Full Moon 15 degrees and 34 minutes in Sagittarius, 06.06.2020 at 5:12 am AEST
Welcome precious readers, I thank you for your subscription. I do hope that you receive value from my words. So many of you take the time to write to me and I really appreciate your feedback so much! Thank you.
Happy Birthday Beautiful Gemini! May your day be filled with light, laughter and fun doing what you love on your special day.
Ladies and Gents we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius. A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth closely align and the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow. Therefore, at this Full Moon Eclipse there will be a bigger energy reaching its completion, in comparison to any other Full Moons. This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will be allowing completion from the previous Solar Eclipse that occurred six months ago.
Any Full Moon in the heavens shows up as an opposition between the Sun and Moon in opposing signs. This time we have the Sun in Gemini and the Moon in Sagittarius. These energies build up and gather force in the lead up to the Full Moon.
They come to their fullness of strength at the peak of the Full Moon and that is when they are ready for their release and balance. At this Full Moon we are balancing the intellect represented by the Gemini and higher mind that is signified by the Sagittarius. It is time to trust your truth, wisdom and your intuition. Sagittarius rules the right hemisphere or ‘higher mind’ of our brain and Gemini rules the left hemisphere or ‘lower mind’.
For some this Full Moon in Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse energy could be a bit too much or they could experience being on the receiving end of some of the dysfunctional energies of Sagittarius such as: prejudice, preaching, inability to focus or unable to have faith in your own wisdom or a higher power, or feel restless and non-adventurous.
For others, this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse could involve many wonderful and adventurous times in nature that may end up broadening their minds in a way that they could not have predicted. Others could be applying for that higher degree study in philosophy or any other subject that gets them excited.
Also, Sagittarius rules growth and the ability to step back and see the ‘bigger picture’ perspective of life. This outlook has a wide and expanded viewpoint of an optimistic visionary. The planet Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius, how lucky are we to have the physically biggest and most expansive energy to use to our advantage at this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.
Jupiter is also that benevolent ‘Father Christmas’ archetype that showers us with many goodies and can ‘go over the top’ at times. We too can at times ‘go over the top’ in our teaching and preaching our righteousness onto others. Essentially, the Sagittarius energy is learning to ‘walk its talk’ and develop internal freedom. Taking into account the overseas travel restrictions, the Sagittarius can adapt and develop it with ‘inner travel’.
Sagittarius is a fire element therefore it needs to develop trust in its intuition and take action on the impulses that it receives. All of the fire signs differ a little bit in their expression. Sagittarius requires to actively be questing for truth, understanding, purpose and meaning, in order to be healthy.
There is a mutable T-Square at this Full Moon in Sagittarius between the Sun and Moon both squaring Mars and Neptune in Pisces creating a triangle shape.
Mars in the sign of Pisces could be feeling a bit wobbly, foggy and lack its ability for assertive action, as it could have difficulty in seeing itself clearly. However, Mars has Neptune holding its hand saying; it’s OK, all is well, now is a perfect time for inspired action and through following up on your impulses the fog will be replaced with clarity, peace and serenity.
A T-Square pattern in astrology is a shape that looks like a triangle. Simply and symbolically put, this triangle shape is looking for its missing sign and its fourth leg, in order to turn it into a stable and whole table with four legs.
The missing sign is Virgo that is opposite the Pisces. Therefore, attending to daily matters of creating order or maybe cleaning out that draw, bedroom or shed may stabilise the unbalanced energies of this T-square and unleash the Sagittarius meaning and purpose.
I invite you to utilise the Gemini questioning and re-examine your belief system and change what no longer has any meaning for you. Now is the time to go beyond believing and stepping into knowing.
Knowing means trusting without a shadow of a doubt and it is very different to believing. Most of us take on beliefs from our parents, other family members, teachers or siblings. As adults we have permission to re-examine the ‘truths’ that we have grown up with, as they may no longer align with our own principles and morals and no longer serve our own spiritual growth, truth or wisdom.
For those individuals that are misusing or dysfunctionally playing their Sagittarius energy could experience issues with their hips, thighs, sciatica or liver. Our liver is our body filter and depends on our ability to express absolute honesty and truth, in order to remain functioning healthily.
Sagittarius/Jupiter belong to the mutable family. This energy is flexible and adaptable, in fact it needs to move beyond what currently exists for them, in order to grow and remain healthy. We could apply this ability to be adaptable to our current situation, if we choose to.
The mutable signs are Sagittarius/Gemini and Virgo/Pisces. The people that have these mutable signs in their birthcharts ranging from 12 to 18 degrees will feel this Full Moon in Sagittarius more so than others.
The invitation is to print your birthcharts and physically place this Full Moon in Sagittarius, it will assist you to see what area of life your Sagittarius resides in and possibly this way you may more easily see, if it is making any significant aspects to any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your precious chart.
It is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.
My aim is to serve you.
Remembering, that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings.
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I am also available for one-on-one transformational-astrology readings. Travel well everyone. I do Love you ALL.
Ziva x