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Writer's pictureZiva Zavadil

Full Moon in Leo, February 2023

Full Moon 16 degrees, 40 minutes in Leo, 06.02.2023 4:28am AEST

Welcome dear readers. I value your subscription. I hope that you are well.

Happy Birthday Aquarius. May your unique day be filled with brilliant ideas that you love and that stimulate you to your core.

Ladies and gents, we have a Full Moon in Leo. At any Full Moon the Sun and Moon create an exact opposition to each other. This occurs for good reason, in order to activate any sleeping issues that we have with the associated zodiacal signs and their degrees. This time we have the Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Leo both in the same number of degrees and minutes. What could this mean?

Our own pain from our separation from love (Aquarius) could be activated to a massive degree. As the Leo/Aquarius is part of the Scorpio/Taurus polarity. It will bring forth and possibly activate a re-birth for some individuals.

The sign of Leo is ruled by the Sun. The Sun represents where we are destined to shine our own creative light doing what we love. The sign of Leo rules our physical heart. This place is very special as it governs our only connection to our own truth within. By touching our physical heart whilst talking any individual can greatly assist building and strengthening our heart connection.

The sign of Leo cannot handle rejection. If this individual has a mix of strong fixed signs in their chart. To receive rejection may not be something that a Leo can manage, as this individual may not be able to manage life without needing their loved ones there for them at all times. The Leo can create an impossible scene for the self of always needing external validation of love from others, validating to them that they are worthy (Taurus) of love. The pain within the body could feel intense, as it is driven by the Scorpio energy.

We naturally reject the pain when the truth is that we need to invite it, see it, feel it, hear it and love it. Love truly heals all. The acceptance of our pain is the only way that I know of that will guide us home into the light and feeling peaceful and at ease. We need to allow the pain to intensify first before it can transform. Our pain is our only teacher in this human existence.

We may not want to do this for ourselves if our heart has been deeply wounded. It may be completely foreign to do so. We may walk around crouched over, as if needing to hide the evidence our physical heart. An invitation is to wrap arms around a big tree (Taurus) until the nervous system settles (Aquarius). Sending love & light to the whole being from Mother Nature.

The opposite sign of Leo is Aquarius that rules technology and science.

Science now has evidence that our brain connection is in our heart. Perhaps this may be something to ponder on?

The sign of Leo also rules our personality. This may be a little more challenging to understand, as our personality is our ego, which can be resistant to change.

We can show off or be embarrassed when not centred in our heart centre.

Our heart is our only doorway to LOVE. This love is unconditional and heals all when it knows itself as pure and receiving. Love is truly this powerful.

The individuals that have the fixed signs of Leo/Aquarius and Taurus/Scorpio in their birth charts ranging anywhere from 13 to 19 degrees will feel this Full Moon in Leo more than others.

The invitation is, to please print your birth charts and physically place these 16 degrees in Leo into the house in your chart. This then may assist you see if the Full Moon conjuncts any points or angles in your birth chart. Or if this Full Moon makes any significant aspects.

I hope that this serves you.

Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit my website: if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musing’s please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.

Also, I am available for one-on-one astrology readings, either online or face-to-face. I am also available for other services displayed on my website. I look forward to hearing from you.

Travel well.



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