Welcome all. I greet you with love and appreciation.
Happy Birthday Beautiful Aries! I hope that you are giving yourself what you love on your special day.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a Full Moon in Libra. At any Full Moon the Sun and Moon are making an exact opposition to each other. This time the Sun is in the sign of Aries and the Moon in Libra. The Full Moon is doing its best to bring two completely opposing energies into balance. The build up of this energy, during the lead up of the Full Moon is what creates the tension that we may feel within.
At this Full Moon the Libra and Aries polarities are interesting for a very basic and human reason. All of us have ‘fight or flight’ automatic mechanism within, as part of our makeup that are set-up to keep ourselves feeling safe in times of experiencing real danger. Without it we would not be able to ‘run away’ from harm. However, at times this system can become unbalanced and get out of control through allowing our own unrealistic fear to come forward. As a result this creates disharmony in our energies and depletes our immune system.
Equally, all of us have the capability to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. We can do this with our breath and mind, by visualising and engaging our senses in a peaceful place, to calm and bring our whole being into a state of undeniable balance and peace that heals and restores our well being. It is important to remember that we can access our system that calms our being through our willingness we can generate and grow in self-peace and self-love through taking our own action.
Further, this Full Moon in Libra is doing its best to teach humanity globally, to choose love over war. It is up to ourselves to decide to choose well, knowing that the dis-harmony is an essential and vital teacher for our growth. Feeling unease within can motivate us into action, creating harmony and self-love.
Venus rules the sign of Libra and this planet rules love, self-value, self worth, relationships and money.
The more that we allow growth in the above areas of life, the more we cultivate inner peace and harmony.
Libra’s element is air and these energies can often feel ungrounded due to spending too much time thinking in our heads. Air needs movement preferably, exercising in nature.
The Sun is where we feel most of our energy. We could liken the Sun to a spotlight, as it moves through our charts daily. Shining brightly on different areas of life, planets, points and angles. We could use the Sun’s energy to spark us into Aries action, igniting our energy to take up leadership skills, high-risk jobs or creative jobs, if we choose to, always creating harmony and balance.
The message is about finding our own balance that can only be achieved by going within. Whether we are in a relationship, happily single or looking for the ‘right’ relationship partner. In any case it would be wise and helpful to first take a look at own shadows that could possibly be sabotaging the relationship.
Having compassion for our Libra, is learning to co-operate rather than compromise, speak up with clarity from the heart and stop any tendency of being a doormat therefore, making firm decisions about how we desire to live our own life.
We all have these challenges of making the right choice and with Libra’s help we can begin to examine and enquire within our mind during the times that we feel out of balance, to realise what gives us peace, harmony and tranquillity. Possible questions could be: What makes me feel loved?
What action or situation cultivates peace, harmony and a sense of balance within.
When we play our Libra game dysfunctionally, we can have issues with our adrenals, bladder or kidneys. When we frequently urinate it is simply a sign of feeling uneasy in a relationship whether it be with ourselves or a partner.
A helpful way to heal this aspect may be to listen to music that we truly love, sing and harmonise with this sound, bathe in the ocean taking in the sparkling sunlight, giving ourselves time to just “be” and relax into the stillness and quiet the mind. Gifting ourselves time to be with nature, appreciating the trees and the colours of the flowers, taking in the pure smell of fresh air into our lungs. Truly appreciating the breath of life.
The individuals that have a 15 to 21 degree (orb) in the cardinal signs of either Libra/Aries, Capricorn/Cancer in their birthcharts will feel this Full Moon’s energy more than other people. I invite you to physically position on a printed copy of your birth chart, exactly where this Full moon in Libra is placed as this will help you to see what area of life Libra activates for you.
Thank you for reading these Moon Musings and please remember that Love is the highest vibration of all.
If any of you feel called to have a personal astrology reading with me then please feel free to book through this website: www.transformational-astrology.com or if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings feel free to forward my contact on to them.
Another friendly reminder that I am available on Skype.
I hope that you are all well and healthy focusing on gratitude for all that nature provides in support of our wellbeing.
Travel well.