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Writer's pictureZiva Zavadil

Full Moon in Scorpio, 07.05.2020

Full Moon 17 degrees and 20 minutes in Scorpio, 07.05.2020 at 8:45 pm AEST

Welcome precious readers. I hope that you are all keeping well and happy in these transformational times that we are living in.

Happy Birthday Beautiful Taurus. I hope that you spend your day doing what makes your heart sing with joy. You deserve it!

Ladies and Gents we have a Full Moon in Scorpio. Any Full Moon is demonstrated by the Sun and Moon making an exact opposition to each other. This opposition is what creates the balance at a Full Moon. This is because before the Full Moon there is a build-up of energy, causing tension as these two opposing planetary bodies gather force.

Many feel this increase in pressure. Subsequently, just prior or at the time of the Full Moon there is an opportunity for individuals to let go and release that accumulated energy related to the signs of the Full Moon. This time we have the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio.

The energy of Scorpio requires surrendering to Thy will, not my will be done. This is due to the Scorpio energy wanting to achieve through sheer will and forget to let go and ask for higher help. Then the Scorpio wonders why this force does not make them feel better.

It’s important to know that Scorpio tends to hold on very tightly to what it knows and what feels safe for them. This way it resists change, usually to its detriment.

Essentially, at a Full Moon we are balancing two very contrasting energies and creating balance between them. The wonderful thing is that when we create that balance between and within, it magically shows up in our external environment.

This time we’re balancing the deepest and darkest depths of Scorpio. Clearly mirrored to us in the external world. We see manipulation and control through fear and power plays.

Globally, I see this as a wonderful time to ‘wake up’ and step into our own inherent power. When we do that we become sovereign unto ourselves and this way assist in a global transformation. This can only be achieved through love. Love for ourselves and love for the dark forces that we see and experience in the external world.

It is now time to align to our soul energy and go deep within at this Full Moon in Scorpio. Scorpio requires going deep into our own subconscious psyche and uncover the many hidden gifts that are buried there. In order to unearth this treasure one must first access the suppressed deep Scorpio emotions.

These are not easy, as they relate to grief, betrayal, envy, jealousy, revenge, hate, sex, other people’s money, violence and death just to name a few. We all have these themes within us to differing degrees. We all have Scorpio and the planet Pluto that rules Scorpio in our birth charts. Essentially, Scorpio is looking for death of these destructive patterns referred to as ‘death of ego’, in order to transform and regenerate into love and light emanating from the heart & soul.

It is my experience that we live in a society that has sheltered many of us from the experience of physical death whether that is through the passing of our beloved pets, friends or family members or the death of marriage or long-term partnership.

Some well-meaning individuals may stop children being part of the celebration of life and death, which would otherwise enable proper goodbyes and the allowance of grieving in their own unique way.

Experiencing death in any form is probably the most challenging thing for human beings to face. We often have so many unconscious attachments and hurts through our conditioning related to loss.

Maybe if we received the opportunity to open our hearts deeply to the loss of our loved ones when we were children, then the heavy burden of death and the stigma would not be there when adults.

Millions are faced with death through disease, illness or accidents and killings everyday all over the world. These experiences of death came way before our attention was brought to it through the COVID19 Virus. Death has been there since the beginning of time and it is just as important as birth and celebrating the precious newborn baby into our world.

Healthy and happy births are easy, whereas, death is not usually an easy concept to digest for most individuals, although it is very much part of living and life. Its denial of never thinking about it or suppression of ignoring the feelings of loss can cause extreme psychological suffering. All the same this extreme experience can end up being our biggest teacher, if we allow it. 

I do apologise to those readers that find this edition of the Moon Musings a bit morbid. That is not my intent however; I do feel that it is important and appropriate to address this often-taboo subject at this time of a Full Moon in Scorpio.

For those individuals that do want to transform through the sign of Scorpio require addressing these themes and concepts within.

Possibly ask: How am I playing my own Scorpio game that no longer serves my Highest Good?

When we’re playing our Scorpio game dysfunctionally then we could have issues with our bowels and be constipated or in severe cases develop bowel cancer.

Scorpio element is water that is deeply buried in the depths of the murky pond and can feel like a justified revenge (getting back at someone) when activated. At this Full moon in Scorpio the Sun is conjunct the planet Mercury both in the sign of Taurus.

What could this mean?

First, go deep within and call in the energy of the sun & spirit to help release our own inner darkness, then call in healing Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, & feel the golden nectar of light permeate our whole being. We can then honestly communicate to others globally the ‘need to care’ for ourselves and our precious planet Earth.

Taurus is inviting us to open our own hearts and invite more love into our being and consciousness. We will then see in our minds eye, transformation into beautiful lotus flowers blossoming across the pond.

Some functional Scorpio keywords and characteristics to develop are: transformation, penetrating, investigative, balanced power, emotional mastery, sensitive, psychic, strength, letting go, re-birth, passionate and release.

Scorpio is a fixed sign and essentially these energies like to remain stuck in their comfort zone and within their expected outcome of behaviour and reality. However, when a Scorpio gets its teeth into something that they decide to conquer through love their attitudes become persistent and determined, in their pursuit.

Consequently, they live their lives daily, in conscious awareness of remaining in the light of love.

The people that have the fixed signs of Scorpio/Taurus, Leo/Aquarius in their birthcharts ranging from 14 to 20 degrees will feel this Full Moon in Scorpio more than others. If you can please print your birthcharts and physically place this Full Moon over your Scorpio, then it will help you see what area of life your Scorpio is affecting and if it is making any significant aspects to any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birthchart.

It is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts. I hope that this serves you.

I offer the continual reminder that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to book through this website:  if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it. 

I am also available for one-on-one transformational-astrology readings. Travel well everyone.

I Love you ALL.


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