Full Moon 8 degrees 38 minutes in Taurus, 01.11.2020, 12:49 am AEST
Greetings precious readers and welcome to the new subscribers for jumping on board this magical train assisting us all towards higher consciousness and awareness. Thank you. I hope that you are all keeping well and healthy.
Happy Birthday Beautiful Scorpio! May your Birthday experience be one that uplifts your Soul and makes you feel deeply satisfied. I hope that you know just how treasured and valued you are just for being you.
Ladies and Gents, we have a Full Moon in Taurus. This Full Moon for most of the world is a Blue Moon, as it is occurring on the 31st of October. However, for individuals residing in Australia, this Full Moon in Taurus falls on the early morning of the 1st of November just after midnight. A Blue Moon simply means that two consecutive Full Moon cycles are happening in the one-month period, which does not occur often hence the term Blue Moon.
Any Full Moon is demonstrated by the Sun and Moon in total opposition to each other. There is a build-up of energy that is looking for release at the culmination point of the Full Moon. This happens when the Moon reaches its absolute peak and then the intensity of the build-up begins to subside. It happens, in order to aid humanity to spiritually grow according to the signs that the Sun and Moon reside. This time we have the Moon in Taurus and the Sun in Scorpio.
The Sun entered the sign of Scorpio in our Hemisphere on the 23rd of October and on a karmic level this energy rules power. We have been experiencing abuse of power both on the collective and personal levels. My understanding and experience is that this heightened experience is felt and intensified around the globe, in order to aid our deep transformation of Scorpio into the Light of Consciousness.
Therefore, this Full Moon is likely to be harmonising deep emotional intensity and extremes (Scorpio). Teaching us to learn how to let go and deal with these energies on an internal and practical level, in order to create a calm and stable feeling within (Taurus). The beautiful and sensual planet Venus rules the sign of Taurus. The sign of Taurus element is earth, this energy enjoys feeling grounded and balanced, as well as learning to see beauty in all things.
The Sun having entered the sign of Scorpio, gives us all the opportunity to dive deep into our own subconscious, in order to uncover our own deeply hidden truths and potential treasures. Without this energy we would not be able to investigate deeply and be our own psychologists so to speak.
We all have the power within us to transmute our own darkness into light. Once we learn to play affectively with the Scorpio energy, we are likely to realise those deeply hidden treasures within and be grateful for having the opportunity to transform.
The opposite sign of Scorpio, Taurus that the Moon is in does not usually allow any deep emotions to surface, as he may view them as unhealthy to feel. However, at this Full Moon the Taurus energy may not have a choice, as the Scorpio energy will be activated and may bring to the forefront deep insecurity (Moon) and ego holds (Sun). This can create an increase in stubbornness, jealousy or resentment or it can support the deepest transformation and growing light through the transmutation of the darkness that can ignite our deeply buried passion (Scorpio).
Astrologically speaking, this Full Moon in Taurus can potentially be a powerful turning point of this whole year. The Taurus energy loves to hold on and possess what is old and outworn and the opposite Scorpio is begging for deep transformation that will open brand new doors, when we let it.
Possible questions to ask self:
In what way am I still stubbornly holding on to, which is outworn and no longer serves my Highest Good?
How am I staying in my own comfort zone?
How has the comfort zone served me in the past?
What practical steps can I take that will sustain me and give me freedom (Uranus) moving forward and change in ways that are in alignment with my Soul?
What are my deepest fears, if I were to let go?
The planet Uranus is closely conjunct (sitting side-by-side in blended power) this Full Moon in Taurus. What could this mean? There could be a possible fundamental shake-up in terms of our intrinsic values and worth. This could include our view about money and how we choose to earn it (Taurus). Uranus will be assisting humanity to revolutionise in very unique and unexpected ways. Uranus will be assisting humans to change radically in the way that we use and abuse the Earth.
Also, Taurus rules our senses and shows us the way that we enjoy food. Do we cook for ourselves the food that we love? Do we eat the food with a grateful heart? Offer gratitude to Mother Nature for growing the food in amazing abundance.
Taurus represents our throat and the inability or unwillingness to voice our truth from the heart. When we don’t speak the truth, then we are likely to experience blockages to our thyroid and throat chakra (energy centre).
Taurus is a fixed sign and can be very stubborn especially if it is forced into action that is not of its own choosing. Essentially, this energy needs to apply determination and endurance to see a project through.
Those individuals that have the fixed energies of Taurus/Scorpio, Aquarius/Leo between 5 and 11 degrees will feel this Full Moon more than others. The heavens are gifting you with your own unique opportunity to heal, let go of and release these energies in those areas of life demonstrated by your birth chart.
If you can please print your birth chart and physically place this Full Moon into the house where it sits. Then this will help you to see what area of life your Taurus is affecting and if it is making any significant aspects to any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birthchart.
It is my experience, we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts. I hope that this serves you.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit this website: www.transformational-astrology.com if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.
I am also available for one-on-one transformational-astrology readings, as well as other services.
Travel well.
I love you all dearly.
Ziva x
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