Full Moon 00 degrees in Libra, 21st of March 2019 at 11:42 am AEST
Greetings! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the continual support and feedback. I very much appreciate it. I acknowledge all of my readers and I welcome all new subscribers for jumping on board this testing, fulfilling and exciting journey with me. As you may know now, I love writing and I am writing these articles for your enjoyment. Please feel free to give me any suggestions for improvement.
I would like to wish a warm-hearted Happy Birthday to all the bold, innocent, independent, confident, dynamic, assertive and pioneering Aries out there. May you embark on adventures and enterprises that feed your soul. Ultimately, may your Birthday be spent doing what energises you! Happy Birthday Aries!
Ladies and gentlemen exciting things are happening at this Full Moon in Libra. Firstly, it is again a Super Moon, (perigee) meaning that at the time of this Full moon, its position will occur at the closest distance to Earth. This is the last Super Moon for the year and as before it will show up much bigger and brighter in the sky and its closer proximity would make it more powerful for each person on Earth.
Also, this Full Moon is happening during the equinox. The cardinal signs of Aries/Libra represent the equinoxes. This equinox signifies the very beginning of the full astrological cycle. It’s when the Sun has moved into Aries and initiates a whole new start and a new beginning. Aries is the newborn wide-eyed active explorer. It also means that at this time the Earth is perfectly balanced. The day and night are equally balanced. This describes Libra in its finest, isn’t that exciting?
At this Full Moon we of course have an exact opposition happening from the Moon in Libra to the Sun in Aries. This is where a conversation begins between the masculine and feminine energies. This is between what you understand about the self (Aries) and how you relate (Libra) to other people. The Sun in Aries is the initiator, someone that takes charge, gets things done and loves it. To make the Aries more potent, the Sun is briefly meeting up with Chiron in Aries up in the sky in a close conjunction (side by side) and Chiron could be activating a wounding.
Aries question is: Who am I?
Who do I intent to be?
When we healthily follow up on this enquiry and integrate new parts of self, they always end up being a gift. As there ends up being an honouring of your newness. Chiron having just entered Aries will give all of us courage to be ourselves. With Libra/Aries there’s a push, pull tendency between who you are and how you show up in relationship with other people. Libra concerns about the other and is objective. Aries is subjective. Libra wants conversation and to work with others whereas Aries can be selfish. The invitation is to always look for the balance.
You will know how balanced you are by the way that you feel and by the way that your body feels. Aries rules the head, watch headaches at this time or injuries to the head. Libra rules the kidneys, bladder and adrenal glands. If you have issues in any of these organs, they are likely to be related to relationship issues.
With Libra/Aries we have moved away from the mutable to the cardinal qualities. Cardinal energy is assertive and initiative, it requires to take action in order to stay healthy. The other cardinal qualities are Cancer/Capricorn and these are the solstices, which signify the longest and shortest days of the year. Further, Libra’s element is air, which symbolises our mind and its thinking processes, ability to focus, gather information and distribute it well to others. Individuals with air out of balance can experience agitation, nervousness, restlessness and insomnia.
At any Full Moon the Sun and Moon are in exact opposition to each other sharing the same degree and minutes. Although, this exact opposition does not stay there for long, it is an intense time with lots of internal pressure. Taking into account that we have a Libra/Aries opposition, it can show itself as anger, frustration and a warring action that wants to fight compulsively. At this time when there is too much dysfunctional Aries, when we are experiencing this, it indicates a complete dis-connect from the functional Libra.
Libra is all about love, peace harmony, equality, and how well we relate to each other. In the positive Aries is brave, takes constructive action, is assertive, independent and enthusiastic about life. Aries is also very enterprising in its ability to start new projects. We need functional Aries! I suppose we can say that about any sign. However, dysfunctional Aries ruled by Mars can cause damage with its thoughtless action.
Chiron and the Sun both in Aries make it a perfect time to take positive action to heal either our suppressed or over-active anger within us. Aries loves vigorous exercise to move stale energy in order to feel energised, in peace and harmony. It is always a good idea to release the Aries pressure healthily without dumping this dense energy onto another person, as that energy is toxic for everyone involved.
During this time of the equinox, all of the available energies are all about balance. There is a balancing of energies. And of course, this balancing is within our own consciousness. Aries says I need to spend time stabilising my energies of who I am now and who I want to be and I cannot give it all away. Make sure that you are not over-committed, as Libra can compromise too much and become a doormat.
The ruling planet of this Full Moon in Libra, is Venus. Venus, as we all know by now, represents foremost love, and our appreciation of beauty, our values, our physical senses and our self-worth. Therefore, at this Full Moon it is a perfect time to examine each of these qualities within us. I invite you to take a look at your personal birthcharts, so that you can see which areas of life they show up in your life.
Ultimately, there is only love or fear and when we are feeling fear it certainly does not feel good, as we are dis-connected to the love that we all are. Love vibrates at the highest frequency. This is not the human needy external love that so many of us depend on. This is a vibration that we cultivate within and this vibration then shines through to everyone. A funny thing happens, we realise that we attract Love that is pure from others everywhere we go.
The individuals that have the cardinal signs of Libra/Aries, Cancer/Capricorn in their chart anywhere from 0 to 3 degrees will feel this Full Moon’s energy more than other people. Again, the invitation is to jot down in your birthcharts the house that this Full Moon falls into and this way you can see the area of life it activates. Also, you can see if it sits on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birthchart and/or if it makes any significant aspects.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. If any of you feel called to have a face to face or Skype astrology reading with me then please book through this website: www.transformational-astrology.com
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I love you ALL