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Writer's pictureZiva Zavadil

Full Moon in virgo 20/02/2019

Full Moon in 00 degrees Virgo, 20th of February 2019, 1.53 am AEST

First of all, I would like to offer, a big thank you to all the subscribers for coming along on this journey with me. As you know, I write these articles from my level of understanding and I am learning lots in the process. Thank you very much for your valuable feedback. I would also like to offer a warm welcome to all the new subscribers :) 

Happy Birthday to all of the Pisces out there! May your Birthday be filled with doing the things that you love such as spending time by the ocean, meditating, listening to or playing music, indulging in arts and crafts or dance and appreciating your sensitivity, your tender and loving nature, as you naturally allow your selves to be inspired and inspiring! Happy Birthday :)

We are experiencing another Full Moon that is also a Super Moon (perigee) meaning that at the time of this Full moon, its position will occur at the closest distance to Earth. Therefore, it will show up much bigger and brighter in the sky and its closer proximity would make it more powerful for each person on Earth.

This Full Moon in Virgo, of course sits right opposite the Sun in Pisces. Therefore, the Virgo/Pisces polarities are being accentuated at this time. Virgo rules the digestive system and Pisces rules the feet. Think of what you could practically do for yourself that would be for the benefit of your digestion. This practice is very personal; some people like to fast and others juice, some like to go on a raw diet and others like to just eat less or incorporate more veggies into their diet.

Any body detox of your choosing is perfect for you at this Full Moon.

For those unsure of what to do, the invitation is to ask your body (as our bodies know) what it wants and needs in order to move into greater health. Also I suggest starting the detox in the lead up (at least 3 days) before this Full Moon, as this way the purging can happen at the time of the Full Moon.

Also, it is a perfect time to take a look at our addictive practices and asking our selves what no longer serves our health and highest good would also be very helpful at this Full Moon. This is due to the very addictive and elusive Pisces energy.

Doing something practical for your beautiful feet could be very helpful to ground your Pisces energy if needed; such as giving yourself or going for a foot massage, walking barefoot on the earth (beach), a reflexology session or just allowing your feet some rest could be very beneficial at this time.

Virgo is a powerful energy because it allows us to see things for what they really are. This practical ability of the Virgo energy is a wonderful thing as it gives us the skills how to pay precise and meticulous attention to all of the details, of any dream that the Pisces energy can conjure up.

Sometimes we want to skip over the mundane detail and have this hugely momentous and exciting imaginings with the Pisces but Virgo is a gorgeous reminder that the most profound sense of self and love are achieved through showing up and being able to practice all of the little details.

You would know by now that Virgo is concerned with our daily lives and how we take care of ourselves related to our health also, how we are tending to our physical life and our daily routines. This full Moon says put on your own oxygen mask first, although the Pisces energy wants to rescue others before it attends to self. Virgo says rescue yourself beautiful angel. This is predominantly, because the Pisces energy in its finest is the most Unconditionally Loving and Compassionate Energy of them all. In its lower self it is the victim/martyr syndrome, drug addictions, especially alcohol, self-punishment, escaping into other realms of fantasy, into just about anything other than what is really real. It does this because unconsciously it wants to merge with God/The Infinite and avoid practical life.

Most importantly, it is masterful at its craft, meaning, master of illusion and deception. I can say this with confidence as I have lived it myself. Also, when there is no clarity it very easily goes into self-doubt and self-sabotage. And due to the wafty energy of Pisces there is no grounding, therefore, it needs the opposite Virgo for that.

The invitation is to ask yourself: What am I ready to see about myself that is still veiled from my awareness?

Every Full Moon is illuminating and has an exchange of the feminine (Moon) and the masculine (Sun) in opposing signs wanting to create balance of the feminine and masculine energies, using the signs that they are both in. Every Full Moon allows revealing new information that previously was not available. How awesome is that!

Neptune is conjunct (sitting next to) Mercury both in Pisces. There could be spiritual downloads available for people to use for their benefit. Mercury is the messenger from the Gods and Neptune/Pisces is our doorway to heaven. It is a great time for writing, meditating and self –reflection. The conjunction between these two planets supports time for deeper spiritual healing.

It’s important to ground yourself and be practical in order to receive the best out of the Pisces energy, which can come through dreams, your senses and your intuition. When brought into balance it can really serve the Highest Divine Purpose. Always give yourself a reality check to prevent or stop any floating away by the wafty-ness of the Pisces. Virgo is an earth element and Pisces is water, although, they are both mutable energies meaning changeable, sometimes too much so which makes them inconsistent and co-dependent when the energy is out of balance. The positive and most functional form of Pisces is our doorway to the Divine Intelligence, as I mentioned earlier, which is pretty cool I think.

We all have Pisces/Virgo in our birthcharts. The area of life that this energy is in your chart is the area where you can tap into all the positive expressions of Pisces/Virgo and where you can monitor your unhealthy characteristics. Keeping in mind that the mutable energy wants to move beyond where it currently is and their attitudes are exploratory and flexible.

Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. If any of you feel called to have a face to face or Skype astrology reading with me then please book through this website.

It is always an honour to serve you. Travel well. I love you ALL.



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