, singing, cooking, painting or during yoga. Our wound may need our compassionate LOVE and our Surrender to SOURCE. We may want to physically die due to too much pain. We may say to ourselves: I see you whatever we are experiencing, I hear you, I feel you, I love you.
It may assist some to know that each individual has planet Chiron in their natal chart and its placement in the house and sign is where your wounding is situated and it is where we feel small and insignificant. For some natives, this wound maybe oozing out like a festered sore. For others, it may still be dormant and sleeping.
The sign of Virgo is an earth sign, therefore, it loves to be grounded and steady especially enjoying and practicing daily routine as well as holistic health. Also, the sign of Virgo rules our daily work. Find inside your heart what you love doing and you will never work a day in your life. What is more important to life than our daily work, routine and health? When our daily work and routine are not healthy then we are likely to suffer through the opposition of an unbalanced sign of Pisces.
The suffering may activate overwhelm due to the heightened sensitivity of the wound wanting to be rescued out of pain. We may not recognise or see that whatever we falsely ‘think’ is true, can create our pain. When we are experiencing pain, it could feel impossible to know that when we are deceiving ourselves, about our own activated state of unconscious beliefs. We are unconsciously feeding our own pain body. This gets louder and noisier until we see the truth of our false thought patterns and we are relieved from pain like magic.
We have the Sun in Pisces conjunct planet Mercury on the left and planet Saturn on the right, which are the three planet bodies creating a stellium. Stellium in astrology simply signify togetherness in blended power. Using the power of three or more for empowerment for the highest good of all. How best can we work with planet Mercury, the Sun and Saturn all in the sign of Pisces? We can utilise Mercury’s highest intuitive messages driven by pure and innocent love. Shine brightly and effortlessly within ourselves like the Sun in the sign of Pisces in a grounded responsible manner whilst going about your business dealings with a heightened sensitivity.
We all have Virgo and Pisces in our natal charts. The area of life represented by our house placement in our chart can show the area of life where we are likely to activate all expressions of our personal sign of Virgo. The twelve houses all demonstrate different ways of living similar to the 12 signs of the zodiac.
This is where we can notice and perhaps monitor our unhealthy characteristics. These can be signs of worry that can develop indigestion and stomach problems or deeper health issues.
The sign of Virgo can also nit-pick everything that they do, as the Virgo usually puts very high standard on thy self. Keeping in mind that Virgo is a mutable sign and it is likely to move out of discomfort into comfort. Sometimes the Virgo can adapt just for the sake of feeling better, yet this improvement does not last and therefore this is one way that we can deceive oneself. The great thing is that the sign of Virgo loves to address life by meticulously giving attention to detail that is in alignment with their own self-service which does feel very good.
Those individuals that have the four mutable qualities of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini or Sagittarius, ranging from 2 to 8 degrees in their natal charts will feel this Full Moon in Virgo more so than others.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Writings. If any of you feel called to have a face to face or Facetime or an Astrology reading with me then please book through my website: www.transformational-astrology.com .Also, if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Writings, then please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate your support.
It is an honour and a privilege to serve you.
Thank you.