Full Moon 27 degrees and 38 minutes in Scorpio, 19th of May 2019 at 7.11 am, AEST
I would like to offer a heartfelt hello to all my precious readers. Thank you for your continued support. I cherish you! Also, I would like to extend a warm welcome to the new subscribers that have just joined this magical train. Welcome!
It is still a time for Taurus Birthday Celebrations and I would love to offer another additional Birthday wish, to our Beloved Taurus. May your day be spent enjoying the things that you truly value such as receiving a body treatment of your choice or immersing yourself in your garden and/or enjoying your favourite meal with the people that you love. Happy Birthday Taurus!
Ladies and Gents, we have a powerful Full Moon in the sign of Scorpio. At any Full Moon the Sun and Moon are in exact opposition to each other and the Sun is always in the opposite sign to the Moon. Although, we are again working with the same polarities of Scorpio and Taurus, as we did at the New Moon. This time, the two polarities are more prominent because there is an actual opposition, which gives the Full Moon that extra strength.
To add, we have the Full Moon in Scorpio opposing our precious Sun in Taurus. The Moon (is Cancer, relates to Mother, family and the past) at a Full Moon has its bosoms full, giving us all a valuable opportunity to feel and heal what has yet to be felt or accessed. From my understanding and experience, this makes any Full Moon nurturing and powerful, assisting healing from the past.
Scorpio‘s element is water that is deeply hidden. Therefore, now we all have the chance to access our deeply buried emotions and hurts that may have been suppressed since early childhood and carried over from other life times. Taurus is in the element of Earth, that responds very well to spending time in nature as a vehicle for healing. Being mindful that both Scorpio/Taurus qualities are fixed and love staying in their comfort zone; the reminder is to step-one-step at a time with patience. When we trod patiently and lovingly, we become still and then we are more likely to let go of the stuff that we are ready to shed at a deep level, as that mindset seems to let go of resistance.
Scorpio is the most intense zodiacal sign and therefore; it is feared by most. I can understand this, as I too spent most of my life running from this energy. I mean who wouldn’t be afraid, when Scorpio rules death and in the dysfunctional way shows up as revenge, hate, betrayal, all levels of power abuse, violence and violation of any kind, including sexual. It rules the underworld, deep secrets and basically anything deeply hidden. Also, anything that is underhand, morbid, dark, poisonous and dangerous.
I mean who would not want to run away from that, right? Running makes perfect sense. Maybe, we are all running because we unconsciously know that this energy is within us. From my view, I see that we are globally challenged, to realise that we human beings do have all these qualities within each and every one of us (to differing degrees) otherwise this would not exist in the external world.
So from my experience, what we are running away from and scared of facing is our own internal darkness. This can show up as being afraid of the dark and needing to sleep with some light or lamp on. This can also show up in our dreams, dreaming of violent death and abuse. Our beautiful and precious planet Pluto rules Scorpio. Please know that actually facing our Scorpio/Pluto is never as bad, as we think. Nevertheless, we need to be ready to let go and to transform. You see the beautiful thing about Scorpio/Pluto is that when we stop and face our deep inner demons the transformation is just as equally profound.
The transformation and regeneration always matches our level of darkness within. Then through our own rebirth we step into our own balanced power, we exude strength wrapped up in sensitivity, our psychic abilities and passions are released and we stop being afraid of death. We feel empowered.
This makes, from my perspective, Pluto humanity’s greatest gift. Allowing all of us to enter those deepest depths of our own psyche. If transformation was not possible then that cocoon could not transform into the beautiful butterfly. Therefore, by now you would know that all of us are invited at this Full Moon in Scorpio to allow our own transformation that is ‘right’ for us at this moment in time and space to occur.
I invite you to ask yourself, as I am asking myself:
What am I ready to transform?
What am I ready to let go of?
From my experience, resistance ends up being more painful than letting go and facing Pluto. Facing Pluto leads to true salvation and we become Light Workers.
This is because Pluto wants purification. Isn’t that cool? Therefore, if we can all do our own bit and find what is not yet pure within us, that is ready for transformation and purify it. This action will make Pluto rejoice because this will make our precious Mother Earth rejoice!
This is very important planetary work, as when we clean up our own inner houses, we begin to vibrate at a higher frequency and help Mother Earth and humanity to heal their own inner darkness. This way through the higher vibration we step into the Light Worker role that will help you on a personal level to step into your own Soul’s potential. I mean take a look around you, what is in the media and our own neighbourhoods? I see Pluto/Scorpio’s work all around us.
The best way that I know to combat the external dark is to continue to clean up my inner house. Heal and transmute any personal triggers that I may feel, replace with Light and Love plus take responsibility for everything that I attract into my life both consciously and unconsciously. I do this to the best of my ability, as Ashtara taught this very valuable way of life to me and I accepted, as it resonated with me deeply.
I feel that I have given you enough to ponder on. I told you that Scorpio will be intense and at the same time, from my experience, the most beautiful and loving. I really do hope that you all fall in love with your own inner dark, so that you can shine your Light, as our Sun does.
The people that have the fixed signs of Scorpio/Taurus, Leo/Aquarius in their birthcharts ranging from 24 to 29 degrees will feel this New Moon more than others. If you can please print your birthcharts and physically place this Full Moon then it will help you see what area of life your Scorpio sits in and if it is making any significant aspects to any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birthchart. It is, (continuously) my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.
I hope that this serves you.
I offer the continual reminder that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit this website: www.transformational-astrology.com if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.
I am also available for one-on-one transformational-astrology readings.
Travel well everyone. I do Love, each and every one, of you.