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Writer's pictureZiva Zavadil

Full Moon in Capricorn, 25.06.2021

Full Moon 03 degrees and 27 minutes in Capricorn, 25.06.2021, 04:39 am AEST

Welcome precious readers. Thank you for your subscription. I appreciate it very much. I hope that you are well and happy and that you are feeding yourself with nurturing thoughts at this time of great change.

Happy Birthday Caring Cancer. May your special day be filled with your precious family that makes you feel good and that loves you.

Ladies and Gents, we have a Full Moon in Capricorn. Physically, at the time of a Full Moon the Sun and Moon create an exact opposition to each other. What this means is that these cosmic bodies share the same amount of degrees and minutes but are in opposite signs, elements and ways of thinking to each other. The same number of degrees and minutes allows a complete activation. There can be a push and pull felt many days before the Full Moon.

As these contrasting signs increase in their build-up of energy before the Full Moon. The rising intensity is inherent within the two opposing signs. Cosmically set up, in order to bring to our awareness any sleeping dense characteristics that are within these signs and within ourselves.

The Full Moon does this with love. Only our minds can judge what does not feel good as hard or some sort of punishment.

It can help greatly to see where the Full Moon resides in our natal charts. As this way we can more closely and easily work with these energies within and transporting them into the light of consciousness. Awareness is the key, as we simply are unable to restore anything that we are unaware of.

This time we have the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn. What could this mean?

At this Full Moon the Capricorn energy will pull in a sense of responsibility, discipline, working hard and making commitments to our personal goals that ensure those steps towards our achievements out in the world of structure.

The sign of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Planet Saturn rules our human 3D structure. Saturn can be viewed as being hard maybe due to being ‘The Lord of Karma’ and “Timing’ as well as being known as the ‘Task Master’. This makes it a responsible job for poor old Saturn that requires a lot of authoritative doing. Just imagine if there was no Saturn. Where would we be?

No one would be motivated to discipline themselves and to work hard. No one would have the pleasure from achieving their life goals through their own achievement. There would be no commitment to what we love and there would be no accountability for our actions. That is all that planet Saturn is asking for. Please take responsibility for your lives and how you create them both consciously and unconsciously. All that discipline and taking responsibility for all of our creations actually creates a feeling good within. This makes Saturn a good guy.

Without him we would not be happy. Many of us were wounded as children and can be stubborn grownups refusing to grow-up into mature adults. Maturity requires facing our own inherent karmic wounds, fears and limitations one-by-one in a structured manner.

For those children that had too much responsibility placed upon them too early in childhood may never got to experience what it really is like to be a carefree child.

This childhood experience can make it that much harder to discipline themselves and to want to grow into Saturn and Capricorn maturity. These children may not realise that as adults when we forgive and stop punishing others and ourselves then we are consequently free from those restrictions that we felt, as young children.

Capricorn is an earth element. Further, the Capricorn earth represents being practical in building our own businesses. This can greatly aid our own sovereignty onto ourselves.

The sign of Capricorn rules our skin, teeth and our bones. Issues with these body parts are simply a guidepost to where our dense and stuck Capricorn energy can be stored.

Capricorn is a cardinal sign. The other three are: Cancer, Aries and Libra. These energies need to take committed action in moving forward towards their goals. Further, cardinal signs require facing each fear as it comes up and lovingly take the steps anyway. This way we can help our wounded inner child grow into maturity step-by-step.

Cancer/Capricorn polarities mark the solstices. It is the time when the Sun reaches its highest or lowest point at noon, resulting in the shortest and longest days of the year. The longest day of the year is an example of the summer solstice.

I invite you to see where you have planet Saturn that rules the sign of Capricorn placed in your birth chart and see for yourself what sign Saturn is in, as well as the house placement. This can reveal the area of life related to your karmic lesson and through awareness ways to heal it.

Those people that have the four Cardinal signs of Capricorn, Cancer or Aries and Libra, anywhere from 00 to 06 degrees in their birth chart will be affected by this Full Moon in Capricorn more than others.

If you can please print your birth chart and physically place this Full Moon then it will help you see if it sits on any points or angles (especially the Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Imum Coeli/Lower Heaven) in your chart and/or if it makes any significant aspects.

As always, it is my experience that we can miss things if we simply look at our charts without actually placing the sign and the degrees of the Moon placement on a printed copy of our charts.

I hope that this serves you.

Please remember that Love heals all, as it vibrates at the highest frequency. I am sure that we can all assist being reminded from time to time of this simple and yet powerful effect of love.

Thank you so much for reading these Moon Musings.

Feel free to visit my website: if you know someone that would love to subscribe to Ziva’s Moon Musings please forward my contact to them. I very much appreciate it.

Also, I am available for one-on-one astrology readings and other services available to check out on my website. You can message me and book an appointment, if anything that I offer resonates with you.

Travel well.

I love you all dearly.


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