Full Moon 13 degrees and 17 minutes in Sagittarius, 4.6.2023, 1:41pm AEST
Welcome precious readers. Thank you for your subscription. I hope that you are well and happy.
Happy Birthday Sagittarius. May your special day be purpose seeking and abundantly expansive doing what you love.
Ladies and Gents, we have a Full Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. At any Full Moon the Sun and Moon create what is called in astrology an exact opposition. What this means is that the Sun and Moon have opposing zodiacal signs and they share the same number of degrees and minutes. These opposite signs are cosmically designed to intensify the energies inherent in the two signs associated in the lead up of the Full Moon.
The exact number of degrees and minutes allow the activation to occur. Precisely at the time of the Full Moon at the highest peak, a rupture occurs. Then a subsequent letting go transpires driven by those opposing zodiacal signs. This time we have the Sun in Gemini and Moon Sagittarius. What could this mean?
The sign of Sagittarius reveals our sense of integrity, truth and Natural Laws that are fundamental to any individual’s existence. These laws are verry profound and they are driven by our individual morals and honour. The sign of Jupiter also governs our views on philosophy and religion, as well as our beliefs. It may be helpful in the lead-up to this Full Moon in Sagittarius to question our fundamental beliefs around truth. Often, we can believe certain things to be true only to find out later when we’re ready that we have been nurturing an untruth. We can examine internally what feels good and know it as truth. Equally, what doesn’t feel good will determine our inner knowing, as a falsehood.
Planet Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius. This planet embodies all of the Sagittarius qualities. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Planet Jupiter can activate within any individual the ability to expand and exaggerate anything that we focus on and that fires-up our senses. This can occur to the greatest degree to the point one may tell untruths or become explosive emotionally.
The sign of Sagittarius is a fire sign. These signs need to pursue what excites them driven by their inner impulses. In this way they can remain healthy and happy.
Inherently, Sagittarius loves to quest for higher knowledge. Sagittarius rules universities and the teacher archetype teaching others to tune in to their own internal wisdom through learning knowledge of their internal connection to the heart. Then this way the Sagittarius is able to pass on their natural knowledge and wisdom to those who request to study with them.
More so the sign of Sagittarius thrives and expands their knowledge of the world, the people and surroundings of various places, whilst travelling overseas. Those individuals with a strong Sagittarius need to travel overseas in order to grow, in alignment with their soul.
Possibly, the biggest challenge for a Sagittarius is to learn to put their own wisdom into practice, living according to their own integrity of internal truth and the laws that feel good within. The sign of Sagittarius represents expansion and growth spiritually when reaching those peaks of expression when one follows their own intuition.
For a healthy Sagittarius there has to be a desire to open their-at-times, narrow mind enough, to allow the possibility to expand the mind beyond their sometimes limited conditioning. Also, to acknowledge with love that others have a different belief system and a different truth to them and to make the other person know that this is truly okay. The above is not usually easy to achieve yet well worth the effort.
Sagittarius is a mutable sign, which is beautiful, as this energy naturally bares a willingness to change, adapt or grow. The only word of caution is that this mutable energy can adapt dysfunctionally. This can occur in their behaviour.
The people that have the mutable signs of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces in their birth charts ranging from 10 to 16 degrees, will feel this Full Moon in Sagittarius energy more so than others.
There is a suggestion to print your birth charts and physically place this Full Moon in Sagittarius at 13 degrees in your chart, into the house, as then it can assist you to see, if it conjuncts any points or angles. Especially, the Ascendant or Descendant and the I.C. or the M.C. in your chart or if it makes any significant aspects governed by the number of degrees.
It is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.
I hope that this serves you.
Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit my website: www.transformational-astrology.comif you know someone who would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings, then please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it
Travel well.
Ziva x