Full Moon 21 degrees and 5 minutes in Pisces on 14. 09. 2019 at 2.34 pm AEST
Greetings wonderful readers! I would like to offer a warm-hearted welcome to new and existing subscribers. Welcome all! I appreciate your subscription very much. These Moon Musings would not be possible without your interest and continual support. In particular, I deeply value the feedback that I receive from many of you. Much gratitude. Just a friendly reminder, I write these articles from my level of awareness, understanding and experience. I love writing them and I learn and grow with you all, at every edition.
I would like to offer a heartfelt Happy Birthday to our magnificent Virgo readers.
May you spend your birthday doing what you love. You are very precious individuals and I hope that you can recognise this treasure within yourselves.
We have a Full Moon in Pisces. As many of you know, any Full Moon formation is demonstrated up in the sky by an exact opposition between the Moon and Sun. An exact opposition means that the Moon and Sun share the same amount of degrees and minutes. What creates the tension between these planetary bodies is the fact that the Sun and Moon are in opposing signs, elements and energies.
This happens at every Full Moon to assist us create balance within ourselves. This is demonstrated by the signs of the Full Moon. This time we are playing with Virgo and Pisces energies. Please know that it is in times of discord or tension that we grow. We generally remain stagnant when we feel good.
Virgo is practical, analytical, grounded and its element is earth. For more information, please re-read the Virgo New Moon edition. Alternatively, for those that have freshly subscribed please feel free to visit my website. Re-reading the previous Moon Musings can aid your understanding.
As mentioned Pisces is the contrasting energy to Virgo and its element is water. Pisces is ungrounded and can be airy-fairy, living in fantasy, if it hasn’t created balance with Virgo. Pisces loves to escape from this world and this makes it the most addictive sign of all. It can also be the biggest sufferer, martyr or victim. A suffering dysfunctional Pisces can be deluded that the suffering or putting up with discomfort is for everyone’s highest good and in the end will earn them what they truly desire, whatever that maybe. Essentially, this Pisces is living in fantasy and not seeing reality, as it is. Ultimately, the Pisces needs to surrender their suffering to the Divine Intelligence/Universe/God.
The above surrender works very well for Pisces, as it has a fundamental desire to seek unity. However, Pisces very easily mistakes their true spiritual longing for human connection. This can create a total merging and blending with the people that they love. This kind of blending can leave them feeling powerless and exhausted. Some can develop chronic fatigue syndrome. This happens, due to the Pisces not having any idea or understanding of any boundaries or recognition of their own power.
Essentially, Pisces needs to realise that there is no need for suffering. This is not easy for the Pisces energy, as it can feel attached to hardship in almost self-sacrificial way. This is due to its inherent rescuing tendencies. Either being rescued or wanting to be rescued by others. Often Pisces believes that the rescuing or sacrifice will lead them towards happiness. When this does not happen Pisces can wallow in self-pity, confusion and more suffering. This can lead to a perpetual spiral down the rabbit hole. This Pisces feels helpless.
I have grown to have deep compassion for Pisces, through my own experiences. We all have Pisces in us to differing degrees. The planet Neptune rules Pisces, I invite you to take a look at your birth charts and see where your Pisces/Neptune are positioned. This will show you the area of life you play your Pisces game.
Also, due to the Pisces sensitivities and absence of boundaries, they can become a psychic sponge, picking up others debris due to their heightened sensitivities and mistake this energy for their own.
At this Full Moon, I see that we have a powerful composition up in the sky. Our precious Sun is tightly holding hands (conjunct) with Mars, Venus and Mercury, all of them in the sign of Virgo. The four of them together form what’s called a stellium in astrology. A stellium means that there are three or more planets in a birth chart or up in the heavens that are sitting side by side, close in degree, up to an eight degree orb. These four planetary bodies are creating a blended power of energies. This usually happens in the same sign.
The above-mentioned Virgo stellium is opposing the Moon that is conjunct Neptune (ruler of Pisces) both in the sign of Pisces. What can this all mean?
The heightened sensitivities of this Full Moon may go either way; they could have people reaching for their old crutches like alcohol, coffee, sugar, drugs or anything. Also, Pisces rules mental health and institutions. Therefore, some could possibly end up in a mental facility or prison. I know that this may all seem a bit extreme. However, for those that desire to work through the denseness of their own Pisces, it is important to understand the Pisces energy, as this understanding can assist those in need.
