Full Moon 20 degrees and zero minutes in Leo, 09.02. 2020, at 5:33pm AEST
Welcome precious readers. Thank you for your subscription. I hope that you are settling into the energy of the New Year well.
Happy Birthday Aquarius! I hope that you do something on your special day that is uniqually you and that you love :))) You are amazing! I love Aquarians.
Ladies and Gentlemen we have a Full Moon in Leo. At any Full Moon the Sun and the Moon demonstrate an exact opposition (same amount of degrees and minutes) to each other in opposing signs. It is this opposition that creates the build up of energy and tension that is ready for release at the time of the Full Moon. This time we have the Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Leo.
These energies are both fixed signs. This means they can be stubborn, as they like to stay in their comfort zone. What is great about these qualities is that they have staying power and determination to see things through to the end. Once they dig their heels in to a project that they love, they are unstoppable. They are usually slow and steady similar to the tortoise that wins the race.
Leo is a fire element and Aquarius air. Fire is vital for our higher connection, for our ‘get up and go’ and to take action after receiving an impulse to do so. This impulse is sent from our spirit to assist us on our spiritual journey. Leo can burn itself out or be red with embarrassment. Leo is ruled by the Sun and represents our personality and our ego.
Leo ego can get caught up in putting too much emphasis and importance on the self. This is due to Leo having subconscious memories of past existences in other lifetimes, living as the royal queen or king and this past experience can fool the Leo into thinking that other people are their subjects that are below them and are there to serve them.
This behaviour is allowed it hinders the Leo true growth and allows the Leo to further grow in self-importance, which is such a shame, as Leo is intrinsically love. Essentially, the sign of Leo needs to develop humility and vulnerability in order for its life and career to work well for them.
Leo plays these games unconsciously in the hope of receiving attention and love. The biggest fear for a Leo is rejection. We need to remember that each human being has Leo in their chart and its position will show the area of life that the Leo game plays out. More importantly, we need to have compassion for our own and others Leo. It is one of the most difficult signs to bring into the light of consciousness.
Essentially, Leo is about finding our own internal light that is inside each and every one of us. For some, this internal light may be hidden like the Sun is hidden up in the sky on a cloudy day. All of us are encouraged to uncover our own Leo or our Sun shadow.
This is because wherever we have the Sun glyph placed in our own sign in our birthcharts, represents the area of life where we have chosen on a Soul level to shine our light radiantly just like the Sun does on the brightest day.
Leo also rules creativity, that is unique to our own placement in our charts. This is the area of life that we are here to develop into, as we mature and grow. This may take a whole lifetime for some.
Sadly, globally there are many individuals that are experiencing discord or fear and this really is an invitation to connect to the joy in our hearts. We then open to the feelings of love and are rewarded with creative impulses making us feel good.
It is time to claim our exceptional power. It is my experience that we are either in fear or we are in love. Fear is what creates the pain in our body and mind. My own cycling between fear and love has shown me what feels good and what doesn’t feel good. More importantly it has shown me who is in charge of me. I am in charge.
When connected to love, it is a powerful and wonderful manifestation through love that feels effortless. It is love through ease and grace. This shows that human beings are ready to embody stepping into the new age of higher frequencies of love.
This is not about ignoring any discord that we see externally or experience internally. Rather, it is about not allow ourselves to get pulled in to the drama of it all. We need to be mindful that the sign of Leo loves drama in all kinds of forms, as it gives a sense of importance and that attention on self, as mentioned above. We need to remember that no good can be manifest in life out of stress, discord and fear. We need to surrender those lower vibrations and ask LOVE to heal our situation, relationship or whatever.
At this Full Moon in Leo we are supported to release anything that we feel is holding us back and anything that does not feel like love. The sign of Leo gives us the courage of a lion. How wonderful is that!
Leo rules the heart. If we are blocking our hearts then we can experience blockages and irregularities in the heart or heart attacks. Also, Leo rules the blood circulation and the upper spine. For those individuals that experience issues in these areas of health, they would benefit from examining the dysfunctional traits of Leo and re-connect to their precious heart with love.
Ultimately, what is required here is to grow in self-love, to give to self what we love, as no one else can do this for us. This love has to be given to us from us. This includes our self-acceptance and self-approval. I think that we could all use a bit of love. Maybe ask yourself the simple question: What would someone that loved themselves do right now and then follow up on the first impulse that you receive.
A functional and grown up Leo then becomes childlike that becomes childlike is a joy to behold.
The individuals that have the fixed signs of Leo/Aquarius and Taurus/Scorpio in their birth charts ranging anywhere from 17 to 23 degrees will feel this Full Moon in Leo more than others.
Again, the invitation is, to please print your birth charts and physically place this Full Moon, as then this will help you see if it sits on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your birth chart and/or if it makes any significant aspects. It is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.
I hope that this serves you.
Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. This is very fitting for this Full Moon in Leo. Take precious care of yourself.
Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit this website: www.transformationalastrology.com if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.
Also, I am available for one-on-one astrology readings, either through Skype or face-to-face. I am also available for other services displayed on my website. I look forward to hearing from you.
Travel well.
I Love you all dearly.