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Writer's pictureZiva Zavadil

Full Moon in Sagittarius, June 2022

Full Moon 23 degrees 24 minutes in Sagittarius, 14.06.2022, 09:51 pm AEST

Welcome readers. Thank you for your submission. I would like to offer a special welcome for new subscribers. I hope that you enjoy these articles.

Happy Birthday Gemini. May your special day be filled with fun doing what you love.

Ladies and Gents, we have a Full Moon in Sagittarius. At any Full Moon the Sun and Moon create what is called in astrology an exact opposition. What this means is that these two bodies directly and precisely oppose each other. The Sun and Moon are in the same number of degrees and minutes but in opposite zodiacal signs.

In the lead up to the Full Moon there is a rising in intensity created by the two signs involved. This time we have the Sun in Gemini and the Moon in Sagittarius.

What could this mean?

Simply, the sign of Sagittarius requires expansion and spiritual growth in the biggest way possible. It needs to connect to its own truth and intuition and allow trust to flow from there. Sagittarius is also the oracle and teacher as well as a lifelong student of higher wisdom. Planet Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius. Planet Jupiter is physically the largest planet in our solar system and is known to provide a library of teaching for the Ascended Masters to study there.

Sagittarius also rules religion and in the unhealthy expression the sign of Sagittarius can be the preacher that doesn’t follow its own teachings when away from the church. This Sagittarius could hold non-acceptance and prejudice towards others thinking that their way is the only right way. This way can be single minded and righteous.

The sign of Sagittarius needs to allow expansion of the opposite sign that rules the mind. Gemini rules the intellect and Sagittarius allows the information to come from the cosmos through planet Jupiter and higher wisdom. This way the Sagittarius by-passes the mind and accesses higher knowledge that comes from the wisdom of God. It is my understanding and experience that we have only one true God or spiritual essence. This God does not judge but simply accepts all with enormous love that has the power to heal all.

The sign of Sagittarius can feel big, may be too big, if it’s placed with a challenging aspect in your chart. Sagittarius and Jupiter expand and magnify all to the biggest way possible. This energy does not really discern whether this expansion feels good or not. It just expands whatever we think about and focus on.

For me it became very helpful to monitor my thoughts and work with my placement of Jupiter. Jupiter did his best to exaggerate my own thoughts greatly for me to see the activation and where it was coming from in my life. I was judging myself, as I was unable to master my thoughts no matter what method I attempted. Then, when I learned where the dysfunctional expansion was coming from, I could address it lovingly. That is my experience with planet Jupiter.

The suggestion is to watch your thoughts and see where you have the sign of Sagittarius and the sign of Gemini. Lovingly take a look at those aspects in your chart and lovingly ascertain the trauma within yourself.

As mentioned, the Sagittarius/Jupiter energy will inflate whatever we are feeling so that we can really see and feel what does not feel good. Then possibly choose to let that go through a means that we trust such as meditation, as Sagittarius loves the inner travel. Also, we could have spiritual healings or walk in nature. This way we can possibly expand into a truly expansive and a feeling good vibration.

The sign of Sagittarius is a fire element. It loves to take action that could be impulsive. It is best to sleep on any idea that we receive and this way we can more easily connect to our ‘Higher Mind’ through our intuition. Listening to the mind (Gemini) & confirming with intuition, (Sagittarius) in order to remain healthy.

See where and which house you have Sagittarius/Jupiter in your natal chart, as this area of life is likely to also show your generosity and your ability to give and receive. Similar to ‘Father Christmas’ archetype that brings the presents each year. There is a big giving heart connected with Sagittarius that feels very lucky. We can use that to our advantage.

Sagittarius/Jupiter belong to the mutable family. This energy needs to move beyond what currently exists if it no longer serves the higher good. The mutable signs are Sagittarius/Gemini, Virgo/Pisces. The people that have these mutable signs (just mentioned above) in their natal charts ranging from 20 to 26 degrees will feel this Full Moon in Sagittarius more than others.

The invitation is to print your birth charts and physically place this Full Moon in Sagittarius, it will assist you to see what area of life your Sagittarius/Jupiter resides in and possibly this way you may more easily see, if it is making any significant aspects to any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birth chart.

We can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.

Remembering, that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit my website: if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings, please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.

I am also available for one-on-one transformational-astrology readings.

Travel well beautiful souls.



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