Full Moon 16 degrees 40 seconds in Virgo, 7.3.2023, 10:40pm AEST
Welcome precious readers. Thank you for reading these articles. I hope that you are well. I love you.
Happy Birthday Pisces. May your day be filled doing things that feel magical and blissful enjoying what you love.
Dear readers, we have a Full Moon in Virgo. Archetypally, at any full Moon the Sun and Moon create an exact opposition. What this means in astrology is that they both share the same number of degrees and minutes but reside in opposing signs. These contrasting signs grow in pressure, as the Full Moon approaches. Then at the time of the Full Moon there is a sudden release of the energy and a subsequent letting go.
This time we have the Moon in Virgo and the Sun in Pisces. What could this mean?
The sign of Virgo is a very fundamentally important sign. Virgo rules our health and everyday living. This may sound boring to some people; however, I see it as fundamental. What is more important than our holistic health, daily work and living, as well as being in service? Virgo’s can be quiet achievers.
That daily living includes our daily routine. This includes any routine that we choose to practice and covers just about everything that we do.
In relation to routine, it could be as simple as brushing our teeth on a daily basis. We all do it, possibly rarely talk about it.
How many times do we brush our teeth in a single day? I know some individuals brush their teeth many times per day. Possibly, after each time they eat something. Then, there are those individuals that reside on the other end of the spectrum and brush their teeth only when they need to when they are seeing other people.
Reminding ourselves that the sign of Virgo rules our fundamental physical health. Also, the sign of Virgo rules our judgements about ourselves and others in relation to our personal ability to delegate to others our daily work. The more that we speak up for ourselves and ask for help, the more we will feel good.
Further, the sign of Virgo rules Naturopathy and the natural way to heal our body. A bloated abdomen and painful gas may indicate fear and signs where the body is unable to relax.
When left unchecked, this condition may lead to concerns with our digestive system. We could possibly be over-judging things about ourselves and spending too much time in our heads. We may have learned these self-judgements when we were very young children. At this point, we could close our eyes, take a few slow deep breaths and listen to the truth that is in our hearts that can offer ease and healing messages.
It is my experience that our bodies express what we suppress on an all levels. The sign of Virgo is an earth sign and can store things without giving oneself the opportunity to feel emotion. Our physical body demonstrates our physical health. Any health issues are there as sign posts to look at how the thoughts may be affecting our health. At every point our bodies are talking to us. We need to first be ready to listen and accept the trauma and feel the emotional damage. Anything can be healed at any time, step-by-step.
Notice how our body responds to critical, nit-picky judgements. Then change those thoughts to loving and supportive thoughts and recognise how differently our body and our health responds.
Use the Pisces metaphysical to heal the physical body on a fundamental level. Then, you are being in true service to your body.
Knowing that with the Virgo energy we can be either servants or in service. When we’re being a servant, we are not free. We feel constricted and if we have a strong Pisces, we may not even know it. We could be unconsciously experiencing being very frightened, as our inner child may be, afraid to ask for our fundamental needs. We can spend our whole lives unconsciously lying to ourselves and believing that we are serving when in fact we are allowing ourselves to be slaves to our loved ones. Being in true service feels like magic where life and everything in it feels effortless and energising. Being in service is in alignment with our Higher Self and Soul.
The sign of Virgo is a mutable sign. What this means is that Virgo is adaptable and changeable to any situation. This is great, as it helps the Virgo to evolve and grow into its highest version of itself. Also, it can adapt dysfunctionally in ways that can create poor health rather than actually changing living a healthy life.
Mother Theresa depicts the sign of Virgo and Chiron rules this sign. Mother Theresa devoted her life to caring for others wellbeing, totally selflessly being in true service. Chiron is known to be the wounded healer healing its own injury. The sign of Virgo is there for us to choose self-healing to heal the body and spirit in a holistic way by using natural and connecting to spiritual sources. Be in service to self may be a chosen daily commitment, like Mother Theresa’s service to the sick was shown to the world. Love self, as love truly heals all, as it vibrates at the highest level.
With the Full Moon in the sign of Virgo, we have the opportunity to empower self with self-healing in the most profound way possible. When we heal ourselves, we heal everyone that comes into our contact and we also heal humanity at large. What is more important to life than our own holistic health?
Those individuals that have the four mutable qualities of Virgo/Pisces, Gemini/Sagittarius, ranging from 12 to 20 degrees in their natal charts will feel this Full Moon in Virgo more so than others.
Again, I invite you all to print your charts and physically see and draw where 16 degrees of Virgo sits for you, as this way it will enable you to look into the house and see the area of life that this Full Moon is activating for you.
Additionally, you can see if it is making any aspects to any planets, points or angles in your chart especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. If any of you feel called to have a face to face or an online astrology reading with me then please book through my website: www.transformational-astrology.com and if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings, then please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.
It is always an honour and a privilege to serve you. Thank you.