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Writer's pictureZiva Zavadil

Full Moon in Gemini, 2022

Full Moon 16 degrees, 01 minutes, Gemini, 08.12.2022, 2:08pm, AEST

Welcome precious readers. Thank you for your subscription. I value it very much. Writing gives me the priceless opportunity to learn and grow myself. I only write from my own level of understanding and experience and I always aim to expand my own intuition and knowledge.

Happy Birthday Sagittarius. I hope that your wonderful day is filled with sunshine and roses doing what you love, as you travel to many places possibly overseas.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a Full Moon in Gemini. At any Full Moon, the Sun and Moon oppose each other exactly. What this means is that they reside in the same number of degrees and minutes but live in completely opposite signs and therefore the energies are very different. These differences are designed to ultimately create balance by at first producing a rise in tension within the body that can be felt by many. Then as one relaxes the body, there is a subsequent release at the time of the Full Moon. This time we have the Sun in the sign of Sagittarius and the Moon in Gemini.

What could this mean?

The sign of Gemini is ruled by planet Mercury and it also governs the 3rd house. Any signs and placements in your 3rd house will be experienced in your thought patterns and your intellect. Gemini is a rational mind that rules our thinking brain, which also rules the left side of our brain hemisphere.

Its opposite is the sign of Sagittarius that rules our right-brain function and our intuition. Our intuition is felt in our heart centre. Our heart centre is now recognised by scientist, as our true brain. Therefore, it can be helpful to learn to connect and trust our intuition, as that is where our truth resides.

We need to observe our mind, and our thoughts to use them to our advantage, to question our mind to ascertain truth. The invitation is to close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and examine your thoughts for their true value and validity. It is a known fact that our thoughts can tell ourselves beliefs that are actually untruths disguised as truth.

Gemini is usually playful and loves keeping the conversation light, bright and inquisitive. One can easily lose focus and attention to truly listening, similarly to a child, if one is not engaged or interested in what is being communicated. Also, Gemini can become restless, easily bored and delve into mindless chatter or gossip.

This Full Moon in Gemini is conjunct planet Mars that signifies heat in the body, which may drive one to create a red-looking infection in the body. This needs to be addressed by taking action and moving the body. This action needs to be loving and constructive in order the heal the red sores or infection. Ask the body what it needs, it will tell you.

As planet Mars unconsciously could be impulsive due to the tendency to act quickly without thinking. The Gemini aspect can fire harsh words that may feel like daggers for an innocent person to receive. Possibly, shift the energy first before we say things that we may regret later. We could choose to take full responsibility for our feelings and feel into the emotional quality of the Moon allowing us to think carefully before we speak. By pausing in this way, to choose to quieten our voice to then be listened by the recipient.

As an unthoughtful Gemini can be bored and delve into mindless chatter and gossip. The sooner that a Gemini realises that words can hurt more deeply than throwing stones, then this playful sign can become more light-hearted than being serious and become more mindful in relation to the words that are spoken. To be mindful and not underestimate the power of words and the way that we use them.

A healthy Gemini will demonstrate love of learning, be witty, funny, interested, mindful, and will have the ability to use the rational mind and use language well that supports every individual.

The sign of Gemini rules our arms and hands, as well as our lungs. Gemini also governs our nervous system. Any issues that arise in the body with one being aware of these connections to the mind have an opportunity to work with healing and realise this can signify a possible change for the better.

It’s okay, as mutable energies enjoy change. They are flexible in nature. In fact, the mutable signs need to adapt to change, in order to grow into strong and healthy individuals.

The mutable signs are Gemini/Sagittarius, Virgo/Pisces. The people that have these signs in their natal charts ranging from 12 to 20 degrees will feel this Full Moon in Gemini more than others.

The invitation is to print your birth charts and locate 16 degrees in the sign of Gemini. This can assist you to see the house this Full Moon in Gemini resides and may possibly assist to help you learn what area of life your Gemini belongs to in your chart. Also, perhaps this way you may more easily see, if This Gemini Full Moon is making any significant aspects to any points or angles in your natal chart. Angles are our Ascendant, Descendant, M.C. and I.C.

My aim is to serve you. I am here for any feedback or questions you may have.

Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings. Feel free to visit my website: if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musing’s please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.

I am also available for one-on-one astrology readings and other services.

Travel well everyone.



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