Alternatively, this could ignite a deep surrender, Neptune can help the Moon unveil and heal karmic family issues from this life and other lives. Neptune can wash away all the dense debris associated with hurt, dependency and fear. Consequently, Neptune can help us see the higher and finer reasons for it all, forgive ourselves and others, opening to peace and serenity. I see the Neptune and Moon conjunction, as an extraordinary gift given to us by the planets and by the Universe to aid our evolution.
I invite you all to spend regular time walking on our beautiful beaches or swimming in the ocean. Pisces/Neptune rules the ocean and is very healing. We can surrender anything into that powerful body of water and be transformed forever.
Going back to our dysfunctional Pisces. Knowing Pisces energy very intimately, I have grown to not underestimate its power in the masterful use of deception. This deception is completely elusive to the Pisces energy. Essentially, it avoids seeing its self clearly. Also, Pisces energy can be very frightened about being grounded in our 3D world existence and avoids the practical Virgo. This is due to the fact that the Virgo energy is foreign to them. This fear feeds the self-sabotage.
All that this Pisces knows and understands is that its sensitivities are on over-drive in this 3D existence. This Pisces can sense that it is not of this world and it feels very homesick for its spiritual home. This can be both conscious and unconscious for the Pisces.
When a Pisces connects to their emotions, they can feel everything and everyone and this can feel like they are drowning in an ocean of emotion, fog up, unable to see clearly. This Pisces is not yet grounded in the Virgo. However, the grounding is exactly what Pisces needs to get clarity and the will to live in practicality. They need to learn to focus on each detail of life, make lists, create order and cleanliness both on the inside and outside. As simple, as this solution may seem, this can prove to be a very powerful remedy for the dysfunctional Pisces.
Possible questions to ask self are:
What am I ready to realise about myself more clearly and lovingly?
What am I ready to move beyond that no longer serves me and my Highest Good?
How are my personal boundaries?
Are they solid or non-existent or possibly somewhere in between?
What changes can I make to my boundaries will help me feel empowered?
What area of life can I open to feeling true compassion for others and myself?
Please create your own questions that resonate personally with you.
We are living in accelerated times, like never before, and it is up to us to do our bit, as we clean up our own inner psyche, we energetically affect the whole. Pisces is a very powerful energy and its downfall can be to believe that it is powerless and helpless, which is totally untrue. However, this mentality keeps it stuck in self-sabotage or victim consciousness.
Functional Pisces is gentle, spiritual, receptive, psychic, infinite love, compassion, serene, empathy, has faith in self, mystical, intuitive, imaginative, inspirational, loves dance and movies, union and bliss.
Aren’t the above characteristics worth developing into the functional, within each and every one of us, in those areas of life where we have Pisces? I sense that humanity, as a whole would greatly benefit from our efforts, as well as our precious selves.
We are all fortunate to work with Pisces/Virgo energies, as they are mutable qualities. This means that they are open to change, in fact these signs need change to move beyond what currently exists for them and grow into the functional. Yay! Moving towards that which feels good, is your best bet.
At this Full Moon in Pisces, when we consciously work with the polarities of Pisces/Virgo and we place them in our birth charts, we can see the area of life where they affect us, personally. Consequently, by working with them we accelerate our own spiritual growth. This is the gift of the Moon, the heavens, the planets and astrology. Astrology is there as a very valuable tool to use personally and globally.
Those individuals that have the four mutable qualities of Pisces/Virgo, Gemini/Sagittarius, ranging from 18 to 24 degrees in their birthcharts will feel this Full Moon in Pisces more so than others. Again, I invite you all to print your birthchart and physically jot down the house where this Full Moon sits for you, as this way it will enable you to see the area of life that it is being affected personally, for you. Additionally, you can see if it is making any aspects to any planets, points or angles in your chart especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven in your birthchart.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. If any of you feel called to have a face to face or Skype astrology reading with me then please book through this website: www.transformational-astrology.com It would be an honour to serve you. Additionally, if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings, then please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.
Thank you.
Please remember that Love heals ALL, as it vibrates on the highest frequency and it is freely available to all of us. How great is this?
Travel well precious Souls.
Love Always