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Writer's pictureZiva Zavadil

Full Moon in Sagittarius, 17th June 2019

Full Moon 25 degrees, 53 minutes in Sagittarius, on 17/06/2019 at 6.30 pm AEST

Beloved Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome All. Thank you for your support and feedback; they are both, equally valuable to me. As you know, I write these Moon Musings from my level of understanding and experience and I am always learning something new.

Again, I would like to offer another Happy Birthday to our Beloved Gemini crowd. May your Birthday be spent doing the things that ignite your youthful curiosity. May you find a way to still your mind, so that you can enjoy listening to that precious voice within and take guidance for its wisdom and knowledge. Then this way, allow your curious mind to open up to new communication. I hope that you know how precious your functional Gemini energy is to the world. Happy Birthday Gemini!

Dearest Readers, we have Full Moon, 25 degrees, in Sagittarius. Just to refresh our memory, the Full Moon happens when the Moon is exactly opposite the Sun. This expansive Full Moon in Sagittarius is opposite our gorgeous Sun in Gemini. That opposition creates the Full Moon intensity of those opposing energies, which are this time in Sagittarius and Gemini.

The Full Moon happens, to aid us, towards creating balance, between them, within us. These energies are always completely different and contradictory. These contradictions show up in our human psyche and behaviour. Also, the Full Moon’s energies are different at every Full Moon cycle, due to the change of signs. The energy of this Full Moon is joyous, merry and fortunate.

How best can we create balance between left-brain Gemini and right-brain Sagittarius? Possible answers could be, to trust own intuition. Sagittarius is about ‘walking the talk’ whereas poor Gemini can get caught up in mindless words, gossip and thinking. Learning from the thoughts that we think could be another balanced polarity.

At this Full Moon we have the seeker/traveller energy highlighted, urging us, to quest and to find that knowledge and/or wisdom, that resonates with us.

Often, the Sagittarius seeking is for the bigger picture, spiritual wisdom, truth, beliefs and/or philosophy. It is important to seek own truth rather than taking on someone else’s truth as our own. Please know, that that strategy can only ever work short term. The invitation is to be your own truth seeker. The more that we take action on our initial impulses, our own truths, the more, through this experience; we will learn to believe in ourselves. This makes sense, right?

A possible question could be to ask: Where in my life am I ready to see my own truth?

That will allow the expansion. To possibly let go of a belief system that no longer serves the highest good. The Jupiter/Sagittarius expansion and travel refer to both external and internal. Isn’t that great? So, moving to a new country is Jupiter energy in action; it takes us out of our comfort zone and the level of expansion that we allow, directly mirrors the level of expansion or resistance we experience. In other words, we can always tell by how we feel, which shows us how much we are allowing the Sagittarius energy. If playing this energy dysfunctionally, this could adversely affect the liver, thighs, hips and sciatic pathway.

As this energy could mean big highs and big lows, keeping in mind that Jupiter up in the sky is in its own ruling sign of Sagittarius. Further, Jupiter is conjunct (sitting closely, side by side, holding hands) this amazing Full Moon in Sagittarius.

What can this mean?

Naturally, this Sagittarius energy is magnified quite heavily. Open your being, allow expansion and growth that you are ready for and reap the benefits in truckloads.

Sagittarius is a fire element; therefore it loves to take action. Expansive action that inspires us to step into and connect to our Higher Self, keeping in mind that the connection is always there and it is only our perception that can think and believe otherwise.

Somewhere in your chart you will have Sagittarius and this expansive energy of Sagittarius is also about generosity. The planet Jupiter is likened to ‘Father Christmas’ archetype that enjoys bringing home the pressies. This is probably, because both Sagittarius and Jupiter are the luckiest energies in the sky. Let’s all use them to our advantage and make Jupiter happy.

What can you do to bring out your generous and lucky streak? This could just mean letting people go in front of you, while driving on the roads or standing in the cue, while shopping. It feels good to be generous and it creates a ripple effect that also feels good and ignites luck, within us.

When we give, innocently, without expecting anything in return. This giving, invites other people to be generous with us. It’s crazy how it works energetically!

So, it is established that Jupiter is big on generosity, which; I think is wonderful! The only word of caution with this energy is, especially; when it is available to us in abundance is to watch out for exaggeration of anything, exaggerating our generosity by ‘going over the top’ with it, exaggerating truth, self-righteousness. This energy can make a bigger deal about something than is necessary or even close.

As mentioned earlier, please check out where your own Sagittarius is in your own birth chart and this way you can see what area of life it creates the Sagittarius underlay, specifically for you. Also, be sure to see where your joyous Jupiter is, as that will show you the area of life that your Soul seeks to receive the goodies in abundance. The sign your Jupiter is in and the house it sits in tell a valuable story designed especially for you to help you reap your personal benefits in overflowing abundance.

Sagittarius/Jupiter belong to the mutable family. This energy needs to move beyond what currently exists if it no longer serves the higher good. The mutable signs are Sagittarius/Gemini, Virgo/Pisces. The people that have these mutable signs (just mentioned above) in their birthcharts ranging from 22 to 28 degrees will feel this Full Moon more than others.

The invitation is to print your birthcharts and physically place this Full Moon in Sagittarius, it will assist you to see what area of life your Sagittarius/Jupiter resides in and possibly this way you may more easily see, if it is making any significant aspects to any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your precious chart. It is, (continuously) my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.

My aim is to serve you.

Remembering, that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit this website: if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.

I am also available for one-on-one transformational-astrology readings. Please, book through this website.

Travel well everyone.

Love always


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